OSB Flashcards
Who is the Fleet Air Arm Commander
Commodore Don Dezentje
What are the values of the Navy
Honour, Honesty, Courage, Integrity, Loyalty
What is the IMPS
ADFA - 14 years, DE - 11 years
RAN PFA Minimum
15 pushups, 20 situps, 6.1 beep test
RAN Swim Test
3m safety jump, 10m underwater swim, 15min float/tread, 50m swim using 3 safety strokes
How many hours for Helicopter Captaincy
300 hours
Pay at ADFA
year 1 - 49k, year 2- 54k, year 3 - 60k
Pay during training
Non-Degree Qualified - 55k
Total Pay once graduated training
104k incl. maritime and uniform allowance
PC-21 Statistics
Location: RAAF base Sale & Pearce Force Size: 50 Crew: 2 Ceiling: 25,000 feet Speed: 685km/h
PC-21 Description
- training aircraft
- able to be used as a training system from day one as well as bridging the gap between traditional turboprops and lead-in fighters
EC-135 Eurocopter Statistics
Location: HMAS Albatross, 723 SQN Force Size: 15 Crew: 2 pilots + 7 passengers Ceiling: 20,000 ft Speed: 290km/h
EC-135 Eurocopter Description
- training aircraft used for Rotary Conversion
- replaced the Sikorsky Squirrel and Bell 429
- can be used for other small missions as the Navy requires
MH-60R Seahawk Statistics
Role: Anti-sub/Anti-surface/Search and Rescue
Location: 725 & 816 SQN, HMAS Albatross
Weapons: AMG-114 Hellfire A-t-S missiles, Mark 54 anti-sub torpedoes
Speed: 330km/h
Crew: Pilot, Mwo, Sensor Op
Ceiling: 12,000 ft
Force Size: 24
MH-60R Seahawk Description
- next gen anti-sub and anti-surface helicopter
- forming a very important part of the Navy
- can also be deployed for secondary mission such as SaR, logistics, MedEVAC, personell transport
MRH-90 Taipan Statistics
Role: Troop Support and Special Operations
Locations: 808 SQN, HMAS Albatross
Speed: 300km/h
Weapons: 2 door mounted 7.62 machine guns
Crew: 2 pilots, 2 loadmasters
Ceiling: 20,000 ft
Force Size: 6 (from a pool of 30 shared with Army)
MRH-90 Description
- replaced the Black Hawk and Sea King
- used for any need the Navy sees fit
DDG/Hobart Class Names
HMAS Hobart, HMAS Brisbane, NUSHIP Sydney
DDG/Hobart Class Description
- Primary objective is the provide air defence for accompanying ships
- using state of the art array radar & the new Aegis combat system & SM-2 missiles
- can engage missiles and enemy aircraft from over 150km away
- also equipped with anti-ship missiles, naval gun and under-sea defence and countermeasures
- can carry a helicopter for surveillance and additional anti-sub measures
FFH/Anzac Class Names
HMAS Anzac HMAS Arunta HMAS Ballarat HMAS Toowoomba HMAS Parramatta HMAS Warramunga HMAS Stuart HMAS Perth
FFH/Anzac Class Description
- long range frigate capable of air-defence, surveillance, surface & under-sea warfare
- features a combined diesel or gas (CODOG) propulsion system
- Armament comprises of one five inch gun, ship launched Mk46 torpedoes and Mk41 vertical launch system
- Currently undergoing AMCAP upgrade to ensure effective capabilities for many years to come
- Can carry a helicopter to enhance anti-sub/anti-surface and search and rescue capability
LHD/Canberra Class Names
HMAS Canberra
HMAS Adelaide
LHD/Canberra Class Description
- provides the ADF with one of the most capable and sophisticated air-land-sea deployment systems in the world
- can land a force of over 1000 personnel and equipment by helicopter and watercraft
- role is to deploy embarked forces and carry out/support humanitarian missions
- contains Anti-torpedo, four 20mm automated guns and active missile decoy system
LSD/Bay Class Names
HMAS Choules
LSD/Bay Class Description
- has the ability to accommodate 2 helicopters as well as 2 watercraft
- designed to operate over-the-horizon using helicopters and watercraft to get people to-and-from shore
MHC/Huon Class Names
HMAS Yarra
HMAS Diamantina
HMAS Gascoyne
MGC/Huon Class Description
- ships are designed with a unique hull design, outstanding shock resistance & low magnetic signature
- Ships are fitted with variable depth sonar to detect and dispose of mines using diving teams or mine disposal vehicle
OR name
HMAS Sirius
OR description
- provides navy with oil and ammunition replenishment significantly extending the RAN’s operational reach and endurance at sea
- a helicopter deck was added upon purchase to support air lifting operations
No. of PB/Armidale & Cape Class
13 Armidale Class PB’s
2 Cape Class PB’s - non commissioned patrol boats
AGS/Leeuwin Class Names
HMAS Leeuwin
HMAS Melville
AGS/Leeuwin Class Description
- tasked with charting and surveying 1/8th of the worlds water surrounding Australia
- Making passage of vessels safer and protecting ocean environment
- can support a helicopter and 3 survey boats
AGSC/Paluma Class Names
HMAS Paluma
HMAS Mermaid
HMAS Benalla
HMAS Shepparton
AGSC/Paluma Class Description
- similar to Leeuwin class
- fitted out with different hull to be operational in shallower waters
- usually operate in pairs
SSG/Collins Class Names
HMAS Collins HMAS Farncomb HMAS Waller HMAS Rankin HMAS Sheean HMAS Dechaineux
SSG/Collins Class Description
- the Collins class has been tailored specifically to its defence and dual-ocean surveillance role in the RAN
- built by the Swedish navy
Future Ships and Boats
Arafura Class OPV
- planned to replace patrol boats
- 12 OPV’s will enter service, the first in 2021
Attack Class SSG
- one of the most advance submarines in the world
- enter service in the early 2030’s to replace Collins
Hunter Class FFG
- will be one of the most advanced anti-sub ships in the world
- begin entering service in the late 2020’s to replace Anzac class
Supply Class AOR
- To replace current supply ship ‘Sirius’
- Planned to enter service in 2020
Who is the Governor General
The Hon. David Hurley
Who is the Minister of Defence
The Hon. Linda Reynolds
Who is the Chief of the Navy
Admiral Michael Noonan
Who is the Chief of the Defence Force
General Angus Campbell
Who is the Chief of Joint Operations
General Greg Bilton
Where is the Fleet Air Arm Based
HMAS Albatross
Squadrons under in the Fleet Air Arm
723 Sqn - Training/Rotary Conversion 725 Sqn - MH-60R Seahawk 808 Sqn - MRH- 90 Taipan 816 Sqn - MH-60R Seahawk 822x Sqn - UAV's/Experimental Sqn
723 Squadron
Commanding Officer: Bruce Willington
Based at HMAS Albatross 723 Squadron operates the EC-135 Eurocopter and conducts Rotary and Operational conversion training
725 Squadron
Commanding Officer: James Hawley
Based at HMAS Albatross 725 SQN was stood up in 2013 and recommissioned in 2015, tasked with introducing and operating the MH-60R
808 Squadron
Commanding Officer: Paul Hannigan
Based at HMAS Albatross 808 SQN operates the MRH-90 Taipan to meet the RAN’s emerging requirements
816 Squadron
Commanding Officer: Todd Glynn
Based at HMAS Albatross 816 Squadron is tasked with maintaining and operating the MH-60R Seahawk
Commissioned Ranks in the Navy
Admiral of the Fleet, Admiral, Vice Admiral, Rear Admiral, Commodore, Captain, Commander, Lieutenant Commander, Lieutenant, Sub-Lieutenant, Acting Sub-Lieutenant, Midshipmen
Non-Commissioned Ranks in the Navy
Warrant Officer of the Navy, Warrant Officer, Chief Petty Officer, Petty Officer, Leading Seaman, Able Seaman, Seaman
Pilot Basic Course
- 24 weeks
- RAAF base East Sale
- 60 hours in PC-21 and simulator
- Lean general flying, instrument flying, night flying and visual navigation as well as ground school
Pilot Intermediate Course
- 30 weeks
- RAAF base Pearce
- 135 hours in PC-21 and Simulators
- Continue to learn skills from BFTs as well as formation flying and low level navigation
- awarded with your ‘wings’
Helicopter Training
- 26 weeks
- 723 SQN, HMAS Albatross
- learn to fly on the EC-135 before operational conversion
Aviation Medicine training
- 1 week
- Raaf base Ediburgh
- Learn basic first aid in the event of injury or crash
Combat survival training
- 3 weeks
- Raaf base Townsville
- Learn how to survive if downed in enemy territory
New Officer Entry Course (NEOC)
- 22 weeks
- HMAS Creswell, Royal Australian Naval College
- covers drill and ceremonial, PT, officer development, communications, officer of the day duties
- also contains RAN Swim test
- finishes with a training cruise
- 3 years
- at UNSW Canberra campus
- 6 hours a week dedicated to military training including Academy Military Education Training (AMET) and single service training (SST)
Typical day at NEOC
5.30 - wake up
5.45 - PT
6.30 - morning ablutions
7 - breakfast
8 - parade
8.30 - tuition
12- lunch
1- parade
1.15 - tuituion
4.15 - PT
6 - dinner
8 - evening rounds
10.30 - lights out
typical day for navy pilot
8 - morning brief 9 - suit up/pre-flight 10.30 - fly sortie 11.30 - review sortie 12- debried 1.15 - secondary duties and prepare for tomorrow
Plan Pelorus 2022
- a plan for the Navy in coming years
- to ensure the Navy is fully capable of the support of government and defence of country
- ensuring that over the next 2 years the navy will be fully staffed, more sustained with increased lethality, closer join with allies and partners in near regions
typical day at ADFA
7 - wake up 7.15 - ablutions and breakfast 8 - JMET (pt or lectures) 10 - lectures or personal time 5 - free time (sports, study or chill etc.)