Orthopedic tests Flashcards
foraminal compression
downward pressure in neutral and R/L rotation
-radiating pain, IVF encroachment
max foraminal compression
follows fingers into rotation, lateral flexion, and extension
-radiating, IVF encroachment
jackson’s compression
downward pressure in lateral flexion
-radiating, IVF encroachment
compression in lateral flexion and lateral flexion w/ extension, followed by fist drop
-radiating, IVF encroachment
cervical distraction
from mastoid process
-decreased radiation, IVF encroachment
-increased pain, cervical strain/sprain
spinal percussion
-SP fracture or sprain/strain
shoulder depression
-over stretched side, mm strain in trap/levator
-on flexed side, facet syndrome or IVF encroachment
hand resting on top of head
-reduction of pain, nerve root tension
-inability, retroesopharyngeal space occupying lesion
supine with hands over sternum, passively flex c spine while applying gentle downward pressure on sternum
-localized pain, strain/sprain
-knees flex, meningeal irritation
seated, passively flexes c spine
-lightening radiating pain down spine or arms, dural irritation/multiple sclerosis
O’donahue’s maneuver
seated, passive and resisted ROM
-passive pain, ligament sprain
-resisted pain, muscular strain
wright’s hyperabduction
pulse, abduct arm slowly to 180
-decreased or disappearing pulse, reproduction of pain
allen maneuver
pulse, elbow flexed to 90, shoulder abducted and externally rotated, turns head away
-absent pulse, positive test
pulse with arm rotated and extended, rotates head to involved side, extends, and holds deep breath
-absent pulse, positive test
modified adsons
patient turns head away instead
radial bilaterally, arms down and shoulders extended, chin to chest
-loss of pain, positive test
shoulders and elbows at 90, open and closes fists for up to 30 minutes
-fatigue/slowness/weakness, positive test
dejerine’s triad
cough, sneeze, or bear down (triad)
-radiation, SOL
both arms in air with lateral flexion to both sides back and forth
-convex, myofascitits/intercostal strain
-concave, intercostal neuritis
chest expansion
at T10 level
-limited below 1.5-3 in, poor diaphragmatic breathing, ankylosing spondylitis, COPD
passive scapular approximation
seated, adducts scapula bilaterally
-pain in between, T1-2 nerve root compression
beevor sign
supine, partial sit up
-upward umbilical drift T10-12 involvement
-downward umbilical drift T7-9 involvement
amos sign
rolling to side and dropping legs getting up from supine position
-anklylosing spondylitis, sprain/strain or disc lesion
sternal compression
supine, hands over sternum, downward and lateral compression at rib cage
-rib fracture/subluxation on opposite side
supported forward bending (belt’s)
standing trunk flexion, supported trunk flexion
-pain in both, lumbar pathology
-no pain when supported, sacral pathology
hands together with bending at waist, view from both sides
-lean to same side as pain, medial disc bulge
-lean to opposite side of pain, lateral disc bulge
seated at edge, extends one knee and then applies pressure, extends both
-pain or tripod sign, nerve root compression or nerve tension
tripod sign
-lumbar disc involvement/nerve root compression
seated or standing, fist over area of pain, rotation through ROM
-leg pain, nerve root compression
-local LBP, facet syndrome
-nerve root compression, disc lesions
stop at SLR pain, decrease 10 degrees, dorsiflex ankle
-nerve root compression, disc lesions
braggards but extending big toe instead
-nerve root compression, disc lesions
-inability, core weakness
-pain, lumbar spine pathology/strain, disc herniation