OSA Flashcards
what is SBD?
condition with complete or partial apnea during sleep
what are the 2 types of sleep apnea?
obstructive or central
what is obstructive sleep apnea?
complete or partial obstruction of the airway
what is central sleep apnea?
characterized by inadequate respiratory effort
what type of sleep apnea/hypopnea of comprises majority of the cases?
what are 3 main categories of problems caused by sleep apnea?
cardiovascular disease (HTN, DM, stroke)
Loud snoring
excessive day time sleepness
what are some cardiovascular dieseases assocaited with sleep apnea?
including CAD, CHF, cor pulmonale, cardiac arrhythmias, and pulmonary HTN.
what diseases gets worse with OSA?
what causes central sleep apnea? 3 examples
CHF, extreme obesity, and neurologic injuries
how many stages of Non-REM sleep are there?
what is the apx time that people swithc between REM and Non-REM sleep?
90 mins
what is the most common cause of OSA?
Can non obese people get OSA? if so, why?
yes, due to inherited or acquired anatomic narrowing of the upper airway
what causes excessive daytime sleepness in sleep apnea?
resultant hypoemia and hypercapnia causes increase in muscle tone that leads to arrousal.
Persistant arousal throughout the night leads to sleepiness
what 2 physiologic traits do patients who have central sleep apnea have?
increased respiratory drive and hypocapnea
some may have the opposite, decreased respiratory drive and co2 retention and hypoventillation