Ortho 2 (special tests/glides): Cx Spine Flashcards
Cx spine - observation
Posture spine: Ax in standing & in sitting
-FHP remember may cause different dysfunction/condition
-Head neutral position, tilted, rotated to one side
Shoulder levels: Often dominant arm slightly lower, Rounded ↔ FHP
- Height of shoulder (R handed = typically R side lower)
- looks for ms bulk
- creases at back from forward head posture
Posture normal versus FHP
From the front: The chin should be in line with the manubrium
From the side: The ear should be in line with the shoulder & forehead vertical
- May see cutaneous creases
Lateral stenosis
- May have a neck position that open the IVF (flex/contralateral SF)
Disc pathology
- May look like a torticollis
Cx spine - ROM
**make sure for oske that you do AROM only first them apply your OP!
- Side rotation: Stabilize w forearm and grip occiput from front for OP
- Side flexion: One hand on shoulder (stabilize) other push head away
- Forward flex: 1 hand at C7/T1, 1 on head
- Extension: 1 hand on sternum (stabilize), other hand on forehead – don’t spend too much time there and be very gentle
Cx spine - RISOM and R/O LE
Cx spine - compression and traction
Cx spine - dermatomes
Ax superficial TACTILE sensation = Light touch
- Using cotton ball, Kleenex or finger
- Touch lightly the skin (avoid pressure)
Ax superficial PAIN sensation = sharp/dull touch
- Using a new paperclip
1/ Light touch on an unaffected area of your pt’s skin, demonstrate what you will be doing
- Pt supine, eyes close
- Ax distal aspect of dermatome first (more pure dermatome)
- If (+)ve, then Ax distal to proximal
- Compare side to side then if (+)ve → across one side
- You should ask:
1) Does it feel the same? As you touch both side
2) Do you feel anything? As you Ax affected dermatome
2/ Superficial PAIN sensation
Should be Ax after light touch on the area that had decreased sensation
- Pht should touch pt’s skin with curve & prickly sides
- Pt should say if the pht touched with the curve or prickly part
- Should wait 2 sec in between each stimulus to avoid summation
0 = no sensation 1 = decreased sensation 2 = Normal sensation
Cx spine myotome
- Pt in sitting position
- Pt’s ms should be in a shortened position, close to resting position
- Pht use an isometric contraction
- Compare side to side (at the same time or one after the other)
- The command should be “don’t let me move you”
- Hold 5 seconds
- Testing for weakness & fatigue (fading/progressive weakness with reps contractions)
- Repeat 5 times to confirm fatigability
- if (+)ve use an alternative muscles
0 = No contraction
1 = Ms contraction without movt 2 = Movt without gravity
3 = Movt with gravity
4 = Movt against resistance
5 = Normal ms strength
Cx spine - reflexes
- Pt should be relax
- Pt’s tested limb should be well supported
- Pht should hold reflex hammer with a weak/floppy handling (to allow reflex hammer to balance freely)
- The stimulus should be quick & brisk & directly on the tendon
- Can use the Jendrassik manoeuvre
- Clench teeth/press hands together as you stimulate the tendon
0: Absent
1: Diminished
2: Average
3: Exaggerated
4: Clonus, very brisk
Hyporeflexia = Lesion of spinal n root or peripheral n (PHTH-623)
Hyperreflexia = UMN lesion
Abnormal deep tendon reflexes are not clinically relevant unless they are found with sensory or motor abnormalities
Cx spine - how to test for UMN lesions
Cx spine - Upper Limb Neurodynamic Tension (ULNT1)
Normal (negative) result:
Deep ache or stretch in cubital fossa
Deep ache or stretch into ant & radial aspect of F/A & radial aspect of hand
Tingling to the fingers supplied by appropriate nerve
Stretch in anterior shoulder area
Above responses increased with contralateral Cx SF
Above responses decreased with ipsilateral Cx SF
Pathological (positive) result:
Production of patient’s symptoms (but not always)
A sensitizing test in the ipsilateral quadrant alters the symptoms
Different symptoms btw right & left (contralateral quadrant)…important
Cx spine - PA
In prone or supine:
Facet joints: They form the articular pillar q1 inch (2.5cm) to SP
Cx spine - shoulder abduction test
Cx spine - what are the 4 radiculopathy screening tests?
Cx spine - spurling A test
Cx spine - Muscle flexibility Upper Trap
Cx spine - Muscle flexibility levator scapula
Cx spine - Muscle flexibility scalene
Pt: Seated
- Stab 1st/2nd rib(Ant scalene – do slight Cx ext (Cr-vx flex)
- Add contralateral SF & ipsilateral rotation