Origin Insertion Action Flashcards
Zygomatic arch
Elevates mandible
Mastoid process of temporal bone
Rotates head
Sternum, Clavicle
Greater tubercle of humerus
Rotates, adducts arm
Pectoralis major
Ribs 3 - 5
Coracoid process of scapula
Protracts scapula; elevates ribs
Pectoralis minor
Xyphoid process, costal cartilages
Flexes trunk, compresses abdomen
Rectus abdominis
Lower ribs
Iliac crest, linea alba
Flexes, rotates trunk
External oblique
Iliac crest
Lower ribs, linea alba
Flexes, rotates trunk
Internal oblique
Xiphoid process, lower ribs, lumbar vertebrae
Central tendon
Inflates lungs
Ribs adjacent, but inferior
Raise ribcage, inflate lungs
External intercostals
Ribs adjacent, but superior
Deflate lungs
Internal intercostals
Superior ribs
Medial border of scapula
Abducts scapula
Serratus anterior
Superior nuchal line of occ. bone, cervical and thoracic vertebrae
Acromion and spine of scapula
Moves scapula
Lower vertebrae spinous processes, sacral spine, iliac crest
Intertubercular sulcus of humerus
Adducts, rotates arms
Latissmus dorsi
Lateral clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula
Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Abducts, rotates arm
Upper rim of glenoid fossa, coracoid process of scapula
Radial tuberosity of radius
Flexes arm at elbow
Biceps brachii
Lower rim of glenoid fossa, lateral and posterior surface of humerus
Olecranon process
Extends arm at elbow
Triceps brachii
Median sacral crest, iliac crest, coccyx
Gluteal tuberosity, fascia lata
Extends, abducts leg at hip
Gluteus maximus
Anterior, inferior iliac spine; Greater trochanter of femur; linea aspera of femur; front of femur
Tibial tuberosity
Extends leg at knee
Rectus femoris; Vastus Lateralis; Vastus Medialis; Vastus Intermedius; An
Anterior, superior iliac spine; Ischeal tuberosity (next three)
Medial surface of tibia; head of fibula, head of tibia; medial condyle of tibia; medial surface of tibia;
Flexes leg at knee
Sartorius; Biceps femoris; semimembranosus; semitendinosus
Condyles of femur
Plantarflexes foot
Body of tibia
First metatarsal, medial cuneiform
Dorsiflexes foot
Tibialis anterior