Define ‘Organisation Structure’.
Elizabeth McMillan:
‘The architecture, both visible and invisible, that connects and weaves together all aspects of an organisations activities’.
Define a ‘Centralized’ structure.
Centralised structures =
Main support functions located in centralised head office not scattered among several sites.
Define a ‘De - Centralized’ structure.
De - Centralized structures =
Main support functions located within physical locations where the operations operate.
List the 5 types of organisational structures.
1 - Functional Structure
2 - Structure by product / service
3 - Geographical Structure
4 - Virtual Structure
5 - Matrix Structure
List 4 main factors determining organisational structure.
1 - Centralisation /De-centralisation
2 - Age
3 - Size
4 - Product / Services & Diversity
What is the difference between a formal and informal structure ?
Formal =
Refer to issues through levels / hierarchy
Informal =
Acceptable to approach those deemed appropriate, regardless of status
A newer, smaller business is likely to have a ‘Formal Structure’.
Newer businesses are more likely to have a informal structure / no hierarchy…
An older organisation is more likely to have a ‘Formal Structure’.
Hierarchy would become established over time.
Give 1 example of a de-centralised organisation…
Several sites spread across the nation in which each site has their own budget and decisions to make.
How does size influence business/organisational stucture?
- Small = Informal
- Med - Large = Formal
Define Conglomerate.
A company that owns several smaller businesses whose products / services can usually be very different.
(Cambridge Dictionary Online)
How are conglomerate businesses likely to differ from businesses with only 1 or 2 products/services in terms of organisational structure?
Conglomerate businesses:
Multiple prod/service = more complex, may require specialised expertise / several managers or teams.
Less complex, whole business focused on 1 prod / service, one central specialised expertise.
Name 1 business that you know that is an example of a conglomerate business…
- Virgin Media
( Telecom services, Travel services,
Entertainment services / packages)
Describe a Functional structure.
1 person manages the business with each functions most senior person reporting to the MD (Managing Director).
Describe a businesses structure by Product / Service.
MD @ top of structure / heirarchy
Directors of support functions e..g finance /marketing & Directors of Each division by prod/service e.g sweets / coffees next….
In each division, there are specialised support functions…e..g finance / marketing…