Organisations of the Human body Flashcards
What are cells?
Smallest component of the body
Basic functions
Independent entity
Role in homeostasis
what are the jobs unspecified cells?
These cells multiply continuously to replace the millions of different body cells that die and need to be replaced every day.
cell membrane
Cell membrane— a phospholipid bilayer which also contains cholesterol andproteins; its functions are to provide support and to control entrance and exit of all materials. We will discuss the structure of thecell membraneand the mechanisms by whichchemicalscan penetrate or be absorbed into or out of thecell.
Cytoplasm— a watery solution of minerals, organic molecules, and gases found between thecell membraneandnucleus.
Nucleus— a membrane-bound part of acellthat contains nucleotides,enzymes, and nucleoproteins; thenucleuscontrolsmetabolism,proteinsynthesis, and the storage and processing of genetic information.
Cytosol— the liquid part of thecytoplasmwhich distributes materials bydiffusionthroughout thecell
Nucleolus— a dense region of thenucleuswhich contains theRNAandDNA; It is the site for rRNA synthesis and assembly of the ribosome components.
Endoplasmic reticulum
Endoplasmic reticulum— an extensive network of membrane-like channels that extends throughout thecytoplasm; it synthesizes secretory products and is responsible for intracellular storage and transport.
Ribosomes— very small structures that consist ofRNAandproteinsand performproteinsynthesis; someribosomesare fixed (bound to theendoplasmic reticulum) while otherribosomesare free and scattered within thecytoplasm
Mitochondria— ovalorganellesbound by a double membrane with inner folds enclosing important metabolicenzymes; they produce nearly all (95%) of theATPand energy required by thecell
Lysosomes— vesicles that contain strong digestiveenzymes;lysosomesare responsible for the intracellular removal of damagedorganellesor pathogens.
Peroxisomes— very small, membrane-boundorganelleswhich contain a large variety ofenzymesthat perform a diverse set of metabolic functions.
Golgi apparatus
Golgi apparatus— stacks of flattened membranes containing chambers; they synthesize, store, alter, and package secretory products.
Centrioles— there are twocentrioles, aligned at right angles, each composed of 9 microtubule triplets; they organize specific fibers of chromosomes duringcelldivision, which move the chromosomes
Cilia— thread-like projections of the outer layer of thecell membrane, which serve to movesubstancesover thecellsurface.
how many tissues are dispersed throughout the body
name the 4 types of tissues in the body
Epithedial tissues
connective tissues
muscle tissues
nerve tissues
Epithedial tissues
Protects (physical protection,) absorbs, secretes substances (sweat) and detected sensations (conveying information to the nervous system)
connective tissues
Connective tissuesprovide support and hold the bodytissuestogether. They contain more intercellularsubstancesthan the othertissues.Connective tissuesinclude blood; bone; cartilage; adipose (fat); and the fibrous and areolar (loose)connective tissuesthat give support to mostorgans
muscle tissues
specialized for an ability to contract. Musclecellsare elongated and called muscle fibers. When one end of a musclecellreceives astimulus, a wave of excitation is conducted through the entirecellso that all parts contract in harmony.
nerve tissues
Nervous tissueis specialized with a capability to conduct electrical impulses and convey information from one area of the body to another. Most of thenervous tissue(98%) is located in thecentral nervous system, the brain, and spinal cord.
There are two types ofnervous tissue: 1)neuronsand 2)neuroglia.Neuronsactually transmit the impulses.Neuroglia(Figure 6) provide physical support for the neuraltissue, controltissuefluids around theneurons, and help defend theneuronsfrom invading organisms andxenobiotics.Receptornerve endings ofneuronsreact to various kinds of stimuli (for example, light, sound, touch, and pressure) and can transmit waves of excitation from the farthest point in the body to thecentral nervous system.
skeletal muscle
attached to bone and contracts causing the bones to move.
Cardiac muscle
contracts to force blood out of the heart and around the body.
smooth muscle
an be found in severalorgans, including the digestive tract, reproductiveorgans, respiratory tract, and the lining of the bladder. Examples of smooth muscle activity are the:
Contraction of the bladder to force urine out.
Peristaltic movement to move feces down thedigestive system.
Contraction of smooth muscle in the trachea and bronchi which decreases the size of the air passageway.
describe the structure of skeletal muscle
Has Three layers of connective tissue — Mysia
Wrapped in sheath (epimysium)
Axon branch of a somatic neuron (signals contraction)
Neuromuscular junction