Ortho III Final- Pelvis/ SI Flashcards
What 3 muscles attach to the sacrum?
-illiacus, multifidus, piriformis
The pelvic ring consists of _ joints. Differences b/w men and women occur at _. Females have a _ sacrum that is _ _, and appears _.
Pelvic ring consists of 3 joints
Differences occur at PUBERTY
Females have a SHORTER sacrum that is ANTERIORLY ROTATED, and appears HYPERLORDOTIC
The articular surface of the SI joint: -_ segment is shorter; _ segment is longer. Is _ in females, but still _ -.
CRANIAL segment is shorter
CAUDAL segment is longer
Is SMALLER in females but still spans S1-S3
The sacrum is _ until puberty and then develops _ _ _. Is built for _.
The sacrum is SMOOTH until puberty and then develops IRREGULAR SURFACE AREA.
Is built for stability
The pelvis is stabilized posteriorly by _, due to a lack of _. The main function is to _ _ in all _.
Pelvis stabilized posteriorly by LIGAMENTS, due to lack of a CAPSULE.
The main function is to LIMIT MOTIONS in all PLANES
Anteriorly the ligaments are _ to _ and _. Makes them difficult to _ but stress to them can _ _.
Anteriorly the ligaments are DEEP to MUSCLE and VISCERA.
Makes them difficult to PALPATE, but stresses to them can CAUSE PAIN
Anatomically the pelvis is _, and movement _ _. IT functions to _ _ _ _ .
The pelvis is COMPLEX, and movement OCCURS TOGETHER.
How many degrees of movement are there in the pelvis?
The _ and _ forces react with each other, and the _ _ complete the _ _ or _ _ mechanism.
The GROUND and TRUNK FORCES react with each other, and the LIGAMENTOUS STRUCTURES complete the SCREW HOME OR SELF LOCKING mechanism
Lumbopelvic rhythm: Normal standing position with lumbar concavity, _ _ is directly _ _ _
Normal standing position with lumbar concavity, BODY WEIGHT is directly OVER THE HIPS
Lumbopelvic Rhythm: With flattening of the lumbar spine (flexion) the pelvis _ _, hips and pelvis _ _.
Lumbopelvic Rhythm: Reversal of the lumbar curve (extreme flexion) the pelvis _ _ to the fullest with the pelvis and hips _ _.
Reversal of the lumbar curve (extreme flexion) the pelvis ROTATES ANTERIORLY to the fullest with the pelvis and hips DISPLACED POSTERIORLY
During gait: the torso swings _ _ out of phase with the pelvis with the axis being at -. The Innominate _ _ with swing switching to an _ direction at midstance.
The torso swings 180 DEGREES out of phase with the pelvis with the axis being at T12-L1
The Innominate ROTATES POSTERIORLY with swing, switching to an ANTERIOR-WARD direction at midstance
Gait: the sacrum is at _ _ about the _ _ _ on heel strike. (Ex- at _ heel strike, sacrum is in _ _ around the _ _ _)
The sacrum is at IPSILATERAL ROTATION about the IPSILATERAL OBLIQUE AXIS on heel strike.
Ex: at RIGHT heel strike, sacrum is in RIGHT ROTATION around the RIGHT OBLIQUE AXIS
During the subjective examination patients with SI pain will most likely complain of pain in the _ _, _, and _ (in that order)
Most likely to complain of pain in the LOWER BACK, BUTTOCK and THIGH
MOI: forceful golf, baseball or hockey slap shot; horizontal thrust to the the knee (dashboard injury); and a forceful diagonal pattern such as chopping wood, tennis serve or swinging a sledge hammer can all cause?
Anterior innominate rotation
MOI: repeated unilateral standing, fall on the IT, vertical thrust onto extended leg (miss curb/ step), lifting in a forward bend position with locked leg, and hyper flexion/ hyper abduction injury to the hips during intercourse in females can all cause?
Posterior innominate rotation
MOI: fall onto buttocks, forceful vertical thrust on an extended leg (misstep/ leg bracing during MVA); or a fall or injury resulting in EROM of hip ER can cause?
MOI: fall or injury resulting in EROM of hip IR can cause? Not _ _, can be seen in sports such as _.
Not AS COMMON, can be seen in sports such as SNOWBOARDING
When slipping and falling injuries usually occur?
Usually occur on the landing side
MOI: forceful misstep, fall onto buttock, and prolonged single limb stance or assymetrical weight bearing can cause?
Can cause INNOMINATE upslip
Which types of innominate injuries can occur due to a forceful misstep with leg extended? (3)
Posterior rotation
Which innominate injuries can occur due to a fall on the buttocks? (2) What innominate injuries can occur to prolonged or repeated unilateral/ single limb standing? (2)
FALL ON BUTTOCKS: Outflare, upslip
PROLONGED SL STANCE: Posterior rotation, upslip
Sacral bilateral dsyfunctions can occur due to a _ on _ or other _ _. Don’t usually happen due to __ _ and _
Can occur due to a FALL ON BUTTOCKS or other DIRECT TRAUMA
Don’t usually happen due to EVERYDAY WEAR AND TEAR
_ _ _ are similar to bilateral sacral dysfunctions, but may have a ambulatory or injury while running component to it.
SACRAL TORSION INJURIES are similar to . .. .
What are aggravating factors that you may see in a patient with SI pain in the clinic? (6)
SOUP With Prawns
- stairs
- obesity
- unilateral standing
- prolonged standing
- walking
- pregnancy
What are easing factors that are associated with SI/ Pelvic injury? (3)
- sitting
- lying supine
- belt support
A healthy person will change positions up to _ _ in an _ _ sleep period
A healthy person will change positions up to 50 TIMES in a 8 HOUR sleep period
With _ _ the cardinal and earliest sign is erosion of the SIJ manifested by pain and stiffness of the SIJ and lumbar spine for the _ _ _ of the . ( pain)
With ANKYLOSING SPONDYILITIS the cardinal and earliest sign is erosion of the SIJ manifested by pain and stiffness of the SIJ and lumbar spine for the FIRST FEW HOURS of the DAY (MORNING pain)