Orthopedic Tests Flashcards
Yeoman’s Test
Indication: SI Pathology
Technique: (prone) Flex pt’s knee to 90* and extend ipsilateral hip
Prone - push sacrum down while lifting 1 leg
Trendelenburg Sign
Glut Medius Weakness
Pt lifts 1 leg & hip drops
Thomas’ Test
Hip Flexor Tightness
Pt draws 1 knee to their chest while lying supine. + is the other leg lifting off the table
Telescoping Sign
Congenital Hip Malformation in Infants
Pressing the knee causes “telescoping” of the femur when the acetabulum is not properly formed.
Ortalani Click
Sound heard with dislocated hips in babies
Ober’s Test
Tight IT Band
Examiner lift’s pt’s leg and it hurts when the pt lowers it back down.
Nachlas’ Test
Differentiates between lumbar spine sprain and femoral n. pathology.
Touch heel to butt cheek on same side. Location of pain determines the issue.
Hibb’s Test
Hip pathology vs SI lesion
Internally rotate femur. Pain in hip = hip. Pain in butt = SI.
Gaenslen’s Test
SI pathology
Affected knee comes to chest.
Pelvic Rock Test
SI pathology
Squeeze hips together
Patrick’s Test (Faber)
SI or Groin Pain
Figure 4 w/the leg, push on some stuff.
Ely’s Test
Muscle hypertonicity (rectus femoris, lumbar lesion, TFL) Take heel to contralateral butt cheek.
Bulge Test
Joint Effusion
Detect small amount of fluid by palpating the joint space and watching for bulges.
Ballotable Patella Test
Large Knee Joint Effusion
Push on the patella. If it’s squishy like a floating boat it’s positive.
Valgus & Varus Stress Test
Tests patency of the opposite collatoral ligaments.
Valgus - push on the LATERAL side of the limb, so the distal part of the limb moves LATERALLY (tests medial collateral ligaments)
Patella femoral Grinding (Clark’s) Test
Tests for Chondromalacia of the patella
Push patella distally & have pt slowly flex quads, drawing patella proximally.
McMurray’s Test (Reduction Click)
Meniscal Injury
Medial - Supine w/knee completely flexed, examiner extends the knee while medially rotating the tibia. Loose fragments cause “snap or click” and can cause pain.
Lateral - opposite side.
Lachman’s Test
Stability of Knee Ligaments (ACL & PCL)
Drawer Test performed at 20 degrees of flexion
Bounce Home Test
Meniscal Injury
Examiner holds knee bent and allows it to passively extend. Positive = pain or incomplete extension.
Apprehension Test (for patellar dislocation)
Patellar instability
Push patella laterally - pt isn’t happy
Apley’s distraction test
Collateral ligament injury
Pull the knee - pain is +
Apley’s compression test
Meniscus tear
Push knee - pain is +
Anterior/Posterior Drawer Sign
Push & Pull. Movement = +
Tibial Torsion Test
Tests for Tibial Torsion
Pigeon toed over 18 degrees = + and they might need surgery.
Thompson’s Squeeze test
Achilles tendon rupture
Squeeze calf muscles, foot should move with a good tendon.
Test for Rigid or Supple Flat Feet
Tests for the name of the test
If they lose their arch when they stand flat footed their feet are supple!
Talor Tilt Test
Adduction stresses calcaneofibular ligament and anterior talofibular ligament.
Abduction stresses deltoid ligament.
Homan’s Sign
Extend knee & dorsiflex foot. + is pain in calf muscle.
Performtest w/edema, swelling, pain in calf, and diminished dorsalis pedis pulse
Forefoot Squeeze Test (Morton’s)
Squeeze foot. Pain = Morton’s neuroma
Forefoot Adduction Test
Test structural foot defect in babies. + = foot can’t move to neutral position.
Dorsiflexion Test
Assessing ROM of ankle
Attempt to dorsiflex ankle with knee flexed.
If unable to dorsiflex with knee flexed - gastrocnemius tightness
No dorsiflexion regardless of knee - soleus tightness
Anterior/Posterioer Drawer (Ankle)
Anterior & posterior talofibular Ligament Injury
Tinel’s Test
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Tap medial nerve root on wrist (or ulnar n. root). Tingling/shooting pain = +.
Retinacular Test
Tests retinacular ligament tightness.
Pt tries to bend ONLY the DIP joint in a finger.
Phalen’s test
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Make “prayer” hand with BACK of hands instead of palms. Pain = +.
Mill’s Test
Lateral epicondylitis
Stretch the extensors of the forearm. Pain at lateral epicondyle is +
Finkelstein’s Test
de Quervain tenosynovitis
Make a fist w/thumb inside & stretch it in a stupid uncomfortable way.
Cozen’s Test
Lateral epicondylitis
Flex the extensors of the forearm. Pain at lateral epicondyle is +
Speed’s Test
Bicep m./tendon
Pt holds arm out with palm up. Doctor presses arm down.
Pain in bicepital groove = +.
Yergason’s Test
Bipep tendonitis, instability of biceps, or displaced biceps tendon.
Pain in the tendon or bicep slipping out of the groove. Pt supinates arm while you palpate the groove.
Lippman’s Test
Bicepital tendonitis
Sharp pain while rotating arm = +.
Neer’s Test
Supraspinatus Tendon Impingement
Arm passively elevated w/thumb face down (internally rotated)
Supraspinatus Tendon Impingement
Holding a towel like a surver, push wrist toward floor. Ouch = +
Glenohumeral Apprehension Test
Glenohumeral jt instability
Push back of their shoulder. Cranky/scared = +
Drop Arm Test (Codman’s)
Rotator Cuff Tear
Lift arm slowly, then slowly lower down. Sudden arm drop = +
Apley’s Scratch Test
Rotator cuff tear/tendonitis/weakness of rotator cuff
One arm up, one down, try to touch fingers behind back.
Wright’s Test
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Palpate radial pulses while lifting arms. Pulse disappears = +
Vertebral Artery Test
Vertebral, Basilar, or Carotid artery stenosis/compression
Turn their head for 30 seconds. Relief on opposite side = + for that side.
Pain in back = +
Soto Hall Test
Tests lots of problems in the neck
Press the sternum down into the table while lifting their head (finger sniff test).
Shoulder Depression Test
Brachial Plexus Lesions
Push shoulder down with head flexed away. + is pain or increased irritation
Minor’s Sign
Sciatica, SI lesions, Lumbosacral lesions, disc involvement
Patient stands up. If they shift weight to unaffected side it’s a +.
Milgam’s Test
Disc herniation, Lumbar strain. (Can also be weak abdominal or hip flexor muscles).
Raise both legs off table for 30 seconds. + is if they can’t hold feet there for 30 seconds.
Lindner’s Test
DIsc lesion MAYBE at level of pain (sounds like a shitty test).
Flex neck passively while pt is supine with legs extended. Pain = +
Lasegue’s Test (Straight Leg Raise)
Spondylolysthesis or other lesion at level of hip is < 30 degrees flexion. Sciatic pain between 30 & 70 degrees means ipsilateral disc herniation.
Examiner passively lifts pt’s leg.
Kernig’s Test
Meningeal irritation (could be subarachnoid hemorrhage) Passively flex knee and hip 90 degrees, then extend knee. Resistance and pain = +
Kemp’s Test
Facet irritation (local pain). Nerve root irritation (radiating pain, especially below the knee). Maximal cervical compression technique applied to lumbar spine.
Hoover’s Test
Put hand under their ankle & ask them to lift opposite leg. If they’re full of shit they’ll say they can’t do it and you won’t feel any pressure in your hand, meaning they aren’t really trying.
East’s Test (Roo’s Test)
Squeezing hands for 3 minutes. Fatigue is normal. Tingling is +.
Cervical Spine Distraction Test
Cervical Radiculopathy
Pull their head away from their shoulders. Relief of sxs =+.
Local pain = ligamentous issue.
Cervical Spine Compression Test
Nerve root compression/inflammation
Press down on their head
Burn’s Bench Test
“Child’s Pose” basically… should relieve Sciatica and liars say that it hurts or they can’t do it.
Becterew’s Test
Tension on sciatic n.
Sitting on a Table extend 1 leg, try for 2. Sxs in back of leg = +.
Braggard’s Test
Sciatic n. Tension
Reduce the angle after straight leg raise is symptomatic. Once sxs. are relieved dorsiflex the foot. Return of sxs = +.
Adson’s Test
Take radial pulses while pt reaches behind them. They look to 1 side. + is when the pulse reduces on the side they look at.
Adam’s Sign
Pt bends forward. Hump on one side of the spine is +.