Origins/Insertions Flashcards
O=Mastoid process, Lateral superior nuchal line of occipital bone
I=Manubrium, Medial superior 1/3 of clavicle
O=Inferior mandible, subcutaneous tissue of lower face
I=Fascia above pectoralis major and deltoid
O=Mylohyoid line of the mandible
I=Body of hyoid
O=Mental spine of the mandible
I=Body of hyoid
O=Styloid process
I=Body of hyoid
Digastric–Anterior belly
O=Digastric fossa of the mandible
I=Greater horn of hyoid
Digastric–Posterior belly
O=Mastoid notch of temporal bone
I=Greater horn of hyoid
O=Manubrium and medial clavicle
I=Body of hyoid
O=Superior scapula near suprascapular notch
I=Inferior body of hyoid
O=Posterior manubrium
I=Oblique thyroid cartilage
O=Oblique thyroid line
I=Inferior body of hyoid and great horn
Anterior scalene
O=Anterior tubercles of the transverse processes of C3-C6
I=1st rib
Middle scalene
O=Posterior tubercles of transverse processes of C4-C7
I=1st rib
Posterior scalene
O=Posterior tubercles of transverse processes of C4-C6
I=2nd rib
O=Temporal fossa and temporal fascia
I=Coronoid process and anterior ramus of mandible
O=Maxillary process of zygomatic bone; zygomatic arch
I=Angle and lateral ramus of mandible
Lateral pterygoid
O=greater wing of sphenoid; lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid process
I= Neck and condyloid region of mandible; articular cartilage of temporal-mandibular joint
Medial pterygoid
O=Medial surface of lateral pterygoid process, pyramidal process of palatine bone, tuberosity of maxilla
I= Medial ramus and deep aspect of angle of mandible
Orbicularis Oculi
O=Medial orbital margin, lacrimal bone
I=Skin of the orbit
Orbicularis Oris
O=Medial maxilla and mandible; angle of the mouth
I= Mucosal membranes of the lips
O=Mandible and alveolar processes of maxilla
I=angle of the mouth
Zygomaticus Major
O=Zygomatic bone
I= Angle of the mouth
O=epicranial aponeurosis
I= Skin of eyebrows and forehead
Levator Palpebrae Superioris
O=Lesser wing of the sphenoid
I=Superior tarsus, skin of the eyelid
Superior rectus
O=Common tendinous ring
I=sclera posterior to the corneoscleral junction
Lateral rectus
O=Common tendinous ring
I=sclera posterior to the corneoscleral junction
Medial rectus
O=Common tendinous ring
I=sclera posterior to the corneoscleral junction
Inferior rectus
O=Common tendinous ring
I=sclera posterior to the corneoscleral junction
Superior oblique
O=Body of sphenoid bone
I=sclera deep to superior rectus
Inferior oblique
O=Anterior floor of the orbit
I=Sclera deep to lateral rectus
O=Styloid process
I=Posterior and superior thyroid cartilage
Levator veli palatini
O=Cartilage of pharyngotympanic tube, petrous portion of temporal bone
I=Palatine aponeurosis
Tensor veli palatini
O=Scaphoid fossa; spine of sphenoid bone, cartilage of pharyngotympanic tube
I=Palatine aponeurosis
O=Mental spine of mandible
I=Dorsum of tongue, body of hyoid
O=Styloid process
I=Posterior tongue
O=Body and greater horn of hyoid bone
I=Inferior and lateral tongue
O=Anterior cricoid cartilage
I=Inferior thyroid cartilage
O= 1 arytenoid cartilage I= contralateral arytenoid cartilage
Posterior cricoarytenoid
O=posterior surface of the cricoid cartilage
I= Vocal process of arytenoid cartilage
O=Lower 1/2 of posterior angle of thyroid laminae and cricothyroid ligament
I=Anterolateral arytenoid surface