Orthopaedic tests Flashcards
Cervical Compression test
Tests for local sprain/strain, joint damage, facet irritation, Cervical sublux
increased radicular pain and or altered sensation in a dermatomal distribution
cervical distraction
Muscles, ligament or capsule increased pressure on nerve roots,
increased local pain
decreased radicular pain or altered sensation in a dermatomal distribution
decreased local pain (facet irritation)
thoracic slump test
increased pressure on nerve root
Reproduction of symptoms - shooting electrical leg pain
add trunk rotation - test intercostal nerves
Kemps/thoracic quadrant test
acute inflammatory lesions, local sprain/strain, facet irritation, spinal fracture
positive is local pain
lumbar kemps test
localised pain is positive for acute inflammatory lesion, local sprain or strain, facet irritation, spinal fracture
increased peripheral pain is positive for pressure on nerve root
lumbar slump test
reproduction of symptoms - shooting or electrical leg pain, is positive for increased pressure on the nerve root
local lumbar-sacral pain - acute inflammatory lesion, local sprain, strain, facet irritation, spinal fracture
straight leg raise
radicular leg pain - shooting or electrical leg pain - increased pressure on nerve root
localised low back pain - SI/Lumbar sprain/strain
femoral nerve traction test
pain radiation to anterior thigh - positive for femoral nerve or root compression
SI marching test
localised pain - SIJ or pubic joint fracture
excess motion - hyper-mobility or joint dysfunction
Decreased ROM - Ipsilateral SIJ dysfunction
Flamingo Test
localised pain - Ipsilateral SIJ dysfunction
Gaenslens test
SIJ or anterior thigh pain - SIJ sprain, instability
Elevation of extended hip - Iliopsoas contracture
NO SIJ pain - Lumbar of hip pain origin
thigh thrust
Pain in SIJ or Hip - SIJ pathology or hip pathology
SIJ compression
Posterior localised pain - SIJ posterior ligaments, fracture, SIJ dysfunction
Decreased posterior pain - SIJ instability
SIJ distraction
Anterior localised pain - Anterior SIJ or pubic JT sprain, fracture
Active slr
laslet cluster
SIJ distraction
Thigh thrust
scours test
increased local pain or crepitus is indicative of hip joint pathology, OA, capsuilitis, Labral tear, Acetabular impingement
Fabere test
Increased local pain or inability to do test is positive for Hip jt pathology, OA, capsuilitis, sprain or strain, tight adductors
pain and symptoms reproduction, positive for ant-sup impingement syndrome, ant labral tear and iliopsoas tendinitis
Fadir (post)
decreased local pain, positive for labral tear, ant hip instability, posterior inferior impingement
trendelenburgs sign
drop of opposite pelvis indicate weak gluteus medius, or unstable hip
tight ITB or trochanteric bursitis - to test TFL contracture or pain at hip possibly means trochanteric bursitis
retropatella pain indicative of chondromalacia patella, degen patella
Bulge sweep
increased bulge - internal derangement, lig sprain or rupture, vascular damage
appley compression
pain on compression and rotation - indicative of meniscal damage
appley distraction
pain on distraction indicates capsule, ligament lesion, colateral lig sprain, decreased pain indicates meniscal lesion
pain or crepitus, indicates meniscal lesion (tibial int rotation is lat meniscus vice versa)
pain or crepitus indicates meniscal lesion - tibial int rotation - lateral meniscus
medial or lateral joint pain indicates meniscal lesion
anterior draw test
pain or excessive motion indicates anterior cruciate ligament sprain or rupture
posterior drawer
pain or excessive motion indicate posterior cruciate ligament sprain or rupture
considered gold standard for ACL and PCL sprain and rupture
ankle anterior drawer
excessive mtion, anterior talofibular ligament instability
ankle posterior drawer
inc motion, post ankle ligament instability
talar tilt inversion
pain on inversion, lat lig sprain
talar tilt eversion
pain on eversion, deltoid lig sprain (rare
speeds test
pain indicative of bicipital tendinitis, impingement syndrome, labral tear or bursitis
pain - bicipital groove tendinopahy, tendon slipping out of groove, transverse humeral ligament pathology
hawkins kenedy
increased local pain anterior lat and GH, indicates supraspinatus impingement
int rotation - supraspinatus impingament or subacromial bursitis
external rotation - bicipital long head impingement
empty can
pain - injury or lesion to supraspinatus
pain - with int rotation - labral slap lesion - ac pathology
pain with ext rotation - biceps long head tendinopathy
clunking or grinding - glenoid labral lesion
Kims test
posterior shoulder pain - posteriorinferior labral lesion
pain - glenoid labral lesion
pain or weakness - lateral epicondylitis
pain or weakness - lateral epicondylitis
reverse cozens
pain or weakness - medial epicondylitis
reverse mills
medial epicondylitis
varus and valgus stress test
pain - lateral or medial ligament sprain
finklesteins test
pain on lateral wrist - tenosynovitis abducir policis longus, extensorpollicis brevis
pain, numbness - carpal tunnel syndrome
reverse phalens
pain, numbness - carpal tunnel syndrome
TFCC dorsal glide
pain or laxity area of tfcc - triangular fibrocartilage damage
tinels at median or ulanr N sites
pain, numbness, tingle - neuropathy
skin blanched for more than 5 seconds - artery stenosis or occlusion