Organization & Planning of Movements Flashcards
_______ information includes the position, velocity, and acceleration of the hand, joint angles, and lengths of muscles without reference to the forces that cause the movement
______ information is concerned with the forces generated or experienced by our body.
______ is the ability of a force to cause rotation on a lever. Muscle activations produces forces which act around a joint centre – joint torque
Explain image
Coritcol voluntary control of behavior
The issue is that there is a lot of unconscious control of movement
The data does not occur in a serial manner
Explain each image
A: Spatial orientation
B: Movement planning
C: Inverse kinematic transformation: calculation of a set of joint angles that can achieve the endpoint
D:Inverse dynamic transformation: calculation of joint torques to achieve the motion
Understand the pathway of the motor cortex
What are the characteristics of M1, primary motor cortex?
- part of a distributed network of cortical motor areas
- contains a heterogeneous population of neurons that contribute to the several operations required to convert a plan of action into the motor commands that execute the plan
Explain this diagram
Corticomotorneurons activate complex muscle patterns through divergent connections with spinal motor neurons that innervate different arm muscles
- Single corticomotoneuron axon often branches and terminates on spinal motor neurons for several different agonist muscles (•can also influence the contractile activity of other muscles through synapses on spinal interneurons)
- This organization produces coordinated patterns of activity (muscle synergies: excitatory input to extensors and inhibitory input to flexors (and vice versa))
What are the 4 principles of motor map organization?
1.Fractured somatotopy: individual movements are represented multiple times- facilitates formation of new muscle synergies to achieve different functional goals
2.Area equals dexterity: movements that require greater skill occupy a larger portion of the map
3.Interconnectivity: adjacent neurons are highly interconnected directly and via interneurons - facilitates formation of new muscle synergies
4.Plasticity: the motor map is highly dynamic and influenced by training
What are the functions of motor maps?
•Maturation of motor maps is associated with increased skill in motor performance during development
•Disrupting the circuitry of motor maps (loss of synapses, interference with protein synthesis) without directly damaging the neurons causes inability to perform skilled movement
•Rehabilitation and training restore the motor maps, which is associated with improved motor skill
- Animals with high dexterity have proportionally larger motor maps
- Digit representation in primates
- Whisker representation in rats
Explain this image
Activity of a motor cortex neuron correlates with changes in the direction and amplitude of muscle forces during wrist movements
Monkey flexes wrist under 3 load conditions. No load, the neuron fires before and during flexion.
Load opposed = activity and flexor of neuron increases
Load assist: both fall silent
The activity of motor cortex neuron is better related to the direction and level of forces during movement as opposed to wirst displacement
Explain this image
The firing rates of many primary motor cortex neurons correlate with the level and direction of force exerted in an isometric task
Plotting neuronal acting when monkey doing isometric directional task
Neuron is mostly active when monkey is performing to the right
Explain this image
The activity within the population of neurons shifts systematically with movement direction so that the vectorial sum of the activity of all cells is a population vector that closely matches that of the direction of movement
Explain this image
- The population vector activity precede the hand displacement vectors by approximately 100 ms
- Encoding direction and speed of movement
What are the characteristics of SMA proper and Pre SMA? (Supplementary motor area)
- discharge before and during voluntary movements.
- Readiness potential recorded over the SMA during self-generated movements: 0.8 –1 s before movement onset (Intention to move?)