Organisational behaviour Flashcards
a social arrangement for achieving controlled performance to achieve collective goals
Organisational behaviour
the study of behaviour in organisational settings the interface between human behaviour and the organisation
Individual characteristics
personality, values
individual processes e.g
learning, perception, motivation
Interpersonal processes e.g.s
trust, justice, power/politics
Theory for explaining behaviour with reference
Behaviour is a function of the person and the environment (Lewin,1931)
Intelligence theory with reference
General intelligence (g) (Spearman,1904)
People tend to get similar scores on each area of intelligence i.e. each area of intelligence is highly correlated
Idea of underlying ‘g’ has empirical support
Job complexity increases the positive relationship between GMA and job performance
GMA and job performance
w ref
Meta-analytic support (Hunter and Hunter,1984)
Person with high GMA learns more and quicker
GMA is often used in selection processes
Critical evaluation of ‘g’
Link between intelligence and success is robust
Specific cognitive abilities predict job performance better when they match the demands of the role
The test results in a ‘maximum performance paradigm’ i.e. the best you can perform in a test might not reflect everyday performance
Potential bias against minority HOWEVER, intelligence tests predict job performance across ethnic groups, use of culture free tests and other factors predict differences e.g. marital status
Alternative theories to intelligence only affecting job performance
Emotional intelligence as ability (Mayer et al., 2000)
Extends traditional models of intelligence and addresses individuals’ ability to
perceive, process and manage emotions and emotional information
Performance-based measure (MEIS)
Critical evaluation of E.I
Important for jobs with emotional demands
More difficult to measure (compared to GMA):
* Measurement issues for ability EI, e.g. scoring
* Potential for faking/impression management in
EI self-reports → Problematic for selection!
* Some evidence of EI predicting job performance
Personality w reference
Characteristics of the person that account for
consistent patterns of experience and action
(Pervinet al, 2004)
Trait theories w reference
The big 5 (Costa & McCrae, 1987)
Openness to Experience: like working with ideas and possibilities, ready to re-examine attitudes and values
Conscientiousness: organised , thorough and a desire to do things well
Extraversion: quantity and intensity of energy directed
outwards into the social world, outgoing, assertive
Agreeableness: being helpful to others, mindful of others’ feelings, preferring cooperation to competition, kind, sympathetic
Neuroticism: prone to worry and self-doubt, highly affected by their emotions in stressful situations
way to remember big 5 model
Critical evaluation of personality tests
Strength of relationship between a predictor and criterion
Big 5 predicting performance
w ref
Metanalytic evidence (Wilmot and Ones,2021)
Openness- positive impact on training performance
Conscientious- across a range of jobs
Extraversion- positive relationship in some jobs i.e. sales
Agreeableness- positively related to teamwork
Neuroticism (low)- army/ law enforcemnt
Importance of motivation (reference)
Given your ability to perform and an environment which allows you to perform motivation determines whether you will do it (Muchinsky,2006)
What motivates you (ref)
Intrinsic doing an activity for it’s inherent satisfaction
Extrinsic when an activity is done to attain a separable outcome
(Ryan & Deci,2000)
Needs theories for motivation
Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs (Maslow,1943)
Self actualisation
Critical evaluation of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Very little empirical evidence
can people move down hierarchy
unclear how one need activates another
Process theories of motivation
Goal-setting theory (Locke & Latham,1990)
Goals provide direction, release energy and enhance persistency
critical evaluation of goal setting theory
Strong empirical support
Goals may conflict i.e. quantity or quality
Task performance only
Example of Goal setting theory
Lboro performance development review
Influences on attitude formation at work
Values (extrinsic/intrinsic)
Social influence
Work situation
Job design (ref)
the process of assigning tasks to a job including the interdependency of those tasks with other jobs (Bratton,2010)
Scientific management
w reference
Systematic approach of determining the best way to do a job through standardization
Critical evaluation of Taylorism
low job satisfaction lead to poor mental health/turnover and absenteeism
Job characteristics model
(Hackman & Oldham,1980)
Job Characteristics Psychological states
Skill variety
Task identity meaningfulness at
Task significance
Autonomy Experience and
Feedback Knowledge of results at
Skill variety
Degree to which the work involves different activities
Task identity
The degree to which the job requires completion of a identifiable piece of work
Task significance
Degree to which the job has a substantial impact on the lives or work of other people
Freedom for people to take and implement decisions i.e. scheduling of work, use of tools and procedures to carry it out and independent decision making.
The extent to which the job itself provides info on how well one is performing.
Critical evaluation of the job characteristics model
Lack of social context
Theory of purposeful work behaviour (ref)
(Barrick et al.,2013)
Individual differences in motivational strivings are linked to peoples preferences for goals and job characteristics
a predisposition to feel think and act towards some object person or event in a favourable way
Measuring attitudes
- Almost always self-report
- Likert scale- from agreement to disagreement
- Range of items
- Potential problem socially desirable responding
Components of job satisfaction
- Pay/ benefits
- Co-worker supervision
- The work itself