origin and insertion muscle list 2 Flashcards
Origin: mandible between the anterior midline and the mental foramen
Insertion: skin of lower lip
Depressor Labii Inferioris
____ originates from the zygomatic bone near the zygomaticotemporal suture and inserted into the fibers of levator anguli oris, orbicularis oris, and other muscles at angle of mouth
Zygomaticus Major
Origin: anterolateral surface of mandibular body
Insertion: skin at angle of mouth
Depressor Anguli Oris
the muscle that has it origin from the maxilla and zygomatic bone, superior to the infra-orbital foramen and its insertion at into the orbicularis oris is ____
Levator Labii Superioris
The canine fossa of the maxilla inferior to the infra-orbital foramen is the origin of the ____ which is
inserted into skin at and below angle of mouth
Levator Anguli Oris
Origin: anterolateral surface of mandibular body
Insertion: skin at angle of mouth
Depressor Anguli Oris
Origin: zygomatic bone posterior to zygomaticomaxillary suture
Insertion: upper lip
Zygomaticus Minor
which muscle originates from the medial end of the superciliary arch and is inserted into eyebrow
Corrugator Superclii
what is the name of the muscle that originates inferior aspect of lesser wing of the sphenoid superior to and anterior tooptic canal and inserted on the upper eyelid.
Levator Palpebrae Superioris
_____ originates from the lateral nasal cartilages and the aponeuroses covering the inferior portion of the nasal bones.
the insertion of ____ is the aponeurosis at bridge of nose and skin of forehead
Origin: maxilla and alar cartilage of nose
Insertion: bridge of nose
Origin: fascia around external ear
Insertion: epicranial aponeurosis
Origin: sphenoid around optic canal
Insertion: inferior, medial surface of eyeball
Inferior Rectus
Origin: sphenoid around optic canal
Insertion: medial surface of eyeball
Medial Rectus
Name the muscle that originates from the maxilla at anterior portion of orbit and inserts in inferior, lateral surface of eyeball.
Inferior Oblique
Origin: sphenoid around optic canal
Insertion: superior, lateral surface of eyeball
Superior Oblique
Name the muscle that originates from the medial surface of mandible around chin and has it insertion at body of tongue, hyoid bone
Origin: body and greater horn of hyoid bone
Insertion: side of tongue
Origin: anterior surface of soft palate
Insertion: side of tongue
The ___ is the muscle that originates from the styloid process of temporal bone which inserts along the side to tip and base of tongue
Origin: medial surface of mandible at chin
Insertion: hyoid bone
what muscle originates from the spinous process of axis and is inserted to the inferior nuchal line of occipital bone
Rectus Capitis
whatnis the name of the muscle that originates from sacrum and transverse process of each vertebra and inserts on the spinous process of the third or fourth more superior vertebra
muscles that originates from the transverse processes of the vertebrae in each region ans inserts on spinous process of adjacent, more superior vertebra is called___
The _____ muscle begins at the tranverse processes of C4-T12 vertebrae and inserts to the occipital bone, spinous process of C2-C5, and spinous process of C6-T4
Semispinalis ( capitis, cervicis, and thoracis)
Origin: transverse process of each vertebra
Insertion: transverse process of more superior vertebra
Origin: spinour process of T11-L2 vertebrae
Insertion: inferior borders of ribs 8-12 (last 4)
Serratus Posterior Inferior
Origin: lateral mass of atlas (C1)
Insertion: lateral half inferior nuchal line
Obliquus Capitis Superior
Origin: spinous process of the axis
Insertion: transverse process of the atlas
Obliquus Capitis Inferior
muscles that start from the tubercle of the posterior arch of the atlas which insert on inferior nuchal line of the occiput is ____
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
Which muscle is originated from the spinous processes and ligaments connecting inferior cervical and superior thoracic vertebrae and has it insertion at the mastoid process, occipital bone of skull, superior cervical vertebrae
Splenius (Splenius Capitis, Splenius Cervicis)
The insertion of ____ is spinous process of axis and C3-C4 which originated from the inferior portion of ligamentum nuchae and spinous process of C7
Spinalis Cervicis
Origin: spinous processes of T11 and T12 and L1 and L2
Insertion: spinous processes of superior thoracic vertebrae
Spinalis Thoracis
Origin: transverse processes of inferior cervical and superior thoracic vertebrae
Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone
Longissimus Capitis
Origin: transverse processes of superior thoracic vertebrae
Insertion: transverse processes of middle and superior cervical vertebrae
Longissimus Cervicis
Name the muscle that is inserted onto the transverse processes of superior thoracic and lumbar vertebrae andinferior surfaces of lower 10 ribs and is originated from the broad aponeurosis and at transverse processes of inferior thoracic and superior lumbar vertebrae; joins iliocostalis
Longissimus Thoracis
Origin: superior borders of vertebrosternal ribs near the angles
Insertion: transverse processes of C4-C6
Illiocostalis Cervicis
Origin: superior borders of ribs 6-12 medial to the angles
Insertion: superior ribs and transverse process of C7
Illiocostalis Thoracis
Origin: spinous processes
Insertion: spinous processes one above
A muscle that originates from the iliac crest, sacral crests, and lumbar spinous processes with insertion at the inferior surfaces of ribs 6-12 near their angles
Illiocostalis Lumborum
Origin: transverse processes of C7-T11
Insertion: ribs
Levator Costarum
Origin: spinous processes of C7-T3 and ligamentum nuchae
Insertion: superior bordres of ribs 2-5 near angles
Serratus Posterior Superior
Origin: trapezium and flexor retinaculum
Insertion: first metacarpal bone
Opponens pollicis
Origin: midlateral margin of fibula
Insertion: base of fifth metatarsal bone
Fibularis Brevis
Tibialis Posterior muscles begins from the Interosseous membrane and adjacent shafts of tibia and fibula and has its insertion at the navicular, all three cuneiforms, cuboid, second, third, and fourth
metatarsal bones
Origin: calcaneus
Insertion: medial side of proximal phalanx of great toe
Abductor Hallucis
Origin: calcaneus
Insertion: lateral side of proximal phalanx, toe 5
Abductor Digiti Minimi
Origin: tendons of flexor digitorum longus
Insertion: insertions of extensor digitorum longus
Origin: base of metatarsal bone V
Insertion: lateral side of proximal phalanx of toe 5
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis