origins and meaning + good and evil Flashcards
The absence of good and the impulse to seek our own desires
This is at the expense of the good of others which often results in suffering
Pain or loss which harms human beings
Some suffering is caused by other human beings (moral evil); some is not (Natural evil)
The loss or absence of a quality or something that is normally present.
Evil is a privation of good.
The quality of being like God
Seeking the well-being of others selflessly
The decision making part of a person’s mind is called the will
A will is free if a person is able to choose right from wrong without being controlled by other forces
Human reason making moral decisions.
The knowledge we have of what is right and wrong and the God-given compulsion within all human beings to do what is right and to avoid what is evil.
natural law
natural law
The moral laws of right and wrong which are universal and not dependent on human laws.
The belief in natural law is the belief that the moral law is discoverable by every human being and is the same for all human beings in all places at all times.
“Made flesh”
The Christian belief that God became man in the person of Jesus, fully human and fully divine.
“god breathed”
the belief that the spirit of god guides an individual to act or write what is good and true
the word used to describe all of the ways in which God makes himself known to human beings
Christians believe that god does this finally in the person of Jesus Christ
existing outside of space and time
god exists in a way that makes him nothing like anything else that exists, above and beyond creation
creation ex nihilo
creation ex nihilo
creation out of nothing
before god created the universe, nothing existed. only god can create out of nothing
origin and structure of bible
2 main section; old (39) + new Testament (27 books)
OT is about howgod created the world
written mostly in Hebrew little bit of arabic
NT contains a story in the life of Jesus
written in Greek
all scripture is god breathed
fundamentalist Christians think that the Bible is…
they also believe we should read all of the books and ________ in exactly the same way whereas other Christians think that we should ________ the ________ ways the bible is written
fundamentalist Christians think that the Bible is word for word true
they also believe we should read all of the books and passages in exactly the same way whereas other Christians think that we should respect the different ways the bible is written
the Torah is the first 5 books of the _____ and is believed to be the _____ and most ________ scripture for Jews.
Moses is believed to have received the Torah from God on Mount ______
the Torah is the first 5 books of the Tenakh and is believed to be the holiest and most authoritive scripture for Jews.
Moses is believed to have received the Torah from God on Mount Sinai
orthodox Jews will seek to obey the mitzvot. society may change but Jewish teachings don’t. one of ___________ principles was that the Torah was given its ______ to Moses and can never be changed.
reform and liberal Jews believe its not necessary to take the ________ literally and they believe that sometimes they have to be ________ to modern life
orthodox Jews will seek to obey the mitzvot. society may change but Jewish teachings don’t. one of malmonides’ principles was that the Torah was given its entirety to Moses and can never be changed.
reform and liberal Jews believe its not necessary to take the scriptures literally and they believe that sometimes they have to be adapted to modern life
how do Catholics make moral decisions?
how do Catholics make moral decisions?
God communicates and reveals himself to people through 3 different ways:
The Bible: an inspired collection of writings sacred to Christians
Tradition: Every family, community, and school has its own saying, traditions and characteristics specific to them. catholic Christianity is the same. in the gospel of st john it says “not all things Jesus did are written down” john (20:30)
Magesterium: how the Pope and Bishops interpret the Bible for Catholics today
explain what Genesis 1 and 2 show Catholics about God
explain what Genesis 1 and 2 show Catholics about God
some view them as symbolic as they think that god inspired the Bible so he has revealed some of his qualities to us.
talk about omnipotence as he created out of nothing
ominbelevolent everything he created is described as being ‘good’ in genesis 1
Catholics believe in creation ex nihilo because in “_________” st Augustine wrote “________________________”
he is one of the greatest Christian writers so his work will have an influence on how Catholics view gods _______
in confessions he describes God as the __________ creator of all this will make Catholics look after the planet (stewardship)
Catholics believe in creation ex nihilo because in “confessions” st Augustine wrote “and you created this out of nothing”
he is one of the greatest Christian writers so his work will have an influence on how Catholics view gods qualities
in confessions he describes God as the omnipotent creator of all this will make Catholics look after the planet (stewardship)
Rosh Hashanah is …
Rosh Hashanah is the celebration of the day when god created the world and marks the beginning of the new year
what does Stephen hawking say about the Big Bang?
the Big Bang theory doesn’t show there is a creator or that God exists. hey says:
“because there is a law such as gravity, _______________________________”
what does Stephen hawking say about the Big Bang?
the Big Bang theory doesn’t show there is a creator or that God exists. hey says:
“because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing”
the process of mutation and natural selection which leads to changes in species over time to suit particular environments
imago dei
imago dei
in the image of God
unlike the other animals, human beings are rational, free and moral
______ Darwin came up with the theory of evolution. he had found __ different species of finch from different _______ were similar but they also had different shaped beaks that matched the type of _____ available to the birds
Charles Darwin came up with the theory of evolution. he had found 15 different species of finch from different countries were similar but they also had different shaped beaks that matched the type of food available to the birds
what Catholics and Pope John Paul say about evolution?
what Catholics and Pope John Paul say about evolution?
If God wants to create human beings, who says the process he uses can’t take 14 billion years and involve a Big Bang and evolution?
whereas science will show us the how; religion shows us the why - namely, that these processes are part of Gods loving plan
Pope John Paul says the theory is of great merit and can help us to learn about the world
who is Richard Dawkins and what does he believe?
who is Richard Dawkins and what does he believe?
a modern day scientist and atheist who has worked on Charles Dawkins theory of evolution
“there is no such thing as a soul, nor there is evidence of one”
Catholics would say that science is not in a position to say anything about souls, because souls are no the type of thing science studies
“there is no creator God who has a purpose, a plan or a design for the universe
in genesis it says “_______________” many Catholics think that this quote is a direct reference to the Big Bang
in genesis it says “let there be light” many Catholics think that this quote is a direct reference to the Big Bang
meaning of the creation of Adam painting?
meaning of the creation of Adam painting?
painting shows imago dei
God is the giver of life - God stretches out his finger to give a sleepy Adam life. Michelangelo is showing that god gives life so all is special and belongs to God.
god is outside of space and time, he is transcendent - God is shown being carried through the air by a group of angels, showing or reflecting his transcendence, while Adam is shown firmly on the ground. this is an attempt to show how mighty and great God is.
In the centre appears on a cross - his (Jesus) face is very bright because this mosaic is an image of life not death. this cross is the tree of life. we can see this because at the base of the cross there is a tree, symbolising the tree of life in genesis
cross and the disciples - there are 12 doves sat on the cross. this shows the 12 disciples who were filled with the holy spirit at Pentecost. there are also 12 sheep at the bottom of the mosaic facing Jesus who is the lamb of god and also a shepherd
issues CST (Catholic Social Teaching) fight for
issues CST (Catholic Social Teaching) fight for:
Jesus said “you give them something to eat” Mathew 14:18
e.g.can for xmas and shoe box appeal
CAFOD generic info
and quote often used by the members of CAFOD?
CAFOD generic info
they provide emergency services for natural disasters
founded in 1962
a charity
“give a man a fish and he has a meal. teach him to fish and he can feed himself for life”
What do Catholics have a duty to do? how?
What do Catholics have a duty to do? how?
work against the forces in society that create poverty
Jesus taught “feed the hungry, care for the sick, welcome the stranger”
what is a humanist?
what is a humanist?
makes their decision based on reason, understanding and concern for others
trusts the scientific method and rejects the idea of God
no life after death
Robert Ingersoll a famous atheist said?
Robert Ingersoll a famous atheist said “happiness is the only good … the time to be happy is now, and the way to be happy is to make others so,”
pro-choice and pro-life
supports a girl or woman’s right
pro-life foetus’ right
UK law on abortion
UK law on abortion
only agreed if 2 doctors agree that mothers life, or mental health is at risk
or the child is very likely to be born severally handicapped
why is abortion controversial?
why is abortion controversial?
some think life begins at the moment of conception or when the foetus is able to live outside of the mothers womb
many NR people believe that a women should have the right to do what she wants with her own body.
what Christians think of abortion?
what Christians think of abortion?
” before i formed you in the womb, i knew you”
life belongs to god
life begins at conception so abortion is taking life and this is banned in the ten commandments
teaching of the catechism; abortion is murder
liberal protestants allowed in certain circumstances because they believe life doesn’t begin at conception
Jesus’ command to love your neighbour means it is the duty of Christians to remove suffering which abortion does
catholic response to singer’s view on Speciesism?
catholic response to singer’s view on Speciesism?
Catholics2 would agree that humans should respect and care for animals since they are God’s creatures and a part of his creation. however they make a distinction between animals and humans, therefore, have a special dignity that animals don’t , they can use animals for food and clothing.
stewardship means we have a duty to care for creation responsibly as stewards rather than consumers, and to protect the earth for future generations
Catholics look to the Bible to help them to know how to treat the planet. in genesis it says”…” this would change their lives because Pope Francis said that “…”
Catholics look to the Bible to help them to know how to treat the planet. in genesis it says”let humans have a responsibility over the earth” this would change their lives because Pope Francis said that “ the world is a gift from God”
What is Laudato Si and what does it say?
What is Laudato Si and what does it say?
Laudato Si (praise be to you) is an open letter written by Pope Francis, who is head of the Catholic Church, to all the people about caring for the world.
it says “ the world is a gift which we have freely received and must share with others” LINKS with “we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children”- native american proverb
we need to recycle and work together
we can’t continue like this
similarities between Catholics and humanists on stewardship?
similarities between Catholics and humanists on stewardship?
They both view human beings as having a special importance (because of their intelligence) in protecting the planet
agree on the importance of science in helping us to understand how the universe works and discover more sustainable ways of living on the planet
differences between Catholics and humanists on stewardship?
differences between Catholics and humanists on stewardship?
Catholics would say that they need to be good stewards because of their relationship with God
God is the source of all life and referred to throughout the Torah as the sole creator. “blessed be who spoke ________________”
God is the source of all life and referred to throughout the Torah as the sole creator. “blessed be who spoke and the world existed”
when Adam and eve ate the apple from the tree of Knowledge they disobeyed God. This is often called ‘original sin’.
This action is known as ‘the fall’ because it describes the moment when human beings ‘fell’ from the _______ state. Catholics now, will want to _____ and ask God for forgiveness, as well as trying not to sin again.
when Adam and eve ate the apple from the tree of Knowledge they disobeyed God. This is often called ‘original sin’.
This action is known as ‘the fall’ because it describes the moment when human beings ‘fell’ from the prefect state. Catholics now, will want to repent and ask God for forgiveness, as well as trying not to sin again.
unlike the christian idea of ‘_________’ jews do not believe people are born evil. rather they are born free but with 2 inclinations :
__________ (good)
_________ (evil)
the ten days of _____ between the festivals of ___________ and ________ give times for people to ______ for the times when they have followed yetzer ha ra. therefore jews see evil and suffering as a consequence of human beings’ wrong ______
unlike the christian idea of ‘original sin’ jews do not believe people are born evil. rather they are born free but with 2 inclinations :
yetzer ha tov (good)
yetzer ha ra (evil)
the ten days of return between the festivals of Rosh Hashanah and Yom kippur give times for people to atone for the times when they have followed yetzer ha ra. therefore jews see evil and suffering as a consequence of human beings’ wrong choices
St Augustine believed the bible shows that God is Omnibenevolent because he created a world perfectly good and free from pain, evil and suffering
“_____________________________” Genesis 1:31
St Augustine believed the bible shows that God is Omnibenevolent because he created a world perfectly good and free from pain, evil and suffering
“god saw all that he made and it was very good” Genesis 1:31
St Augustine thought there is evil because …
St Augustine thought there is evil because there was a lack of goodness. he thought that if people made no bad decisions then there’d be no evil
the goodness of god is shown by the creation of the world and the giving of the Torah. Stories such as the fleeing of the ________ from Egypt retold at ______ show God’s goodness and care
the goodness of god is shown by the creation of the world and the giving of the Torah. Stories such as the fleeing of the Israelites from Egypt retold at Pesach show God’s goodness and care
what do Christians think about the inconsistent triad
what do Christians think about the inconsistent triad
suffering could be a punishment from God
a test of faith
god’s plan - he allows evil to exist as part of his grater plan of love
free will
the idea that there are three distinct person’s, all of which are God
St Augustine said that the Trinity is about ____. this is shown when he says “_________”. this means that as the trinity is split into three parts so is god’s love : ____, _____, and ______.
the idea of God as love is helpful for Christians because it shows that love needs to be an important part of every Christians life
St Augustine said that the Trinity is about love. this is shown when he says “god is love”. this means that as the trinity is split into three parts so is god’s love : love, lover, and beloved.
the idea of God as love is helpful for Christians because it shows that love needs to be an important part of every Christians life.
Jews would see both the belief that Jesus is god and the trinity as a __________ to the _________ of God.
the belief in only one God is stated in the ______ and the 10 _____________
Jews would see both the belief that Jesus is god and the trinity as a challenge to the oneness of God.
the belief in only one God is stated in the Shema and the 10 commandments
the paschal mystery describes the last week in the life of Jesus, his _____ and his _________
Christians believe dying and rising from the dead was the work that God the ______ sent Jesus the ___ to do. the belief that this is how Jesus offers _______ to all
“Jesus was truly human, …”
the paschal mystery describes the last week in the life of Jesus, his death and his resurrection
Christians believe dying and rising from the dead was the work that God the Father sent Jesus the Son to do. the belief that this is how Jesus offers salvation to all
“Jesus was truly human, and he he gave himself to rescue all of us”
the Nicene creed is a declaration of ____. it brings all Catholics together as it shows their _____ belief.
belief in the trinity is an important part of the creed, and part of the reason its said every _____ at ____.
the Nicene creed is a declaration of faith. it brings all Catholics together as it shows their core belief.
belief in the trinity is an important part of the creed, and part of the reason its said every week at mass.
something is begotten when its been generated by procreation- in other words its been fathered
who is St Augustine of Hippo?
who is St Augustine of Hippo?
christian philosopher
wrote book “de trinitate”
why is it difficult to believe in the trinity?
why is it difficult to believe in the trinity?
Bible and Jesus never discusses the trinity
if God created Jesus - how can God and Jesus be the same?
St Augustine realised that love needs three things in his book ‘_________’ ; the person who is doing the loving, the person being loved and the love itself
St Augustine realised that love needs three things in his book ‘de trinitate’ ; the person who is doing the loving, the person being loved and the love itself
Jesus’ suffering gives Christians ______ that God is with them through the worst times and reminds them of god’s ___________ love for them.
Jesus’ suffering gives Christians courage that God is with them through the worst times and reminds them of god’s unconditional love for them.
Why did Jesus die?
during his lifetime, jesus faced _______ and was _____ from his closest friends throughout his __________, jesus responded responded with ____ and ________: “father, forgive them; …”
Why did Jesus die?
during his lifetime, jesus faced betrayal and was mocked from his closest friends throughout his crucifixion, jesus responded responded with love and forgiveness: “father, forgive them; for they know not what they do”
when Catholics pray the _____, they are remembering important events that happened in Mary and Jesus’ life. these events start from the miracle _________ of Jesus, through to his life and ________ and ends with his death and resurrection.
when Catholics pray the Rosary, they are remembering important events that happened in Mary and Jesus’ life. these events start from the miracle conception of Jesus, through to his life and miracles and ends with his death and resurrection.
the rosary is…
the rosary is a contemplation of the life and work of Jesus Christ
the Catholic Church encouraged the people to use the rosary to help _______ people’s prayer
Pope ____ gave the rosary a structure (15th ct)
the Catholic Church encouraged the people to use the rosary to help structure people’s prayer
Pope Pius gave the rosary a structure (15th ct)
the rosary
a ________ remembers the different parts in the life of Jesus e.g. 4th mystery (sorrowful mystery) = the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus
the rosary
a mystery remembers the different parts in the life of Jesus e.g. 4th mystery (sorrowful mystery) = the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus
what are the parts of the sorrowful mystery?
what are the parts of the sorrowful mystery?
the agony in the garden
the scourging of the pillar
the crowning with thorns
carrying the cross
the crucifixion of Jesus
the rosary Catholics can see God fully ________ the world, a world where free ___ exists, thus ________ can exist.
perhaps it doesn’t explain why God allows suffering, but believers see God identifying with it and themselves.
the rosary Catholics can see God fully embracing the world, a world where free will exists, thus suffering can exist.
perhaps it doesn’t explain why God allows suffering, but believers see God identifying with it and themselves.
sculptures and statues are used to show great _______
Catholics also use them as teaching ____. in the early Church they were especially useful for people who were _______
they are used to remember certain _______ and _____
sculptures and statues are used to show great respect
Catholics also use them as teaching tools. in the early Church they were especially useful for people who were illiterate
they are used to remember certain people and events
Jews _____ the use of statues as a focus for prayer.
“you shall _______________________”
Jews reject the use of statues as a focus for prayer.
“you shall have no other Gods before me”
the pieta
Mary is shown to be silently ______ for her son. this not only shows the ___ she is feeling as a mother, but also the loss she feels _________ too.
the statue shows a scene of grief and _________, but it also shows ____ and ________ through the resurrection of jesus
the pieta
Mary is shown to be silently grieving for her son. this not only shows the loss she is feeling as a mother, but also the loss she feels spiritually too.
the statue shows a scene of grief and suffering, but it also shows hope and salvation through the resurrection of jesus
what does Jesus teach during the sermon on the mount?
what does Jesus teach during the sermon on the mount?
he gives clear teachings on how people should live their lives. the sermon on the mount begins with a list of blessings called the ‘beatitudes’.
one of the key messages is that those who are closest to God are often those the world doesn’t recognise or value.
the sermon on the mount on displaying religion
the sermon on the mount on displaying religion
Jesus said ‘if you do these things publicly you will not have any reward from your father in heaven”
Aquinas is an important …?
he taught…
Aquinas is an important christian writer he said “do good and avoid and avoid evil”
natural law helps people to do good and avoid evil by following 5 main precepts:
W- \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ O- \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ R- \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ L- \_\_\_\_\_\_ D- \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
natural law helps people to do good and avoid evil by following 5 main precepts:
W- worship God O- ordering society R- reproduce L- learning D- defend the innocent
Catholics believe the basic natural law applies to all humans simply because they are …
Catholics believe the basic natural law applies to all humans simply because they are created in the image of and likeness of God
nature vs nurture
nature= natural law
nurture= to be educated and informed
humanists don’t believe in God. they would say the conscience cannot be the true voice of God because it is more to do with how you’ve been _______ up. this means that everyone will have different ______ and ___________ about what is right and wrong
if everyone followed their conscience rather than ____, life would be ______ and no one would know what sort of behaviour to expect from each other
humanists don’t believe in God. they would say the conscience cannot be the true voice of God because it is more to do with how you’ve been brought up. this means that everyone will have different beliefs and understandings about what is right and wrong
if everyone followed their conscience rather than laws, life would be chaotic and no one would know what sort of behaviour to expect from each other
pope john paul on his letter salvifici Doloris
pope john paul on his letter salvifici Doloris
hes says the only way to grasp the ‘why’ of suffering is to understand the depth of God’s love for us which Jesus showed through his willingness to die on the cross
he believes that if e try and bear our suffering patiently and offer it to god in prayer, that God will somehow be able to use it ti bring about God for others. if a christian can do this, it is an ac of love which is like Jesus’ own act of sacrifice
Catholics ambivalence to suffering
suffering as ______ : Abraham was tested by God by almost sacrificing his son to see if he still had ___
the idea that those closest to God may be called to suffer is clearly at the heart of Jesus’ ________
the suffering of Jesus brought about something very ____ in the eyes of Christians
Catholics ambivalence to suffering
suffering as strength : Abraham was tested by God by almost sacrificing his son to see if he still had faith
the idea that those closest to God may be called to suffer is clearly at the heart of Jesus’ message
the suffering of Jesus brought about something very good in the eyes of Christians
jews would look into the _____ to explain suffering when God tested _______
Christians would use _____ as an example
jews would look into the torah to explain suffering when God tested Abraham
Christians would use Christ as an example
pilgrimage is …
a pilgrimage is a physical journey to a place of religious significance
Catholics go to ______ on their pilgrimage
Catholics go to Lourdes on their pilgrimage
Jews do not have to go on pilgrimages. however, in practice, something like pilgrimage is an important feature of ________ life for many Jews
the Torah refers to the traditional importance for all Jews going to Jerusalem for the pilgrim festivals of Pesach and _____.
for some Jews it is important to visit the graves of significant ______ or rabbis
Jews do not have to go on pilgrimages. however, in practice, something like pilgrimage is an important feature of devotional life for many Jews
the Torah refers to the traditional importance for all Jews going to Jerusalem for the pilgrim festivals of Pesach and Sukkot.
for some Jews it is important to visit the graves of significant teachers or rabbis
pilgrims will visit the _____ where Mary appeared to _____. they take part in torchlight ________ and will usually celebrate mass daily and take the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of __________ (where Catholics confess their sins to a priest)
pilgrims will visit the Grotto where Mary appeared to pray. they take part in torchlight processions and will usually celebrate mass daily and take the opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation (where Catholics confess their sins to a priest)
St Bernadette saw visions of Mary, who is very important to Catholics as she is the mother of the son of God, Jesus. this is important to Catholics because they feel they can be close to Mary and God at Lourdes. they pray to Mary for people who are suffering or who are sinners “_______________”
St Bernadette saw visions of Mary, who is very important to Catholics as she is the mother of the son of God, Jesus. this is important to Catholics because they feel they can be close to Mary and God at Lourdes. they pray to Mary for people who are suffering or who are sinners “pray for us sinners”
Jews go to the ____ Land of Israel to see the ______ Wall in Jerusalem. they feel _____ God by putting _______ in the Wall as they believe the Shekinah rests and can be felt there
Jews go to the Holy Land of Israel to see the Western Wall in Jerusalem. they feel closer to God by putting prayers in the Wall as they believe the Shekinah rests and can be felt there