Oropharynx Anatomy & Pathology Flashcards
Floor of mouth dermoid
MRI features?
- epithelial rests entrapped during
the midline closure of the first and
second branchial arch - epidermoid, teratoid cyst, teratoma (all encompass dermoid)
- anterior floor of the mouth,
- sublingual, submental and
- cystic appearances
- no solid components
- close to midline (can be off midline)
- no enhancement
- can be low on T1
For submucosal lesions with no obvious mucosal abnormality
What to consider?
Minor salivary gland tumours
Esp around palate
Invasion of bone in oral cavity cancers
Beware of inflammation clouding appearances of medulla.
Use CT & MRI to assess.
Mention height of alveolar bone of mandible in cases where there is bone involvement
- Helps with pre surg planning.
- Measure vertical and horizontal
Extension of oropharyngeal cancers
Mention invasion in each direction
Laterally - stylopharyngeus
Anterior - tongue
Posterior wall - pharyngeal constrictor, prevertebral fascia, retropharyngeal nodes (important area for nodal mets)
stylopharyngeus invasion
Relevance of lesion crossing the midline?
Could represent spread of tumour into contralateral nodes and warrant a bilateral neck dissection.
Post op scan interpretation
Following chemoradiotherapy
What are 3 expected patterns?
**Check T2 signal - should be very low, similar to muscle - this is a sign of regression. **
If T2 signal is similar to primary tumour then this can be a sign of treatment failure.
Dont rely on enhancement to make decision. PET scan can be more sensitive than MR in picking up recurrence/treatment failure nodes.
- Vegetating tumour disappears. No residual lesions expected.
- Deep part of tumour regresses but leaves a scar - residual low T2 signal
- Large nodal mass regresses but leave residual low T2 lesion
Enhancement can be expected.
LN wont completely disappear but should appear low T2 following treatment - can enhance.
For tonsillar mass - what muscle should you look for involvement?
- Pharyngeal constrictor muscle
(should be low T2 line passing posteriorly) - Stylopharyngeus muscle
- Look for base of tongue involvement - for this to be involved the tonsillar lesion needs to extend inferiorly and cross the glossotonsillar sulcus.