Organizational Behavior Flashcards
Who argued that if psychology was a true science, then psychologist should only study what they could see and measure?
John B. Watson
Behaviorism is also called what?
Learning Theory
Behaviorism is based on what?
The principal of observing and correcting behavior
Who discovered Classical Conditioning?
Ivan Pavlov
Who belived that operant conditioning played a much larger role than classical conditioning reguarding behavior?
B. F. Skinner
What is operant Conditioning ?
Teaches when a certain action is performed there are consequences. It reinforces good behavior.
What is an intrinsic reinforcer?
Something that comes from inside an individual that reinforces a behaviro
what is an Extrinsic reinforcer?
Anything outside of a person that reinforces a behaivor
What is response extinction?
Ignoring a behavior so you don’t have the response
What is the social learning theory?
Euphemism actions speak louder than words, Following examples rather than verbal
Who had a theory called Reciprocal Determinism?
what is Rechiprocal Determinism?
The interaction of a person personality, the environment and the behavior.
What is Autocratic leadership
When the leader keeps the power and makes the decisions alone.
What does the contingency theory state?
That there is no one sigle perfect way to lead a group, but that the style of leadership should change based on the situation
What three factors influence favorableness of a leader?
Leader-member relations, Task structure, Leader position power
How do path-goal theory leaders make it easy for their subordinates to meet their goals?
Provide a clear path,Help remove barriers, Increase rewards along/at the end
What 3 main points does situational leadership focus on?
–leadership direction to subordinates—monetary support for goals—subordinates sillingness to perform
What is referent power
What are the 4 pattersn of communication networks?
Y pattern
Whell pattern
What dose The Mechanistic Theory state?
organizational change is inevintable and that, organizations and people within the organizations have no other choice except to follow natural law.
What dose The Systems Theory deal with?
interdependence instead of independence of, variables and their interactions
What are four major organizational structures
Functional,Line and staff - departments supporting other depoartments, Product or divisional, Matrix - structures around a project
Describe a Mechanistic organization.
Controls is centralized, lines of communication are vertical, roles are clearly defiend
Define Organic organization
decentralized control
horizontal lines of communication
What are the three main stages in decision making?
Understand the problem and its underlying issues
think of ideas and solutions to the problem
Choose which solutions makes the most sense
Define Bounded Rationality.
people will try to find the answer to their problem, but will settle for a less than perfect solution because it involves more work then they bargained for.
Con: Shortcuts
What is the Econological Model based on.
based on the postulation that people will try to choose the solution that has the greatest benefit for them.
Con; people involve emotions
Pro: concrete in showing how decision should be made
What is the Implicit Favorite model?
People choose solutions immediately and work backward to find the justification for their choice.
What are the three types of resistance?
What are the three main phases to creating change?
Unfreezing - getting rid of old ideas, policies, procedures
Changing - Putting into practice new processes
Refreeing - new changes are incorporated into organization’s structure and culture
Which title protects race?
Title VII
Who ensures employees retain access to medical coverage after involuntary termination?
What is not protected under Title VII class?
Sexual preferance
Who: Principles of Scientific Managment ?
Frederick Taylor
What is Theory X?
When people dislike work and responsibility
Who; Hierarchy of Needs?
What is ERG?
Existence needs
Relatedness needs
growth needs
What is the Hawthorne Effect?
When an interest in people changes the effect on the ouput
Who: Locus of Control
Julian Rotter
The need for achievement was developed by ?
David McClelland
Trait theories focus on what?
background and personality
What model is used in decision making?
Vroom and Yetton
What is a Charisma?
Leadership characteristic that inspires employees
Who belived that managers make decision based on their assumptions of human nature ?
Econological Model is choosing what?
The solution that has the greatest benefit
What is Naturalistic Observation?
Observing info in an unobtrusive manner
What is a role conflict?
When two people have overlapping job functions
What are the 5 basic traits of personality ?
Emotional stability extroversion openness good nature preciseness
Three reasons people join groups?
Social interaction
need for acceptance
What is Gestalt Psychology?
approach that assumes people organize their perceptiosn by patterns
what three factors create our perceptions?
Other person
What is the Locus of Control?
feeling/idea that we can personally interact with people and our environment to influence the outocme of events.
Cognitive theorists examine what?
how the mind is involved in knowing, learning, remembering, and thinking. The study how the mind relates to behavior.
Psychoanalytical theory revolves around what?
the individuals unconscious motivation
Who created structuralism
Wilhelm Wundt
- importance of the classification of the minds structures and focused on conscious thought
Who created Functionalism ?
Williams James
- Interested in the HOW part of behavior
- Continuous flow of information
What are the four needs for employees in organizations according to McClelland?