Origins and Meanings Flashcards
•God is all powerful
- Existing outside of space and time
* God exists above and beyond creation
Creation ex nihilo
- Creation out of nothing
* Only God can create out of nothing
- When animals and plants change over time
* These changes are to suit a particular environment
Imago dei
- Image of God
* The belief that human beings are a reflection of God’s qualities
- “God breathed”
* The belief that the Holy Spirit guides people to write what is good and true
- How God makes himself known to human beings
* Christians believe that God does this fully through Jesus
- The duty to care for the word God has made
* To protect the world for future generations
Catholic beliefs about creation
- Catholics believe in creation ex nihilo
- they believe that it is possible because God is omnipotent
- This belief is found in the writing of St Augustine - “You, I Lord […] made something in the beginning”
Differing Christian attitudes to the creation story
- Some Christians take a fundamentalist approach. They believe that the account of creation as it appears in the Bible is an accurate account (aka creationists). This stems from the view that the Bible is the inspired word of God, which is never mistaken.
- Some Christians don’t take it literally and believe that each ‘day’ is actually billions of years.
- Catholics read the stories in a symbolic way, believing that they reveal important things about the nature of the world and humanity.
Jewish beliefs about creation
- Orthodox Jews have similar views to creationists and believe that they were reveled to Moses by God.
- Reform Jew, think that the creation stories shouldn’t be taken as historical facts.
- Others believe that God started the universe through the Big Bang and has guided the creation of life through evolution.
The Catholic view on the Big Bang theory
- Catholics accept the Big Bang, as this theory supports the belief that God created the universe out of nothing
- Science explains how the universe came about and Genesis explains why the universe began.
Is there conflict between science and religion?
- Only for creationists, they are very critical of scientific ideas
- Most Christians believe that God caused the Big Bang.
Richardson Dawkins
- Atheist
* Humans are just advanced animals
The Catholic view of evolution
- Some Christians feel evolution is an attack on their faith
- Some Christians believe that God chose to create evolution.
- It is important why it happened not how.
- The Pope sees no conflicts between evolution and Catholic belief.
Sanctity of life
- Humans were created unlike anything else because they were created in the image of God, imago dei
- The Catholic Church teaches that all human list is sacred and that everyone has a right to life that should be protected and valued at every stage.
Saint Catherine of Sienna - the image of God
She had two important messages from her writing:
•Humans come from God
•Love - God creates out of love
Jewish beliefs about the sanctity of life
For Jews,God is creator, he alone gives and takes life. Genesis teaches that humans are creates in the image of God [Genesis 1:26-27]
The Catholic Church and abortion
- Human life is sacred
- Life begins at conception and so does a relationship with God
- Abortion is seen as murder which goes against the ten Commandments
- They encourage adoption
- Only agree in rare situations for example if the mothers life is in danger
Other Christian views on abortion
•Fundamentalist Christians think that it is never acceptable.
•Some Christians believe that if the mothers life is in danger then abortion is okay.
•They also believe it is the lesser of two evils for example to improve quality of life
▪if it is a result of rape
▪if they child will be severely disabled
Humanist views on abortion
Humanists value happiness and personal choice. Quality of life is seen as the most important thing.
A Humanists view about the sanctity of life - Peter Singer
- If a person has no ability to think, relate to others or experience then their life has limited value.
- Therefore embryos and newborn babies are examples of ‘non-human persons’.
- It is morally acceptable to take these lives if it will cause less suffering
- This also applies to euthanasia