Ortho Assessment Revision Questions Flashcards
What is the ideal occlusion - Andrews 6 keys
Molar relationship Crown angulation Crown inclination No rotations No spaces Flat occlusal planes
Thumb sucking
Lower lip sucking
Tongue thrust
Chewing finger nails
Measure anterior posterior relationship
Palptate skeletal bases and ANB degree angle on lateral ceph
relationship between A and B points on soft tissues
Adaptive or endogenous tongue thrust
Comptent lips
meet together at rest without muscular activity
incompetent lips
method in which they achieve oral seal should be checked - either tongue to lower lip ot by patient bringing lips together
Problems with imcomptent lips
face not developed correctly longer face impeeded speech mouth breathing leading to dry mouth Class 11 div 2
May develop lip trap (proclined upper incisiors) lead to relapse of OJ
Strap lower lip
hyperactive lower lip - retroclined lower incisors
affects position of anterior teeth
indicates instability at end of Rx plan