Origins 2 Flashcards
M. sternocephalicus
It arises as a unit on the manubrium sterni
M. Sternomastoideus (eq – missing)
M.sternooccipitalis (ca)
M. cleidocephalicus
Clavicular tendon/clavicular intersection/vestigial clavicle
M. cleidomastioideus, cleidocervicalis (ca) and cleidooccipitalis (ru and su)
Clavicular tendon/clavicular intersection/vestigial clavicle
M. trapezius thor and cerv.
From the third cervical vertebra to the ninth thoracic vertebra
M. rhomboideus thor.
Spinous process of the fourth to seventh thoracic vertebrae
M. rhomboideus capi. (ca and su)
Tendinous raphe of the neck and the occipital bone
M. rhomboideus cerv.
Dorsal median raphe of the neck near C2-C3 (car, su) or ligamentum nuchae (ru, eq)
M. latissimus dorsi
From the spinous processes of the lumbar vertebrae and the last seven or eight thoracic vertebrae
M. omotransversarius (eq – missing)
Distal portion of the scapular spine
M. omohyoideus
Subscapular fascia (su and eq), fascia lateral to middle cervical vertebrae (ru)
M. pectoralis superficialis trans and desc.
Paramedially on the cranial end of the sternum
M. pectoralis profundus asce.
First to last sternebra
M. scalenus ventralis (onlu ru) and medius
Middle portion of first rib
M. scalenus dorsalis
3rd rib (su), 45th rib (ru), two heads on from 3-5th rib of 8-9th ribs in carnivores
M. rectus thoracis
First rib
M. serratus ventralis thor.
Facies serrata of the scapula
M. serratus dorsalis - crani.
The thoracolumbar fascia and spines of the first six to eight thoracic vertebra
M. serratus dorsalis - cauda.
Thoracolumbar fascia
M. levatores costarum
Transverse processes of the first through twelfth thoracic vertebrae
Ventral bodies of the second through fourth lumbar vertebrae via the diaphragmatic tendon
M. intercostales ext and int.
Lower border of ribs
M. transversus thoracis
By an aponeurosis on the lateral internal surface of the sternum
M. subcostales (9-11 ribs ca)
Beneath the internal intercostal muscles at the vertebral ends of the ribs
M. longissimus dorsi - Lumborum
Iliac crest and ventral surface of the ilium and spinous processes and supraspinous ligament
M. longissimus dorsi - thoracis
Iliac crest to the last cervical vertebra
M. longissimus dorsi - cervicis
Continuation of the longissimus thoracis, transverse process of the first five to eight thoracic vertebrae
M. longissimus dorsi - capitis and atlantis
Transverse processes of the first thoracic and last cervical vertebrae
M. spinalis (ru and eq) - thor.
Extends across the spinous processes of one or more thoracic vertebrae and sometimes last cervical vertebrae
M. spinalis (ru and eq) - cerv.
Forward extension of the spinalis thoracis
M. semispinalis - thor.
Fascia of longissimus
M. semispinalis - cerv.
Arises from the tendon of the most cranial thoracic segment of the semispinalis thoracis
M. semispinalis - capi.
First five thoracic vertebrae and last cervical vertebrae
M. complexus major
Caudal articular processes of the first thoracic to the third cervical vertebrae
M. biventer cervicis
Transverse processes of the fourth through second thoracic vertebrae
M. multifidus
Mamillary, transverse or articular processes
M. rotatores
Medial surface of the multifidus muscle
M. interspinales
Spinous processes of the caudal cervical, thoracic and first few lumbar vertebrae
M. intertransversarii Lumbo, thor, vent cerv and dors cerv.
Transverse processes, mamillary processes
M. psoas minor
Tendinous fascia of the quadratus lumborum at the level of the last thoracic vertebrae
M. iliopsoas
Transverse processes of the second and third lumbar vertebra and by means of the ventral apneurosis to the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae
M. quadratus lumborum
Bodies of the last three thoracic vertebrae to the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae as far as the seventh lumbar vertebra
M. rectus abdominis
From the sternum and costal cartilage
M. obliquus abdominis - ext
From the middle parts of the fourth to twelfth ribs and the adjacent trunk fascia
M. obliquus abdominis - int
Tuber coxae
M. transversus abdominis
Eight costal cartilage, last lumbar transverse process and tuber coxae
M. coccygeus
Ischiatic spine, cranial to the internal obturator muscle
M. sacrocaudalis ventralis - media.
Starting from the last sacral vertebra on the ventral surface and running from each vertebra to the next
M. sacrocaudalis ventralis - later.
Ventral surface of the body of the last lumbar vertebra and from the sacrum
M. sacrocaudalis dorsalis - media.
Small processes that are dorsolateral to the caudal edge of the caudal vertebrae, direct extension of the multifidus muscle
M. sacrocaudalis dorsalis - later.
Continuation of the longissimus
M. cutaneus trunci maximus
Superficial gluteal fascia
Mid-dorsal tendinous raphe of the neck and the skin