Name the 2 origins of the STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID
- Sternum
2. Clavicle
Name the insertion of the STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID
- Mastoid process
Name the 2 origins of the RECTUS ABDOMINUS
- Pubic crest
2. Pubic synthesis
Name the 2 insertions of the RECTUS ABDOMINUS
- Xiphoid process
2. Inferior ribs
Name the 3 origins of the PECTORALIS MAJOR
- Clavicle
- Sternum
- Costal cartilage 1-6
Name the insertion of the PECTORALIS MAJOR
- Intertubercular groove
Name the origin of the SUPRASPINATUS
- Supraspinous fossa
Name the insertion of the SUPRASPINATUS
- Greater tubercle
Name the 3 origins of the TRAPEZIUS
- Occipital bone
- Cervical
- Thoracic
Name the 3 insertion of the TRAPEZIUS
- Spine of scapula
- Acromion process
- Clavicle
Name the 3 origins of the DELTOID
- Clavicle
- Acromion
- Spine of the scapula
Name the insertion of the DELTOID
- Deltoid tuberosity
Name the 2 origins of the BICEPS BRACHII
- Coracoid process
2. Supraglenoid tubercle
Name the insertion of the BICEPS BRACHII
- Radial tuberosity
Name the 2 origins of the TRICEPS BRACHII
- Humerus
2. Infraglenoid tubercle
Name the insertion of the TRICEPS BRACHII
- Olecranon process
Name the 3 origins of the GLUTEUS MAXIMUMS
- Crest of ilium
- Sacrum
- Coccyx
Name the 2 insertions of the GLUTEUS MAXIMUMS
- Greater trochanter
2. IT band (iliotibial band)
Name the 2 origins of the ILIOPSOAS
- Ilium
2. 5 lumbar
Name the 2 insertions of the ILIOPSOAS
- Lesser trochanter
2. IT band (iliotibial band)
Name the origin of the TENSOR FASICAE LATEA
- Illiac crest
Name the insterion of the TENSOR FASICAE LATEA
- IT band (iliotibial band)
Name the origin of the RECTUS FEMORIS
- Anterior/ interior spine of iliac
Name the 2 insertions of the RECTUS FEMORIS
- Patellar tendon
2. Fibial tuberosity
Name the origin of the VASTUS INTERMEDIUS
- Anterior shaft of the femur
Name the 2 insertions of the VASTUS INTERMEDIUS
- Patellar tendon
2. Fibial tuberosity
Name the 2 origins of the VASTUS LATERALIS
- Linea aspera
2. Greater trochanter
Name the 2 insertions of the VASTUS LATERALIS
- Patellar tendon
2. Fibial tuberosity
Name the origin of the VASTUS MEDIALIS
- Medial aspect of linea aspera
Name 2 insertions of the VASTUS MEDIALIS
- Patellar tendon
2. Fibial tuberosity
Name the 2 origins of the BICEPS FERMORIS
- Ischial tuberosity
2. Linea aspera
Name the insertion of the BICEPS FERMORIS
- Head of fibula
Name the origin of the SEMIMEBRANOSUS
- Ischial tuberosity
Name the insertion of the SEMIMBRANOSUS
- Medial tibial condyle
Name the origin of the SEMITENDONOSUS
- Ischial tuberosity
Name the insertion of the SEMITENDONOSUS
- Proximal tibia
Name the origin of the TIBIALIS ANTERIOR
- Anterior shaft of the tibia
Name the 2 insertion of the TIBIALIS ANTERIOR
- Medial cuniform
2. First metatarsal
Name the origin(s) of the GASTRONEMIUS
- medial/ lateral condyle of the femur
Name the insertion of the GASTRONEMIUS
- Achilles tendon
Name the origin of the SOLEUS
- Fibula
Name is the insertion of the SOLEUS
- Calcaneus
Name the origin of the FIBULARIS LONGUS
- Fibula
Name the insertion(s) of the FIBULARIS LONGUS
- First and fifth metatarsal