Organizational Beavior Chapter 1 - 10 Flashcards
What’s OB?
Structural dimensions (jobs, org. Structure) Group processes (interpersonal, interactional) Individual behavior (psychosocial)
Design thinking?
Allows managers to imagine new possibilities by suggesting something that could be and then explaining how to make it reality. Accept mystery problem, take in abstract challenge, and design new solution rather than rely on past approaches.
Diversity. Pros?
Attract and retain talent Improve marketing Improve creativity and innovation Improve problem-solving Increase flexibility
Diversity. Cons?
resistance to change
lack of cohesiveness
communication problems
interpersonal conflict
Big five of personality trait model
Extraversion —- introversion
Agreeableness —- disagreeableness
Conscientiousness —- disorganized
Neuroticism —- emotional stability
Openness to experience – cautious/close minded
Definition of social perception
Our observations are impacted by: characteristics of the perceiver, target, and situation
Emotional intelligence, what is it?
Perceiving, using , managing, understanding emotions
3 components of the ABC Model
[verbal statements about:]
A – affect (Psychological: feelings)
B – behavioral intentions (observed behavior: intentions)
C – cognition (attitudes scales: beliefs)
Cognitive dissonance?
Original beliefs- dissonance introduced: change behavior, justify behavior, change attitude, ignore/deny.
Definition of ethical behavior?
Acting in ways consistent with personal, organizational, and societal values
What is motivation?
Forces that influence direction, intensity, and presence of effort.
Maslow’s need hierarchy (needs theory)
(top-down) self-actualization needs, esteem love (social) safety and security physiological
McClelland’s need theory? (3 needs theory )
nAch (need for achievement) motivated by competition and goal achievement.
nPow (need of power) motivated by the desire to influence others or events
nAff (need for affiliation) motivated to establish and maintain close relationships.
ERI model
(linking stress to negative conseq.)
- High effort
- Low return [imbalance]
Rational model?
Describes a logical, through, step-by-step approach decision making:
- Emotionless & unbiased
- Consistent preferences
- Perfect information
- Success known.
Definition of satisfice?
Be ok with decision
Group decision making. advantages
Advantages: increased knowledge and information, synergy, greater understanding decision, increased acceptance of and commitment to a decision.
Group decision making. Disadvantages.
Disadvantages: pressures to conformity: groupthink and polarization, domination by a person or a clique, slower decision making.
Techniques for group decision making
brainstorming, nominal group technique, devil’s advocacy, dialectical inquiry, quality circles & quality teams, self-managed teams.
Interpersonal communication definition:
Occurs between two or more people. It includes a communicator who encodes a message, transmits it to the receiver who then decodes message.
Define defensive communication
An attempt to avoid the process of communication. individual perceives a threat and behaves to protect themselves.
Threat physical: criticism, rejection of a person. Non-physical: ideas can threaten their sense of self and behave defensively. Passive/ withdraw (threat) aggressive/ hostile
3 parts of non verbal communication
- kinesics (gratures, facial expression, eye contact, psture, haptics)
- Paralanguage (pitch, tempo, volume, tone)
- Proxemics (intimate space, personal, public, and social distance)
Effective communication skills
Effective communication skills:
Effective managers express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings openly and don’t hesitate to voice their opinions (in a positive and constructive way) when needed.
Effective communication skills:
Empathic listeners are able to recognize and decode the emotional components of the messages they receive. Good managers are approachable and willing to listen to suggestions and complaints, and are also better able to offer constructive criticisms.
Effective communication skills:
Effective managers are persuasive leaders who are able to align the goals of the employee with the goals of the organization, and then guide and motivate employees to consistently achieve those goals.
Effective communication skills:
Good managers are transparent, and communicate openly and honestly about their expectations and feelings which leads to increased trust and engagement from employees
Stages of group formation and development:
Forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning.
2 things that define group behavior:
- Norms of behavior: members should or should not do, social or productive, implicit/ informal, explicit/ formal.
- Group cohesion: “interpersonal glue”, control over members, enforce norms of behavior.
Occurs when incompatible goals, attitudes, emotions, or behaviours lead to disagreement or opposition between two or more parties. (functional/ dysfunctional)
Approaches to Conflict:
Zero-sum: win-lose situations, whatever is won by one side is lost by the other.
Win-win: resolved with both sides improving their position.
Conflict management style:
Competing (fighting), Avoiding (withdrawing), Collaborating (mutual problem solving), Accommodating (self-sacrificing), Compromising (negotiating).