Ortho/Rheum 6 Flashcards
What is the common presentation of Osgood-Schlater Syndrome?
Adolescent during growth spurt, pain on tibial tuberosity, where patellar tendon is inserted.
Temporal or Giant cell Arteritis is associated with what MSK disease?
What are the 4 main symptoms of Temporal Arteritis?
Polymyalgia Rheumatica.
- Tender temple
- HA
- Jaw pain
- Visual loss
How do you manage suspected Temporal Arteritis
HIGH dose Steroids ASAP, if suspected, bc don’t want vision loss.
Then do Temporal Artery bx to confirm.
What disease presents after minor injury to joint, which then progresses to pain OUT of PROPORTION, swelling, skin changes, increases sweating, temp changes, and allodynia?
How do you treat??
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.
TRX = Regional Sympathetic Nerve block
What is the MOST SENSITIVE modality of diagnosing osteonecrosis/avascular of femoral head?
MRI (XR can miss early disease)
Patients with Sjogrens are at increased risk of what malignancy?
B-cell Non-hodgkins Lymphoma.
Fibromyalgia is a clinical diagnosis…what labs do you want to order to make sure no other illness that may mimic similar symptoms is going on?
CBC (r/o anemia)
THS (r/o hypothyroidism)
ESR/CRP (r/o inflammatory arthopathy)
What virus can cause flu-like symptoms, that gives way to symmetric polyarthritis of small joints +/- faint reticular rash +/- aplastic anemia?
What is the TRX?
Parvo B19
TRX = NSAIDS/supportive. SELF- LIMITTING. No long term sequela
What is the prognosis of Pulmonary Sarcoidosis?
75% resolve with 12-24 months of steroids. Most don’t reoccur.
how do you typically get Radial Head Subluxation? How do children present?
How do you treat?
Child is pulled by the arm or is swinging by the arm.
Present with refusal to move arm that is held close to body in pronated position.
TRX = reduction by extension and full supination of arm, then flexion of elbow.
Femoral nerve injury presents with:
What motor dysfunction?
What sensory dysfunction?
MOTOR = poor extension of knee, loss of knee jerk reflex.
SENSORY = Loss in Anterior/Medial thigh, Medial shin and arch of foot.
Sensory loss in femoral nerve damage to arch of foot and medial shin is due to what branch of Femoral N?
Saphenous N.
Sciatic N injury causes what MOTOR and SENSORY deficits?
Weakness of Hamstrings most of lower leg.
NO SENSORY deficits.
Obturator N damage causes what MOTOR and SENSOR deficits?
MOTOR = poor Adduction of hips
SENSORY = decreased in medial thigh.
Common Peroneal N injury (which splits off into deep and superficial brances) causes what MOTOR and SENSORY deficits?
MOTOR = foot drop (poor dorsiflexion (deep branch) Poor eversion(superficial branch))
SENSORY = decreased in dorsum of foot and lateral shin.