ortho emergencies scenarios Flashcards
Southend clasp fracture just near acrylic - at v start of tx (no active tx yet)
take fresh impression and replace
Southend clasp fracture just near acrylic - later stages of tx
bur to smooth wire flush to acrylic baseplate
cut wire in middle and bend back on itself to make it safe
OHI and refer to orthodontist
debonded fixed retainer - fixable
smooth down and remove excess composite, check other bonds
check tooth integrity and wire integrity (passive and not damaged)
if both fine - reapply composite (etch, prime, bond)
debonded fixed retainer - multiple debonds/fractures and not fit for purpose
remove entire appliance, smooth down and remove composite and check integrity of teeth options 1- replace bonded retainer 2- thermoplastic retainer 3- Hawley retainer
advise of relapse risk if they decline, document it and get signature
debonded fixed retainer - fit for purpose but wire not passive
wire springing where debonded on last tooth
smooth down and remove excess composite, check other bonds
check tooth integrity and wire integrity
cut wire distal to next tooth and smooth flush with composite
1- leave - advise of possible relapse
2- thermoplastic retainer on top
3- new bonded retainer from orthodontist
bracket debonded - round wire
clean tooth remove ligatures remove bracket and give to pt OHI and refer to orthodontist don't rebond as you don't know the prescription
bracket debonded - rectangular CS wire
don’t rebond as you don’t know the prescription
cant remove as doesn’t rotate
check not an inhalation risk and ensure there is a ligature securely placed
tell pt it has debonded and you cant replace it
move to side and clean underneath
orthodontist ASAP
URA baseplate fractured into multiple segments
DON’t wear it as it is or superglue it back together
if fractured intraorally account for all fragments
offer a thermoplastic retainer
- advise pt there will be a cost - document if patient doesn’t want it
- can get it made quickly to “freeze” tx, prevent relapse and prevent lengthening of tx
often non-compliant pt who doesn’t want it anymore
- don’t assume this though
wire slippage on fixed appliance
cut then bend retentive tag on both sides
refer to orthodontist
don’t pull arch wire round - might distort it or put it in wrong starting position
Adams clasp snapped off
account for component - if unsure (risk of inhaled/ingested) refer to A and E
smooth off wire flush with baseplate
- check if enough retention with remaining clasps and cohesion-adhesion
Adams clasp snapped off and not enough retention
1 - have original working cast
- send to lab with script and URA
- remove area, make new clasp and add acrylic which will bind
2 - can’t locate original cast
- take impression with URA in
- URA wouldn’t fit on the cast and be flush with palate due to imperfections, so when you put new acrylic on it would run down - acrylic creep
- new model will take surface of existing baseplate
molar band detached on fixed appliance
cut wire between 5 and 6 and bend retentive tag
remove band and give to pt
refer to orthodontist
don’t recement
Adams clasp fractured at arrowhead
not area of flex and far from acrylic so if have facilities solder it flush
if not remove mesial aspect - cut at top of other arrowhead and squeeze it closed to make it safe. smooth fractured edge flush with acrylic
if can’t modify remove entire clasp and assess whether enough retention
if not enough retention get a new clasp made
- locate original working cast
- or take imp with URA in situ (prevent acrylic creep)
Southend clasp fractured in midline
can’t solder as area of flex and near soft tissues
make 2 C-clasps - bend wire back for retentive tags
fixed appliance - brackets missing/debonded, missing ligatures
likely due to trauma
not fit for purpose
account for missing components (ingested/inhaled) and check no other injuries if trauma (refer to A and E if necessary)
remove arch wire (will also remove any loose brackets)
leave firm brackets in situ - put wax on if sore (if had trauma avoid force to teeth)
may need to splint - utilise brackets/above or below/palatal
refer to orthodontist
fixed appliance with TPA fractured by molar band
remove TPA - tie floss and ask pt to hold it to avoid dropping down back of throat. don’t use cutters as large and can be painful. use bur to cut - need water coolant and aspiration. smooth edges
refer to orthodontist
Adams clasp fractured near acrylic
can’t sold as area of flex
1 - cut to other arrowhead (otherwise too much strain) and squeeze to make safe - check if retentive enough
2 - if not get Adams clasp replaced - find working cast or take new impression with URA in