A managerial function which involve training after the individuals
Refers to the group of people who work in a particular organization
Collecting information and details on a specific work
Job analysis
The summarize the duties and responsibilities and the qualifications
-Gives “what” in a job
Job Description
-Place an important tool in specifying the qualification that as an aspiring applicant most have
-identifies “who” should qualify for the job
Job Specification
Applicant who applies for a position in firm
Finding a suitable employee and hiring them to join a company or a firm
Specific questions are needed to be answered
Planning and approval
-Choosing between an external and internal recruitment
-The next steps once the vacancies were identified
Different techniques are used in recruiting applicants
Recruitment and the strategies
Usually involves promotions
Internal hiring
Promotes hiring of employees from the outside source
External hiring
Used to be most popular medium in recruiting applicants
Newspaper advertisement
Company web page and job website are the most popular nowadays
It is advantageous for a hiring organization
Manpower agency
Applicants who are ready to be interview right away since they are already at the company’s door stops
Walks in
Applicants who are referred by people who knows employees in the company that has vacancies
There are company which participate in job fairs to minimize cost
Job fairs
Companies which participate in college fairs most of the times need fresh graduate who are willing to be paid minimum wage as starting salaries
Campus recruitment