Organisation of Law Flashcards
How does state decide which rules to recognise?
- enforce rules originating as non-legal rules e.g. face masks
- new rules in response to perceived need for regulation e.g. privacy
Source of legal rules?
Legislation & Courts
What does public law include?
- Constitutional law (organisations, powers and processes of government)
- Administrative law (govern process of official decision-making)
- Criminal law (punishes conduct harmful to society)
What does private law include?
- Civil law (private legal rights between individuals)
Incl. tort, contract, agency, consumer protections, corporations and property law.
Specialist categories of law - Business law!
What is natural law?
Rules of conduct that accord with our realised experiences. e.g. responsibility of parents
What is moral and religious law?
Rules of conduct derived from belief systems etc. Dietary rules
What are customs?
Rules of conduct established by long usage or obeyed due to peer pressure. Rituals associated with marriage ceremonies.
What is national law?
Rules of conduct that government recognises and enforces as law. Many originate as customary, moral or natural laws and become part of national law.
Define categories of law.
Way of grouping together particular laws considered to be related usually because they refer to same type of concept.
Define legal concepts.
Ideas that determine the scope and nature of a particular category of law.
Define legal principles.
Broad precepts that recognise and give effect to particular point of view, value or policy.
Define legal rules.
Provide detailed mechanisms by which legal principles are given effect.
Define legal meanings.
Refer to particular meanings or significance that words or phrases have in law.
Define legal authorities.
Sources of particular legal principles, rules or meanings. e.g. court of act of parliament.
Where is the constitution of Cth contained in? How does it change?
Contained in British Cth of Aus Constitution Act 1900. To change requires majority vote in national referendum.