Organic Flashcards
Carbonyl compound
Compound containing a carbon double bonded to an oxygen
Curly arrow
Mechanism to show the movement of a pair of electrons
Electron pair acceptor
E/Z isomer
Type of steroisomerism caused by restricted rotation around the C=C
Carbon atoms must have two different groups attached
Functional group
Group of atoms responsible for the characteristics of the molecule
Functional group isomer
Same molecular formula but with atoms arranged into different functional groups
Homologous series
the same general formula and similar chemical properties
Reactive molecule that occurs in the middle of a step wise reaction mechanism
Electron pair donor
Same structural formula but atoms are arranged in a differently in space
Structural isomer
Same molecular formula but different structural formula
Double carbon bonds
Prefix for one carbon long branch
When are — used
Between numbers and words
When are ,used
Between numbers
Fluorine prefix
Two basic types of isomer
Structural and steroeoisomerism
Functional group isomer
Has a different functional group
Functional group isomer
Has a different functional group
Chain isomerism
Hydrocarbon chain is arranged differently
(Branches in the chain)
Positional isomer
Same functional group but on different places in carbon chain
Why do straight chain hydrocarbons have a higher boiling point than branched ones
Chain can be closer to each other so stronger van der waals attraction
Crude oil
Formed over millions of years from the breakdown of organisms and dead plankton at high temperatures and pressures below earths surface
Why is crude oil non renewable
Demand is higher than the rate it takes to form
Mixture of hydrocarbons with similar boiling point and carbon chain length
Order of fractions in fractional distillation
Refinery oil
Diesel oil
Fuel oil
Refinery oil
Top fraction
1-5 carbon chain
Bottled gas
Second fraction
5-10 carbon chain
Fuel for cars
3rd fraction
Making chemicals
8-12 carbon
4th fraction
Aeroplane fuel
11-16 carbon chain
Diesel oil
5th fraction
Fuels for large vehicles
12-24 carbon chain
Fuel oil
6th fraction
Fuel for large ships
25+ carbon chain
7th fraction
70+ carbon chain
How many fractions are there in fractional distillation
Shorter carbon chains are
More volatile
Ignite easily
Low viscosity
Longer carbon chains
High boiling point
High viscosity
Fractional distillation steps
1- crude oil is heated in a furnace
2- mixture of liquids and vapour enter tower
3- thick residue collects at base (bitumen)
4- vapour passed up tower until, it reaches a tray that is cool enough
5- cools and condenses and are piped off
Why is fractional distillation a physical process
Because the hydrocarbons are changing state
Conditions for thermal cracking
High temperature and pressure
Why is thermal cracking done for a short amount of time
To prevent decomposition
What does thermal cracking produce
Unsaturated Alkenes
How to test for alkenes
Use bromine
Goes from orange to colourless
Uses of alkenes
Making plastics, paint and polymers
Standards for catalytic cracking
High temperature and moderate pressure
What does a lower pressure do (cost)
Make it cheaper
What is the catalyst like in catalic cracking
Honeycomb structure
Large surface area
What does catalytic cracking make
Chains of alkanes
VERY FEW alkenes
Uses for alkanes
Cosmetics and pharmaceuticals
Complete combustion eqation
Alkane + oxygen -> carbon dioxide +water vapour
Incomplete combustion equation
Alkane + oxygen -> carbon monoxide+ water vapour+ sometimes soot/carbon
Reaction profile for endothermic
Reactants have less energy than products
Reaction profile for exothermic
Reactants have more energy than products
Water vapour
Greenhouse gas
Methane (unburnt hydrocarbons)
Greenhouse gases
Carbon dioxide
Greenhouse gas although needed for photosynthesis etc
Sulfur dioxide
It is soluble in clouds so it forms acid rain
Asthma or cancer
Carbon monoxide
Toxic and flammable
Nitrogen oxide
From cars
Soluble in clouds so forms acid rain
Greenhouse affect
1-Infrared radiation from sun hits earth
2- Radiation is absorbed y the bonds in greenhouse gas
3-admits it into atmosphere
4- the more greenhouse gas present more likely it is to be absorbed
Flue gas’s
Fossil fuels burnt in power stations which contain sulfur
How is flue gas stopped
Calcium oxide and water to form calcium slufice
Further oxidised to produce sodium sulfate (gypsum)
What is gypsum and its use
Calcium sulfate
Make plaster
What are cataylic converters made from
Ceramic honeycomb coated with platinum and rhodium
What do catalytic converters do
Reduce output of carbon monoxide
Nitrogen oxide and unurnt hydrocarbons
How do catalytic converters work
When the olluting gasses pass over the catalyst they react with each other to produce less harmful greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide
How are halogenoallkanes made
When the diatomic halogen undergoes homolytic fission when exposed to uv light
Homolytic fission
Equal splitting of a covalent bond leaving each element an unpaire electron leaving a free radical
When are free radicals made
Making a halogenolkane
Thermal cracking
Curly arrow
Movement of electrons
Substitution reaction
One atom swapped directly for another
Same number of bonds
There steps fort making a halognoalkane
Initiation steps
Homolytic fission of the halogen by absorbing one quantum of uv light
Two free radicals are made
Propagation steps
One free radical reacts with the hydrocarbon leaving.a free radical
That free radical reacts with a halogen
Termination steps
Free radicals ar bonded together
What do CFC’s damage
The ozone layer
What bond does a Halogenoalkane and fluorine
Dipole dipole due to the difference in electronegativity
What intermolecular force does a halogenoalkane and halogens form below fluorine
Van der waals since they are not electronegative enough
Halogen solubility
Insoluble in water
Soluble in hydrocarbons
Why are halogens insoluble in water
The carbon halogen bond is not polar enough for water
Why do Larger halogens like iodine have higher boiling points
More electrons so more van der waals so more energy is needed to overcome
Bonds with lower standard enthalpy are easier or harder to break and why
Easier since less energy is required
Enthalpy is more important then polarity
What is the most electronegative halogenoalkane
Carbon and fluorine
It’s more positive for the nucleophile based on polarity
Additional polymer
Made from monomers based on ethane
How does addition polymerization happen
The double ethane bond opens
What are plasticisers
Small molecules that fit between polymers allowing them to slide over each other so they are more flexible
Used for plastics
Polymers with a low density
Polymerisation of ethane at high temp and pressure
Makes a branched chain which means less van der waals so they are flexible
Polymers wit high density
Temp and pressure just above room temperature
Uses a Ziegler nata catalyst
Makes no branched polymers more van der waals
Substitution conditions
Elimination conditions
Ethanol /alcohol
Halogenoalkanes with fluorine
Fluorine is electro negative so forms dipole-dipole
Other halogens form van der waals
Why are halogenoalkens not soluble in water
The carbon halogen bond is not polar enough
How does bp and mp change in halogenoalkanes when chain length is increased
Increases due to more van der waals between molecules which requires more energy to break
Catalic converter equation for carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide
Carbon monoxide + nitrogen oxide —> nitrogen + carbon dioxide
Homolytic fission
Equal splitting of a covalent bond
Each element has an unpaired electron(free radical)
How are free radicals produced
Thermal cracking
Homolytic fission
Three steps of making a halogenoalkane
Subsitution reaction
One atom swapped for another- same number of bonds
How are bonds broken
When something else has a high energy than it
How to make an alcohol
Nucleophillic subsitution
How does an alcohol Lowe the freezing temperature for antifreeze
Stops water arranging in its solid lattice to make ice
What is industry ethanol used for
An intermediate
Drugs and inks
How is ethanol made in industry
Reacting ethene (from crude oil) with steam using a phosphoric acid catalyst
What is the mechanism called used for alcohols
How is ethanol made for consumption
Word equation for fermentation
Glucose — carbon dioxide + ethanol
Why s fermentation done at a low temperature
It denatures the yeast enzyme used
Why is ethanol products pumped with Argon
Prevent oxidation
Why is ethanol distilled during fermentation
To keep the concentration under 15%
A field derived or produced by renewable sources
Why is biofuel better than current fuels we use
Current field are carbon based releasing it whe combusted
Why isn’t ethanol fully carbon neutral
Transportation used carbon dioxide
Conditions for nucleophillic substitution
Warm and aqueous
Alchcol general formula
Cn H2n+1 OH
How is glucose obtained for fermentation
Carbohydrates from plants are broken down into sugars