Origins of the universe Flashcards
Religious explanation
- rely on revelation in the form of scripture
- Genesis is the first book in the bible and tells us how the world began
- can be understood either literally or symbolically
Genesis 1
- tells us how God created everything in the universe in 6 days and rested on the 7th
- humans were created in Gods image and given dominion
- happened around 6,000-10,000 years ago
- gives purpose to our lives (God created us specially)
Literal interpretation of the religious explanation
- Genesis 1 is historically accurate
- the universe and everything in it was created as is explained in the story
- the Big Bang is not mentioned, therefore didn’t happen and isn’t true
- we shouldn’t question Gods power- he is all powerful and intelligent
Symbolic interpretation of the religious explanation
- Genesis 1 is not to be viewed as a scientific or historical account
- it is a story used to show Gods power and his love of humans
- we should accept new scientific discoveries like the Big Bang (could be Gods way
of working)
Issues with the Genesis story
- order of events is confusing, night and day created before sun and moon
- inconsistencies between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2, both give completely
different accounts of what happened - lack of evidence compared to scientific explanations
Cosmological argument
- attempts to use the universe as proof of Gods existence as the creator of
everything - created by the Catholic philosopher, Thomas Aquinas
- everything that exists has been caused by something else but eventually there
must be a starting point (a first cause) - this uncaused cause is God, as only he is powerful enough to fulfill the criteria
Strengths of the cosmological argument
- scientists have been unable to explain what happened before the Big Bang, this
could be God - the argument is logical (there has to be a start point)
Weaknesses of the cosmological argument
- the argument contradicts itself, it claims everything has a cause and then says that
God doesn’t. Surely the universe could just have no cause and no God would be
needed - why is this first cause a christian God, surely it could be anything
Scientific explanation
- the Big Bang theory explains what happened at the very beginning of the universe
The big bang theory
- our universe began as an extremely small, infinitely hot, infinitely dense
singularity - our universe sprang into existence from this singularity about 13.7 billion years ago
- at this point space, time and matter were created
- after its initial appearance, the universe expanded and cooled to the size and
temperature of our current universe - supported by Redshift evidence
Redshift (big bang theory)
- supports the big bang theory
- light from other galaxies is red shifted
- this shows us that other galaxies are moving away from us
- the most likely explanation for this is that the whole universe is expanding
- this supports the theory that the universe could have begun at a single point
Strengths of the big bang theory
- supported by evidence that has been independently checked by scientists for 75 years
- scientists have been open to change in the past and have tweaked the theory when new evidence has become available
Weaknesses of the big bang theory
- evidence cannot fully confirm the theory
- hard to understand, we must believe what the scientists tell us
- unanswered questions (why did it happen?)
How does the big bang challenge Christian beliefs
- according to the big bang the world is a lot older and bigger than Christianity thought
- in the big bang theory the Earth is not at the centre of the universe (we were not
created specially) - the big bang does not require a supernatural (God) to have created it
The three main groups with differing view on whether religion or science is right
- liberal Christians (science and religion can work together)
- scientific materialists (science is right, religion is wrong)
- traditionalist Christians (religion is right, science is wrong)
Science and religion working together (Liberal Christians)
- the NOMA principle (science explains HOW the universe came to be and religion
explains the WHY) - God and his creation is outside the scope of science so could be the cause of the big bang
- Christians can accept the big bang easily if they don’t understand the bible to be literally true (big bang could be Gods way of working)
Science is right and religion is wrong (scientific materialists)
- we can’t take the genesis story seriously as it is not scientifically valid (written a long time ago)
- the big bang started due to the laws of physics (no need for a God)
- although there is evidence missing from the big bang theory, it still has more
evidence than religious ideas and more is likely to become available - science does give us purpose in life (it allows us to grow, develop and create
things that benefit humanity)
Religion is right and science is wrong (traditionalist Christians)
- the evidence for the big bang might be wrong-science has been wrong in the past (flat earth)
- the bible is the inspired work of God therefore its account of creation is correct
- science takes away all purpose from our lives, what is the point if we are here by