Origins and meaning / good and evil Flashcards
Imago die qoute from genisis
they will be like us and resemble us.”
Gods creation was perfect
and it was very good.
Humans are stewards of the Earth
They will rule over the fish, the birds, and all animals,
God want people to have a family
be fruitful and multiply
Laudato Si- the pope says we are stewards
‘…redress the damage caused by human abuse of God’s creation’
Laudato Si meaning
care for our common home
Laudato Si helping t he environment helps others quote
so looking after the environment is a way to show love of our neighbour
Saint Augustine quotes about God
He is transcendent
He created the world ex nihilo
Saint Augustine quote about godly material
perfect and that the world is not perfect. The world is not made out of God
pope John Paul quote about science and faith
There is no conflict between evolution and the doctrine of the faith
Pope John Paul says focus and why were created instead
·We must not so much be concerned with the how but the why, something which science does not tell us
Catherine of sienna - we all have dignity
“Her dignity is that of her creation, seeing that she is in the image of God”
second Vatican council we all have dignity
Since we are all made in God’s likeness we are all inalienably equal,
Saint Augustine: De Trinatate
God is the Lover, Jesus is the Beloved and the Holy Spirit is the Love.
Isaiah 53: Prophecy of Jesus’ death
He was despised and rejected by mankind…
Pope John Paul: Salvifici Doloris we can learn from suffering
‘there is a saving power to suffering’
Pope John Paul: Salvifici Doloris shows love
we must look to the depth of God’s love by Him sacrificing His
Matthew 5- Sermon on the mount
The Beatitudes—’Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God’
‘You have heard it was said and eye for an eye but instead I tell you to turn the other cheek’
Judge not lest you be judged
Nicene Creed- Trinity
We believe in one God (three forms the father the son and the holy spirit)
Philippians Jesus was human
he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death
Saint Augustine: ‘The Enchiridion’ evil helps us see better
·Evil helps us appreciate good
Saint Augustine: ‘The Enchiridion’ evil makes us avoid it
·Evil makes us better
Saint Augustine: ‘The Enchiridion’ evil is a lack of God
·Evil is not a ‘thing’
John 1: Incarnation Jesus was fully God and fully human
“…the Word became flesh
John 1: Incarnation Jesus is equal to God
“…the Word was with God…”
John 1: Incarnation Jesus is God
“…the Word was God…”
St Paul- Kenosis Jesus took on the sin of the world
‘emptied’ himself.
St Paul- Kenosis Jesus was fully human
’He became like a human being and appeared in human likeness’