ORP Leader’s Recon Flashcards
Composition of ORP Leaders Recon?
PL, FO, WSL, 3 AG’s, entire security squad
What must be developed before SP for a leaders recon
What should the PL do when telling SL to go get everyone for the leader’s recon?
Give TCS
What is GOTWA?
G- where are you going
O- others you are taking
T- Time you will be gone
W- what to do if you do not return
A- Actions on contact (recon party contact: you/me; ORP contact: you/me)
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS- near/far recognition/ leaving through PSG checkpoint/ B Team sec squad, WSL, 3 AG’s, FO bringing rucks
Who gets a GOTWA?
When and where does the WSL get his GOTWA
At the ORP when the PL is leaving to get the rest of the platoon from the security halt
FOOM for ORP leaders recon?
Security sandwich
A Team, Sec SL, PL/ FO, WSL/ AG’s, B Tema
What happens once PL confirms tentative ORP
•FO and gun 3 occupy tentative 6 O’ clock position; rest or recon party spread out evenly on line
• PL at 10 O’ clock, WSL at 2 O’ clock
What happens once leaders recon is online at ORP?
•Clear approximately 75m
•PL emplaces gun 2, WSL emplaces gun 1
Once gun positions are established and security and is on line, what happens?
PL and WSL cross behind security SQD to confirm opposite gun positions
*when PL passes Sec SL on the way to possible gun position, he tells him to prep A Team to move back to Sec halt
What happens once PL and WSL have confirmed opposite gun positions?
Return to the 6 O’ clock walking the perimeter of the ORP
What has to happen before PL takes Sec SL and A Team back to Sec Halt
Issues GOTWA to WSL
At minimum, who will be at the tentative ORP?
3 AG’s, BTL, WSL, FO, m4, 320, 249
FOOM from Sec halt to ORP (rest of platoon)
Security escort team, gun 1 & AB, HQ, ASS1, gun 2 & AB, gun 3 & AB, ASS2
ORP occupations plan
• Sec escort team files down the 2 and occupies 10-2; gun 1 sets in at 2 O’ clock; HQ moves to center
•Ass 1 occupies 6-2; gun 3 sets in at 6 O’ clock
•Ass 2 occupies 6-10; gun 2 sets in at 10‘ clock