organic chem reagents Flashcards
Which functional groups react with Br2 in CCl4? + type of rxn
- Alkenes (electrophilic addition)
- Phenols (mono electrophilic sub)
- Alkanes (heat/uv) (free radical sub)
Which functional groups react with Br2 with anhydrous FeBr3/
Cl2 with anhydrous AlCl3 + type of rxn
Benzene (mono electrophilic sub)
Which functional groups react with Br2 (aq) + type of rxn
- Alkenes (electrophilic addition)
- Phenols/Phenylamines (multi electrophilic sub)
Which functional groups react with H2O (l) + type of rxn
Acid chlorides/bromides (hydrolysis)
Which functional groups react with anhydrous HBr/HCl + type of rxn
- Alkenes (electrophilic addition)
- Alcohols (Sn)
Which functional groups react with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine + type of rxn
- Aldehydes
- Ketones
Which functional groups react with Fehlings/Tollens reagent, warmed + type of rxn
Aldehydes (only aliphatic aldehydes for fehlings)
Which functional groups react with I2 with NaOH, heat + type of rxn
- -COCH3
- -CH(OH)CH3
Which functional groups react with HCN (trace amount of NaOH/KCN) + type of rxn
- Aldehydes
- Ketones
Nucleophilic addition
Which functional groups react with dilute acids, heat + type of rxn
- Nitriles –> COOH
- Amides –> amine
- Esters –> COOH
Acid hydrolysis
Which functional groups react with conc H2SO4, heat + type of rxn
- Alkenes (electrophilic addition)
- Alcohols (in excess) (elimination)
- as a catalyst in alcohols rxn with carboxylic (condensation)
Which functional groups react with conc HNO3, conc H2SO4, heat + type of rxn
Benzenes/alkylbenzenes (electrophilic sub)
Which functional groups react with dil HNO3 + type of rxn
phenols (electrophilic sub)
Which functional groups react with neutral FeCl3 + type of rxn
phenols (complex formation) –> violet complex
Which functional groups react with KMnO4 with dil H2SO4/NaOH, heat + type of rxn
- Alkene (strong oxidation)
- Aldehydes, primary alcohols and secondary alcohols (oxidation)
- benzylic aldehydes/alcohols/alkanes (side chain O)
- Methanoic acid and ethanedioic acid (oxidation)
oxidation of terminal alkene/methanoic acid/ethanedioic acid results in effervescence of CO2
Which functional groups react with cold dil KmnO4, NaOH + type of rxn
- primary/secondary alcohols
- aldehydes
oxidation –> COOH
heat w immediate distillation for pri alc –> aldehyde
Which functional groups react with Na(s) + type of rxn
- Alcohols
- Phenols
- Carboxylic acids
Redox –> salt + H2 gas
Which functional groups react with NaOH, heat? + type of rxn
- Phenols (acid base), rt
- Carboxylic acids (acid base), rt
- RX (Sn), heat
- Amides (alkaline hydrolysis), heat
- Nitriles (alkaline hydrolysis), heat
- Esters (alkaline hydrolysis), heat
Which functional groups react with Na2CO3/NaHCO3 + type of rxn
Carboxylic acids (acid base)
Which functional groups react with NH3 + type of rxn
- Carboxylic acids (acid base)
- Acid chlorides/bromides (condensation)
- RX (Sn), must be in ethanol, heated in sealed tube
Which functional groups react with KCN/NaCN in ethanol, heat + type of rxn
Halogenoalkanes, Sn
Which functional groups react with PCl5/3/SOCl2/PBr3 + type of rxn
- Alcohols
- Carboxylic acids
substitution rxn
Which functional groups react with Sn, conc HCl, heat + type of rxn
Nitrobenzenes, Reduction (NO2 –> NH2)
Which functional groups react with NaBH4 + type of rxn
- Aldehydes
- Ketones
Reduction to alcohol
Which functional groups react with LiAlH4 in dry ether, heat + type of rxn
- Nitriles (CN –> NH2)
- Aldehydes (–> alc)
- Ketones (–> alc)
- Carboxylic acids (–> alc + H2O)
- Esters (–> alc)
- Amides (–> amine)
Which functional groups react with H2(g), Ni, heat + type of rxn
- Alkenes
- Aldehydes
- Ketones
- Nitriles