Organogenesis and limb formation Flashcards
Name the vertebrae segments from A to P and corresponding Hox genes.
cervical - Hox5 thoracic - Hox6 lumbar - Hox9 sacral - Hox10 caudal - Hox11
At which positions do fore and hindlimbs form?
forelimbs: border between cervical and thoracic
hindlimbs: border between lumbar and sacral
Which 3 gradients that induce Hox gene expression arise along rostro-caudal axis?
What are Hox genes?
homeodomain transcription factors
can repress or activate gene expression programs
are selector genes
single mutations cause homeotic transformations (mutations result in transformation of a whole segment or structure into another one)
Examples of homeiotic transformations in Drosophila.
bithorax (ultrabithorax)
How many Hox genes and Hox gene clusteres are in humans?
4 clusters
13 Hox genes
(not all genes in all clusters)
Is there a colinearity between order of Hox genes and their affected regions in body segments? If so, who discovered it?
E. Lewis:
genes located on the 3’ end of each cluster are activated early in development and in anterior tissues
genes located on the 5’: later, more posterior
(no Hox in the head)
What causes transcriptional activation during axis extension?
transition in histone modifications:
from repressive H3K27me3
to activating
higher order chromatin organisation:
in forebrain = Hox clusteres are silent
= adopt compact structures (heterochromatin)
What happens when you KO all copies of a Hox gene (e.g. Hox10)?
Hox10 = lumbar
KO: no lumbar vertebrae, thoracic extends posteriorly
How do you make a snake out of a mouse?
Express Hox6 ectopically
= thoracic vertebrae with ribs extending to the tail
Which 2 roles does HOX cluster play in limb development?
- limb field patterning
2. patterning of the limb along proximal-distal axis
Describe limb field patterning.
Hox proteins in lateral plate mesoderm
induce Tbx expression below surface ectoderm (= in mesoderm)
Tbx -> Fgf10 (-> Wnt) -> Fgf8 in surface ectoderm
creates apical ectodermal ridge
Type of Tbx specifies limb type:
Tbx5 = wing
Tbx4 = leg in chick
Which Hox genes determine which part of the limb?
Stylopod = Meis Zeugopod = Hox11 Autopod = Hox13
Which 2 morpho-regulatory signaling centers control vertebrate limb-bud development?
Which gradient defines each of them?
a) apical ectodermal ridge -> Fgf8 & Fgf10 expression
b) zone of polarizing activity -> Shh on P side
Is RA concentration higher in proximal or distal part of the limb?
Which gradient defines the identities of the digits?
Shh from ZPA: digit 1 never encounters Shh 2 only paracrine 3 is half paracrine, half directly Shh secreting cells 5 exposed to Shh longer than 4
Which two roles does Shh play in patterning of the limb?
- ) acts as a morphogen: specification and patterning of tissue by duration of exposure to Shh and its concentration
- ) mitogen: induces cell proliferation of the limb bud mesenchyme and therefore shaping the growing limb bud
Which gradient is opposing the Shh gradient?
Is there a difference between ZPA genome regions between different species?
ZPA enhancer is different
in snakes, Fgf8 is degraded = no limbs
can create serpentized mice