Organization & Management Flashcards
is the process of attaining organizational objective in an efficient and effective manner, through the five managerial functions such as planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
is getting the most output from the least amount of input.
is completing activities so that organizational goals are attained.
Doing the right things
Doing things right
high efficiency means
Low resource waste
high effectiveness means
High goals attainment
Recite the characteristic of management
Goal-oriented, universal, continuous process, multi-disciplinary, intangible force, situational, system of authority, and both science& art.
distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, activating and controlling to determine the objectives by the use of people and resources.
who said this? - distinct process consisting of planning, organizing, activating and controlling to determine the objectives by the use of people and resources.
G.R. Terry
Function of management
Planning, organizing, controlling, directing and staffing
process of setting goals and choosing the means to achieve the set goals.
deciding in advance
recite some importance of planning
process of arranging and allocating work, authority and resources among organizations members so that they can achieve organizations goals.
recite some importance of organizing
process of obtaining and maintaining capable and competent candidates to fill the job position.
recite some importance of staffing
process of directing and influencing organizational members to achieve organizational goals.
recite some importance of directing/leading:
process of ensuring that actual activities conform to planned activities.
individuals who are responsible for the work of the others.
also called as senior or upper management
Top Level Management
they’re the frontline managers or supervisors or team leaders. Also called as Formen.
Low Level Manager
come at the top of organizational hierarchy.
Top level Manager
officially represent the organization to the external environment.
Top Level Management
they are positioned between Top and Low level management
Middle Level Management
responsible for implementation of polices and plans developed by the top management
Middle Level Management
Middle Level Management
are found at the bottom of organization’s hierarchy.
Low Level Management
also called as first line, supervisory or operational level management.
Low Level Management
are the only managers who do not manage other managers.
Low Level Management
the one who researched managerial roles & behaviours of CEOs
Henry Mintzberg
the managers performs social, inspirational, legal and ceremonial duties. They’re also the symbol and must be on hand for people or agencies that only deal with him or her because of status and authority.
is at the heart of the manager-subordinate relationship and managerial power. They are a pervasive presence among subordinates, although relationship between the leader and other members of the group tends to be indirect.
the managers is an information and communication center. They builds and maintains relationships with other companies.
the manager seeks and receives information from various sources to evaluate the organization’s performance, well-being and situation. The manager performs vital tasks such as monitoring of internal operations, external events, ideas, trends, analysis and possible threats.
the manager communicates external information to the organization and facilitates information exchange between subordinates.
the manager relays information to other groups and entities outside of the company. Key influencers and stakeholders are kept informed of company performance, plans and policies.
the manager designs and initiates new opportunities for the company. They are a risk-taker and is often involved in start ups and new projects.
Disturbances may arise from certain actions of the staff, unexpected changes in resources and external threats. They also arise when workers and managers make mistakes or when innovation creates unexpected consequences.
Disturbance Handler
The manager oversees and controls resource allocation by evaluating major decisions involving resources.
Resource allocator
vital task of all managers
the manager takes charge of communicating and negotiating with other organizations and even among the members of the company
Is a process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the activities of an organization effectively and efficiently to achieve goals.
Management Theory
Scientific Management Theory is developed by?
Frederick W. Taylor
an American engineer and known to be the “Father of Scientific Management”
Frederick W. Taylor
This theory studies the application of scientific methods and principles
Scientific Management Theory
replace with scientific method.
-general rules base on experienced rather than fact or scientific expression.
was developed.
they measure & divide the time on how long will it takes for parts to be assembled.
time and motion study
example of scientific management
Ford Model T. (a model of car)
ford model t. is made by?
Henry ford
Administrative Management Theory was introduced in the 20th century by?
Henri Fayol, French industrialist.
a German sociologist, contributed to the development of AMT.
Max Weber
focuses on the overall management of an organization, emphasizing the role of the managers as administrators of the organization
Administrative Management Theory
task specialization to increase productivity
Division of work
the right to give order and exact obedience
Authority & responsibility
obedinece, application, energy of the individual and warning, fines and suspensions for enforcement
employee should receive orders from one supervisor only.
Unity of Command
one head and one plan for a group of act. Having the same direction. Having one goal.
Unity of direction
employees should put your personal desire in pursuit of greater purpose
pay should be fair and should reward “well directed effort”
establish the most effective balance between centralization & decentralization
must follow the “chain of superior” up to communicate across
Scalar chain
the right man in the right place to form an effective social order.
desire of equity and equality of treatment of employees, a combination of kindliness & justice
people needs time to learn their jobs. Leader should be loyal for their employee to be loyal too.
Stability and Tenure of Personnel
should encourage and inspire the initiative of the employees
seeks to establish unity and harmony. Teamwork in achieving goals of the company.
Esprit de Corps
It focuses on the social element in the workplace and c0onsiders the influence of interpersonal relationships.
Human Relations Theory
when was human relation established and who established it?
Established in 1920s with pioneering studies of Elton Mayo, an Austrialian Psychologist
also contributed to this theory through his Hierarchy of Needs Model
Abraham Maslow
Managers were encouraged to be supportive of their workers an to actively involve them in decision making.
Human Relations Theory
Uses quantitative approaches such as statistical analyses and computer simulations to arrive at a management decision
Quantitative Management Theory
uses mathematics in problem solving and decision making.
Management science
seeks to apply ideas and models from management science to actual workplace.
Operations management
gathers past, present and project data and transform them into usable information
Management information system
an industrial psychologist
Fred Fiedler
Considers the unique characteristics of managers as well as the effect of environmental factors in addressing management problems
Contingency Theory
Emphasizes consistency in an organization and minimal to no error or defects in the production
Which results to high customers satisfaction and increase revenue.
Quality Management Theory
who established Quality Management Theory?
William Edwards Deming
Japanese concept of quality management, which means “change for the better”