Organization Domain Flashcards
Unfair Labor Practice (ULP)
Violation of employee rights;act prohibited under labor relations statutes.
Whistle Blowing
Reporting of an organization’s violations of policies and processes by employees.
Wildcat Strike
Work stoppages at union contract operations that have not been sanctioned by the union.
Workforce Analysis
Systematic approach to anticipate human capital needs and data HR professionals can use to ensure that appropriate knowledge, skills, or abilities will be available when needed to accomplish organizational goals and objectives.
Workforce Management
All activities needed to ensure that workforce size and competencies meet the organization’s strategic needs.
Workforce Planning
Activities needed to ensure that workforce size and competencies meet current and future organizational and individual needs.
Works Council
Groups that represent employees, generally on a local or organizational level, for the primary purpose of receiving from employers and conveying to employees information about the workforce and the health of the enterprise.
Work-to- Rule
Situation in which workers slow processes by performing tasks exactly to specifications or according to job or task descriptions.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Umbrella term for the various approaches and techniques, other than litigation, that can be used to resolve a dispute.
Method of dispute Resolution by which disputing parties agree to be bound by the decision of one or more impartial persons to whom they submit their dispute for final determination
Artificial Intelligence
Ability of a computer to imitate human thought and behaviour
Center of Excellence
An organization structure that leverages staff expertise in certain areas to improve the entire organization’s strategic performance.
Chain of Command
Line of authority within an organization
Cloud Computing
Style of computing in which scalable IT- enabled capabilities are delivered as a service using internet technologies
Form of corporate governance that requires a typical management board and a supervisory board and that allows management and employees to participate in strategic decision making.