OS Lab: ROM Values Flashcards
Lumbar Flexion
40-90 degrees (bend forward)
Lumbar Extension
20-45 degrees (bend backwards)
Lumbar Sidebending
15-30 degrees (bend to side)
Lumbar Rotation
3-18 degrees (turn to side)
C-Spine Rotation
70-90 degrees (turn head to side)
C-Spine Sidebending
20-45 degrees (ear to shoulder)
C-Spine Flexion
45-90 degrees (chin to chest)
C-Spine Extension
45-90 degrees (chin to ceiling)
Arm Flexion
180 degrees (arm up from side, end at ears)
Arm Extension
60 degrees (arm back from side (keep close to body)
Arm Abduction
180 degrees (arm up from side, end at ears)
Arm Horizontal Adduction
130-140 degrees (arm across body)
Arm Horizontal Abduction
40-55 degrees
Arm External Rotation
90 degrees (elbow at 90 deg, go up)
Arm Internal Rotation
90 degrees (elbow at 90, go down)
Elbow Flexion
140-150 degrees (hand to shoulder)
Elbow Extension
0 to -5 degrees (arm out straight)
Elbow Pronation
90 degrees (palms down, elbow at side)
Elbow Supination
90 degrees (palms up, elbow at side)
Ulnohumeral Adduction/Abduction
5 degrees
Wrist Flexion
80-90 degrees (fingers down)
Wrist Extension
70 degrees (fingers up, hands back)
Wrist Abduction/Radial Deviation
20-30 degrees (fingers out)
Wrist Adduction/Ulnar Deviation
30-40 degrees (fingers in)
Hip Flexion (Knee Straight)
90 degrees (leg up straight)
Hip Flexion (Knee Flexed)
120-135 degrees (knees at 90, legs toward trunk)
Hip Extension
15-30 degrees (prone, leg back straight)
Hip Internal Rotation
30-40 degrees (knees at 90, ankle out)
Hip External Rotation
40-60 degrees (knees at 90, ankle in)
Hip Abduction w/ Knee Extension
45-50 degrees (leg out in frontal plane, leg straight)
Hip Adduction w/ Knee Extension
20-30 degrees (leg in frontal plane, across body)
Knee Flexion
145-150 degrees (prone, heel to bottom)
Knee Extension
0 degrees (supine, leg out straight)
Knee Internal/External Rotation
Knee Abduction/Adduction
55-65 degrees (toes to floor)
15-20 degrees (toes to ceiling)
Ankle Inversion
20 degrees (toes inward)
Ankle Eversion
10-20 degrees (toes outward)
Name the spinal movements
- Lumbar Flexion
- Lumbar Extension
- Lumbar Sidebending
- Lumbar Rotation
- C-Spine Rotation
- C-Spine Sidebending
- C-Spine Flexion
- C-Spine Extension
Name the shoulder movements
- Arm Flexion
- Arm Extension
- Arm Abduction
- Arm Horizontal Adduction
- Arm Horizontal Abduction
- Arm External Rotation
- Arm Internal Rotation
Name the elbow movements
- Elbow Flexion
- Elbow Extension
- Pronation
- Supination
- Ulnohumeral Adduction/Abduction
Name the wrist movements
- Wrist Flexion
- Wrist Extension
- Wrist Abduction/Radial Deviation
- Wrist Adduction/Ulnar Deviation
Name the hip movements
- Hip Flexion (Knee Straight)
- Hip Flexion (Knee Flexed)
- Hip Extension
- Hip Internal Rotation
- Hip External Rotation
- Hip Abduction w/ Knee Extension
- Hip Adduction w/ Knee Extension
Name the knee movements
- Knee Flexion
- Knee Extension
- Knee Internal/External Rotation
- Knee Abduction/Adduction
Name the ankle movements
- Plantarflexion
- Dorsiflexion
- Ankle Inversion
- Ankle Eversion