Organisation- heart blood vessels and blood Flashcards
Why does the left ventricle have the thickest wall of all the 4 chambers in the heart?
LV has to contract to generate the largest force to move the blood from the LV to all over the body i.e. they have to move the blood over the largest distance and overcome the greatest resistance (friction)
What is the purpose/function of the valves inside veins?
prevent back flow of blood and ensure blood flows in one direction
also prevent blood from pooling (collecting) in the lower limbs
What is the role/function of the plasma?
It is the liquid component of the blood that the cells are suspended in and chemicals are carried in
- plasma carries:
- red, white blood cells
- platelets
- glucose and amino acids
- CO2
- urea
- hormones
- proteins
- anitbodies
How are the lungs adapted for gaseous exchange?
They have many alveoli
The alveoli have walls which are one cell thick
The alveoli are covered in a rich blood supply (many capillaries)
The lining of the alveoli is moist (to dissolve the gases)
Give 2 advantages of biological heart valves
No medication needs to be taken
They are fully effective
What are the 3 different roles/functions of white blood cells?
To produce antibodies
To produce antitoxins
To carry out phagocytosis (engulf bacteria or toxins and break them down into harmless products)
What is a double circulatory system?
A system where the blood passes through the heart twice per full circuit around the body.
What is the function of the left ventricle?
Receives oxygenated blood from the left atrium
Contracts to generate a high force to move the oxygenated blood to the rest of the body via the aorta
The left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood around the rest of the body.
Why does the right ventricle have thicker walls than the atria?
The RV has to contract to generate a larger force to move the blood from the RV to the lungs i.e. they have to move the blood over a larger distance and overcome a larger resistance (friction)
Give 2 disadvantages of biological heart valves
They usually need replacing after 15 years
There are ethical issues for some people e.g. is it right to use tissue from animals
Describe the chemical reaction that happens in the red blood cell in the lungs
haemoglobin binds with oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin haemoglobin + oxygen = oxyhaemoglobin
What is the role/function of the pulmonary artery?
Carries deoxygenated blood away from the heart to the lungs
The blood has low oxygen and high carbon dioxide
How do cells become specialised?
The cells differentiate
This means they change in different ways:-
they change their shape e.g. sperm cell becomes streamlined and develops a flagellum (tail) they change their cell contents e.g. produce specific proteins e.g. haemogobin in a RBC, mucus in a goblet cell they change the number of certain cell organelles to become suited for a specific function e.g. pallisade mesophyll cells increase thier number fo chloroplasts
What are blood components?
These are parts of blood that have been separated from donated blood e.g. red blood cells platelets plasma
What is the function of glandular tissue?
To produce and secrete chemicals such as enzymes and hormones
What happens to the heart valve when it becomes faulty?
The valve may not open fully (as they can become stiff)
The valve may develop a leak (which then allows blood to flow in both directions)
What are the 4 main components of blood?
Red blood cells
White blood cells
Define the term ‘organ system’
A group of organs working together to carry out specific functions
What is the function of the vena cava?
Carries deoxygenated blood from the rest of the body back to the right atrium
The blood has low oxygen and high carbon dioxide
What are the 3 negatives/disadvantages of having a stent fitted?
There can be complications during surgery e.g. having a heart attack, reacting to the anaesthetic
There is a risk of a blood clot forming near the stent - this is called a thrombosis
If a thrombosis forms there is a risk of a stroke or heart attack or pulmonary embolism
How does coronary heart disease occur? Hint: 5 steps
Layers of fatty material build up INSIDE the coronary artery wall
This narrows the lumen of the coronary artery
This reduces the blood flow through the coronary srtery
This reduces the amount of oxygen & glucose delivered to the cardiac muscle cells that make up the heart walls
This can cause a heart attack
Give an example of a cardiovascular disease
Coronary heart disease
Myocardial infarction (heart attack)
What are platelets and why are they important
-small fragments of cells which helps blood clot
they are important as they: prevent blood loss
prevent the entry of micro-organisms
Which type of blood vessels have smooth muscle and elastic fibres in their walls?
ONLY arteries and veins
What is the function of the circulatory system?
To deliver oxygen and nutrients to all cells and remove all waste products from cells in a multi-cellular animal
Describe the structure of a red blood cell
Hint: Think of 3 facts
Biconcave shape
No nucleus (or mitochondria)
Contains a specialised protein called haemoglobin
Give 4 SCIENTIFIC arguments for the development of artificial hearts
Compensates for a shortage of biological donor hearts
Less likely to be rejected (as the metal and plastic is not recognised as foreign by the person’s immune system)
No need to tissue match
No need for immuno-suppressants to be taken by the patient for the rest of their life
What is the name of the main vein in the human body?
Vena cava
What is the role/function of the capillaries?
To allow the exchange of nutrients (e.g. glucose and oxygen) from the plasma to the cells
To allow the removal of waste products e.g. carbon dioxide and urea from cells into the blood plasma
What is the name of the main artery in the human body?
What is artificial blood?
A blood substitute e.g. saline
What are the 5 key features of any blood substitute?
They must not cause rejection
They must have a long shelf-life
They must be easy to store and transport
They must not transmit infections
They must be good are transporting oxygen
List the organs that make up the digestive system
Glands = pancreas & salivary glands
Small intestine
Large intestine
What are the consequences (signs and symptoms) of a faulty heart valve?
A person becomes breathless easily (as they have low oxygen supply)
The person can die (as a result of insufficient oxygen)
Give 7 SCIENTIFIC arguments against the development of artificial hearts
Patients usually have to take anticoagulants to thin the blood and reduce the risk of clots
The device may wear out or the electric motor may fail
Surgery to fit an artificial heart can lead to bleeding & possible infection
There can be problems with the size of the artificial heart
Usually it is not a long term solution i.e. not a cure just a temporary solution
Surgery can result in bleeding and infection
Blood flow is not smooth and this can result in problems with blood clotting causing other medical problems e.g. stroke
What is the role/function of the ribcage?
To protect the heart and lungs
What is the purpose/function of the valves inside veins?
prevent the back flow of blood and ensure blood only flows in one direction
also prevent blood from pooling (collecting) in the lower limbs
What is the role/function of the veins?
describe the structure of veins
To carry deoxygenated blood towards the heart
-capillaries join up to form veins- blood is at a lower pressure
What are the 4 risks in ANY type of valve replacement?
Risks of infection (during and after surgery)
Risks of reaction to the anaesthetic during surgery
Possible clots forming leading to blocked blood vessels
Clots can result in a heart attack or stroke
What is an artificial heart?
mechanical device that is used to treat a person whose own heart has failed
What are the advantages of replacing a faulty heart valve? Hint 1: applies to BOTH biological and mechanical heart valves Hint 2: 5 steps
The new valve improves the circulation of blood
So more oxygen is delivered to the tissues
So more cell respiration can occur
So more energy is releases
And hence the person can lead a more active life again
What is the role/function of the arteries?
To carry oxygenated blood away from the heart at high blood pressure