Orientation To Barbering Flashcards
A.B. Moler
Established americas first barber school in 1893 Chicago Illinois
Associated master barbers and beauticians of america
Latin for beard
Barber pole
Symbol of barbering that evoled from the technical procedures of bloodletting performed by barber surgeons
Barber surgeons
Early practitioners who cut hair, shaved, and performed bloodletting and dentristy
Journey men barbers
Organizations formed to represent barber employees prior to their establishment of barber licensing laws
Master barber groups
Employer organizations formed prior to the establishment of barber licensing laws
Egyptain barber with stature
National association of barber boards of America
Ticinius men
Sicilian credited with bringing barbering and shaving to rome in 296 B.C.
Related to the cutting, clipping, or trimming of hair with shears or a razor
A shaved patch on the head
Moral principles by which we live and work by
Game plan
Act of planning your life instead of letting things happen
Goal setting
Identication of long/short term goals
Mind mapping
Graphic representation of an idea/problem that helps organize thoughts
Mission statement
Statement that the purpose for which an individual company has
Memorization method that helps you recall things
Method is to store new information for short, long-term memory
To do things perfectly
Make a list of things to do by least the most important 
Putting off things till the next day
Repeatedly saying, writing, or reviewing information
Self actualization
Full-fillings, one potential
Effective Communication
Act of successfully sharing information between 2 people/group so information is understood
Science of designing the workplace as well as its equipment and tools to make specific body movements comfortable, efficient, safe
Human Relations
Interactions and relationships between 2 or more people
Personal grooming
Process of caring for body parts of the body and maintaining an overall pollished look
Personal hygiene
Daily maintenance of cleanliness by practicing good healthful habits
Physical Presentation
Your posture as well as the way you walk/move
Professional Image
Impression you project through both your outward apperance and conduct in the work place