Orginis And Meaning Flashcards
Symbolism-tree of life (9)
Cross- jesus’ death
Hand reaching down- connection with god and people
Green vine- “I am the green vine”
Tree- disobedience of Adam represents sin
Doves- peace and hope
Alpha and omega- beginning and end of Greek alphabet that idea of god
Chi rho- early Christian symbols
Lamb- Jesus as the lamb of god
Evangelists- humbleness and royalty
Michaelangelo’s creation (4)
Adam- idea if a perfect human being he resembles god, imago Dei
God- eternal and omnipotent represents the parent child relationship which is precious
Hand- spark of like the idea that life is sacred and a gift
Cloud- angels representing the greatness of god and that everyone should look up to him
Comparison of genesis 1 and genesis 2
Genesis 1 -creation 6 days - man and woman together -humans after animals -veg before humans -transcendent creator Genesis 2 -creation 1 day - man and woman separately -humans before animals -veg after man -anthropomorphic creator
Big Bang
Catholic view
-idea that god creation ex nihilo
-genesis should be understood symbolically
- science explains how the universe came about but god is the actual creator
-critical of the science ideas
-as it contradicts the truth
Evolution ( with Richard Dawkins)
- idea of evolution through natural selection and mutations
-organisms changed over time
-suited to a particular environment
-better adapted survived
Richard Dawkins
- atheist believes humans have souls and each body is just a survival machine
-some don’t accept evolution
-believe that everything exists as part of God’s loving plan
- should understand why everything was created not how
-imago dei and creation ex nihilo
Creation (inc jewish beliefs)
Catholic -god is omnipotent and transcendent - creation ex nihilo Christian views - some take a fundamentalist approach -creation story as it appears is what happened -six days -bible is inerrant Jewish beliefs -god is the creator and source of all life Orthodox -stories are true accounts -reject evolution and Big Bang
Peter singer
- humanist
- an animal has the same mental capacity as an unborn child
- or a person with dementia
- idea that animals feel pleasure and pain
- one life is not important
- it’s discriminatory to think that
Interfaith dialogue
- promotes understanding
- idea that there’s a variety of cultures
- that leads to harmony
- spreading of ideas about faith
- a duty to put across the gospel message
- only Christianity has the whole truth
- other religions should be respected
- “imago dei” is everyone
- idea of speaking about respect
Cafod -helps those in need -in natural distasters -provides aid -education in lics End to poverty Svp -personal care helping families -helps lonely -visits care homes -drop in centres
Caring for environment
-humans most important part of creation and we should look after one another
-catholics should be concerned about the environment
-love god and neighbours
Humanist attitudes
-agree with Christians
-humans can use reason to make ethical decisions
-not commanded by god
-work for a more sustainable world
Catholic -wrong in all circumstances -life is sacred and belongs to god -life begins at conception -thou shalt not kill -imago dei -principle of double effect- if mother is in pain she is able to take tablets only exception Other Christian -okay in some circumstances -if mothers health is affected -if it was rape -if child is likely to be disabled Humanist - pro choice stance -life should be respected but is not sacred -up to the mother Peter singer -person with no ability to think has no value -embryos are non human persons -morally acceptable to take lives
Inspired by the word of god Bible has great authority -had to be accepted by all Christians -had to agree with Christian beliefs Christian views -literal word for word - no one should question it as it is inerrant -creation 6 days -god is the creator -genesis contains some truths Old Testament -laws, history, wisdom, prophets New Testament -gospels, acts of apostles, letters, book of revelation