Orthopedic clinical exam (Cleland) Basic Anatomy of TMJ and Shoulder Flashcards
TMJ: Ligaments (3)
- Temporomandibular
- Sphenomandibular
- Stylomandibular
Attachment and function of temporomandibular ligament
- Temporomandibular- thickening of anterior joint capsule extending from neck of mandibe to zygomatic arch (strengthens the TMJ laterally)
Attachment an function of Sphenomandibular ligament (TMJ)
- Sphenoid bone to mandible (serve as a fulcrum and reinforcement to TMJ motion)
Attachment and function of Stylomandibular ligament (TMJ)
- Styloid process to angle of the mandible
Temporalis muscle (TMJ)
- Prox- temporal fossa
- Dist- Coronoid process and anterior ramus of mandible
- Nerve and segmental level- Deep temporal branches of mandiular nerve
- Action- Elevate mandible
- Prox- Inferior and medial aspects of zygomatic arch
- Dist- Coronoid process and lateral ramus of mandible
- Nerve and segmental level- Mandibular nerve via masseteric nerve
- Action- Elevate and protrude mandible
Medial Pterygoid (TMJ)
- Prox- Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate and tuberosity of maxilla
- Dist- Medial aspect of mandibular ramus
- Nerve and segmental level- Mandibular nerve via medial pterygoid nerve
- Action- Elevate and protrude mandible
Lateral Pterygoid (TMJ)
- Prox- (Superior head) Lateral surface of greater wing of sphenoid bone/ (Inferior head) Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate
- Dist- Neck of mandible, articular disc, and TMJ capsule
- Nerve and segmental level- Mandibular nerve via lateral pterygoid nerve
- Action- Acting bilaterally: protrude and depress mandible. Acting unilaterally: laterally deviate mandible
Digastric muscle (TMJ)
- Prox- (Anterior belly) Digastric fossa of mandible/ (Posterior belly) Mastoid notch of temporal bone
- Dist- Intermediate tendon of hyoid bone
- Nerve and segmental level- Mylohyoid nerve (anterior) and Facial nerve (posterior)
- Action- Depresses mandible, raises and stabilizes hyoid bone
TMJ nerves
- Mandibular (motor-temporalis, masseter, lateral and medial pterygoid, digastric, mylohyoid/sensory-skin of inferior third of face)
- Nerve to mylohyoid (motor- mylohyoid/no sensory)
- Buccal (no motor/ sensory-cheek lining of gingiva))
- Lingual (no motor/ sensory- anterior tounge and floor of mouth)
- Maxillary (no motor/ sensory- skin of middle third of face)
- Opthalmic (no motor/ sensory-skin of superior third of face)
TMJ Exam History:
Jaw crepitus and pain during mouth opening and closing
- OA
- Capsulitis
- Internal derangement consisting of anterior disc displacement without reduction
TMJ Exam History:
Patient reports jaw clicking and pain during opening and closing of the mouth
- Internal deragement consiting of anterior disc displacement with reduction
TMJ Exam History:
Patient reports limited motion to about 20 mm with no joint sounds
- Capsulitis
- Internal deragement consiting of an anterior disc displacement without reduction
Shoulder joints (4)
- Glenohumeral
- Sternoclavicular
- AC
- Scapulothoracic
Closed packed positions
- GH- Full abduction and ER
- SC- Arm abducted to 90 degrees
- AC- Arm abducted to 90 degrees
- ST- NA
Capsular Patterns
- GH- ER <abd>
</abd><li>SC- NR</li><li>AC- NR</li><li>ST- NR</li>
Ligaments (8)
- Glenohumeral
- Coracohumeral
- Coracoclavicular (trapezoid & conoid)
- Acromioclavicular
- Coracoacromial
- Sternoclavicular
- Interclavicular
- Costoclavicular
Glenohumeral igament (shoulder)
- Attach- glenoid labrum of humerus
- Function- reinforce anterior GH joint capsule
Coracohumeral ligament (shoulder)
- Attach- Corocoid process to greater tubercle of humerus
- Function- strengthen superior glenohumeral joint capsule
Coracoclavicular ligament (shoulder)
- Attach- (trapezoid) superior aspect of coracoid process to inferior aspect of clavicle/ (conoid) coracoid process to conoid tubercle on inferior clavicle
- Function- Anchor clavicle to corocoid process
Acromioclavicular ligament (shoulder)
- Attach- acromion to clavicle
- Function- Strengthen AC joint superiorly
Coracoacromial ligament (shoulder)
- Attach- coracoid process to acromion
- Function- Prevent superior displacement of humeral head
Sternoclavicular ligament (shoulder)
- Attach- clavicular notch of manubrium to medial base of clavicle anteriorly and posteriorly
- Function- reinforce SC joint anteriorly and posteriorly