Organizations That Help Shape Community Health Flashcards
Characteristics that hinder the effective
response of today’s communities to their own problems
Highly developed and centralized resources
Continuing concentration of wealth and
Rapid movement of population in large
metropolitan areas
Health globalization
Limited horizontal relationship
Top-down funding system
Health agencies that are part of the
governmental structure (national or local) and that are funded primarily by tax and managed by government officials
Governmental Health
the most widely recognized
international governmental health
World Health Organization
Headquarters of World Health Organization
Geneva, Switzerland
World Health Organization 6 Regional Offices
Africa - AFRO (Brazzaville, Congo) Americas
PAHO (Washington, D.C.)
Eastern Mediterranean - EMRO (Cairo, Egypt)
Europe - EURO (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Southeast Asia - SEARO (New Delhi, India)
Western Pacific - WPRO (Manila, Philippines)
Organizations that existed before the WHO
-International D’ Hygiène Publique (1907)
- Health Organization of the League of Nations(1919)
- United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
Administration (1943)
- United Nations Children’s Fund (1946)
- Pan American Health Organization PAHO
Still an independent organization but is integrated with WHO in a regional office
Pan American Health Organization PAHO
World Health Day
April 7
History of WHO, Constitution went into force on
April 7, 1948
a UN specialized agency concentrating on
health by providing technical cooperation, carrying out programs to control and eradicate disease and striving to improve the quality of human life
WHO - World Health Organization
World Health Organization work administered by staff
Deputy Director-General
Seven Assistant Directors-General
6 Regional Directors
Most significant worldwide contribution of WHO
- assistance in the eradication of smallpox
- first global public health treaty to reduce
tobacco-related deaths and diseases
established to be interconnected and
concentrated towards eradicating poverty,
addressing climate change, and increasing
economic growth.
Sustainable Development Goals
developed by world leaders in September 2015
Sustainable Development Goals
Not legally binding – they seek improved
availability, quality, and timeless of data,
national level analyses, and global level
Sustainable Development Goals
principal health agency in the Philippines
Department of Health (DOH)
responsible for ensuring access to basic public health services to all Filipinos through the provision of quality health care and regulation of providers of health goods and services
Department of Health (DOH)
holds the over-all technical authority on health as it is a national health policy-maker and regulatory institution
Department of Health (DOH)
three major roles of the Department of Health (DOH) in the health sector
leadership in health
enabler and capacity builder
administrator of specific services
Its mandate is to develop national plans, technical standards, and guidelines on health.
Department of Health (DOH)
regulator of all health services and products and provider of special tertiary health care services and technical assistance to health providers and stakeholders
Department of Health (DOH)
Filipinos are among the healthiest people
in Southeast Asia by 2022, and Asia by
VISION of Department of Health (DOH)
To lead the country in the development of a productive, resilient, equitable and people-centered health system
MISSION Department of Health (DOH)
MISSION Department of Health (DOH)
To lead the country in the development of a productive, resilient, equitable and people-centered health system