Oregon Revised Statutes Relating to the Practice of Psychology (2017), revised 2/18 Flashcards
4 Main Rules
- 230 Rule 504
- 252 Rule 504-5
- 264 Rule 507-1
- 280 Rule 511
4 Main Rules
- 230 Rule 504: Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege.
- 252 Rule 504-5: Communication revealing intent to commit certain crimes.
- 264 Rule 507-1: Certified advocate-victim privilege.
- 280 Rule 511: Waiver of privilege by voluntary disclosure
40.230 Rule 504: Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege.
May be claimed by?
Guardian or conservator of patient.
Personal representative of deceased patient.
Psychotherapist on behalf of patient.
Limits Psychotherapist-Patient Privilege (Rule 504)
If judge orders an examination.
Patient uses mental disorder as a criminal defense.
After the patient’s death when any party uses condition as a part of the party’s claim or defense.
40.252 Rule 504-5: Communication revealing intent to commit certain crimes.
Conditions and exceptions to privilege
Serious threat of clear and serious intent to commit a crime involving physical injury, sexual abuse or death or safety of another person.
No “Duty to report,” but MAY report.
No liability if in good faith.
40.262 Rule 507-1. Certified advocate-victim privilege
40.280 Rule 511. Waiver of privilege by voluntary disclosure.
Authority of parent when other parent granted sole custody of child. ORS 107.154
To inspect and receive school records and to consult with school staff, to the same extent as custodial parent.
To inspect and receive government and law enforcement records, to the same as custodial parent.
To consult with any person who may provide care or treatment.
To authorize emergency medical, dental psychological, psychiatric, if custodial parent is unavailable.
To apply to be child’s conservator, guardian or both.
Certain persons immune from liability for providing care to minor if only one parent has consented (109.672).
Who is immune?
Under what parental conditions?
Psychologist or facility is immune.
The parents can be married, separated or unmarried.
Even if consenting parent is not custodial parent.
The giving of consent by only one parent is, or is not, in conformance with any agreement between parents or any custody order or judgment.
Immunity dose NOT apply if the consentng parent’s rights had been terminated.
Under what conditions may a minor be treated for mental or emotional disorder or chemical dependency without parental consent? 109.675
14 years old
Chemical dependency (except methadone tx)
Involve parents before end of tx, unless they refuse or it is contraindicated, or they have been sexually abused
Emancipated minor or,
A minor living apart from parents for 90 days
Disclosure without minor’s consent. 109.680
May advise parents or legal guardian, if
- best interest of the minor
- minor’s condition has deteriorated, risk of suicide, need for other care or inpatient, or requires detox in resedential
Parent or guardian not liabile for payment
Elder Abuse definitions include. 124.050
A physical injury at variance with explanation.
Neglect, abandonment, withdrawal.
Willful infliciton of physical pain or injury.
Crime against, verbal abuse, financial exploitation.
Physical or chemical restraint.
Sexual abuse.
Duty to Report Elder Abuse, and Exceptions to reporting. 124.060
Mandated to report any reasonable cause to believe abuse of any 65 year old one has come in contact with.
MAY report, but not mandated, if abused was learned of in the privilege confines of psychotherapy.
Method and content of reporting elder abuse. 124.065
Immediate oral report to DHS
Content shall contain the names and addresses of the elder, personals responsible for their care, the nature and extent of the abuse.
Content shall also include any info as to the cause of identity of persons causing abuse.
Required disclosure of PHI to law enforcement agency (elder abuse). 124.072
Permit law enforcement to inspect and copy PHI of elder.
Upon request by law, consult with the agency about PHI of the elder.
Reporter immunity if in good faith.
Reporter identity confidential unless judicial process or consent of elder.
Confidentiality of records and exceptions (elder abuse). 124.090
Records of reports are confidential, except:
law enforcement agency, Long-term care Ombudsman.
Courts and administrative law judge.
Sexually violent dangerous offender definition. 137.765
History of sexual assault, seriously violating the life or safety of a person or if the person is under 12 years.
Psychopathic personality features, sexually deviant arousal patterns.
Conditions for Mandatory lifetime post-prison supervision for sexually violent dangerous offender. 137.765
>=18 years old
Sexually violent dangerous offender.
Rape in the first degree and sodomy if victim was under 12, forcibly compulsed, or incapable of consent.
Resentencing hearing and possible modification of sentence of sexually violent dangerous offender. 137.771
No sooner than 10 years after offender is released to post-prison supervision, the offender may petition court.
Not less than 5 years after denial of resentencing, an offender may petition again.
Authorization to disclose PHI requirements 192.556
Description of to be disclosed info.
Specific identifying info of discloser.
Specific identifying info of receiver of info.
Purpose of disclosure and that the patient had requested.
Date of expiration.
Signature of patient or pt. rep
Patient right to revoke at any time.
Definition of PHI 192.556 (11)
Identifiable health information that is maintained or transmitted in electronic form.
Routine allowed reasons for Disclosure of PHI without need for authorization. 192.558
To coordinate care with another provider to the patient.
Otherwise permitted by law.
Court order.
Patient non-payment.
Detecting fraud in care providers.
Fees for releasing PHI. 192.563
$30 for 10 or fewer pages.
$.50 per page for 11 through 50.
$.25 for greater than 50.
Circumstances allowing for PHI Disclosure without signed authorization form. 192.567
May disclose to family or friend, (responsible for the patient’s healthcare), info directly relevant to the patient’s healthcare… the location, general condition, or death of the patient.
- if the pt is not present, incapacitated
- and in the pt’s best interest
May disclose if pt is serious threat to self or others
Personal representative of deceased. 192.573
In this order:
Spouse, then adult children, parent, then adult siblings
Duty of officials to report child abuse. 419B.010
- Duty to report if come in contact with abuser or abused.
- Exception if learned of in therapy, but MAY report.
- Class A violation if not reported and enforceable up to 18months.
Reporting of Child Abuse. 419B.005 to 491B.055
What, when, and exception
- Oral report immediately to DHS, police, or dept. within county.
- Name of victim, their parents or guardians and addresses, previous evidence of abuse, current description of abuse, any help in IDing perp.
- Not a duty to report if learned of in privileged situation.
- Immune if reported in good faith.
- Confidential info and records available to police, courts, DHS, spec advocate, and many others.
Juvenile Court appointed Special Advocate (CASA). 419B.112
- In every case a CASA appointed and paid for by the court to:
- investigate every aspect of case
- advocate for the child, and make sure all are doing their jobs for the child
- immune from liability
- all must allow access to records for CASA, without parent’s, ward or guardian consent
- All CASA records are confidential
- CASA is deemed a guardian ad litem in court
Juvenile Access to Counsel and counsel’s access to records. 419B.195
If the parents or others requests counsel and the child financially qualifies, the paid counsel provided.
Court appointed counsel has access to all records of school, psychologist, DHS, etc., and can inspect and copy without consent of parents, guardian, etc.
Definitions Persons with Mental Illness. 426.005
Because of Mental disorder is one or more of the following:
- a danger to self or others
- unable to provide for needs to ensure needs to avoid serious physical harm
- or a person with a chronic mental illness, who within past 3 yrs has twice been hospitalized, and who will deteriorate if not treated because of same symptoms repeating again
Commitment to Oregon Health Authority can only be made by who? 426.060
A judge of the circuit court of county.
Commitment Inititiation (and notice). 426.070 part 1 of 3
Any of the following may inititate commitment:
- 2 persons or the local health officer or a magistrate
The Notice must comply with the following:
- written under oath and given to community mental health officer or his designee
- it must state a person other than the one giving notice that the person is mentally ill.
- if the Commitment was initiated by 2 persons, it may request that they be notified of outcome.
Commitment Notification required and Recommendation to Court (upon receipt of Notice). 426.070 part 2 of 3
Upon receipt of Notice or when notified by Circuit Court, the community mental health program director (CMHPD) shall:
- Immediately Notify the judge of the court having jurisdiction for that county
- Immediately Notify the Oregon Health Authority if commitment is proposed due to MI and the OHA may verify that the person meets criteria for commitment
- Initiate an investigation to determine probable cause by MI
- Upon investigation report completion it should promptly be submitted to judge
Commitment Citation if Probable Cause of MI is determined by Court. 426.070 part 3 of 3
- A citation is issued for person to appear for hearing.
- Or if person already in custody, or if not taking the person into custody would cause serious harm, a citation for detention is issued.
- detained MI person has right to counsel
- MI person shall be given the Warning (426.123) that they will be observed and can be used as evidence of need for further detention.
Care MI by licensed independent practitioner (LIHP), while placed in custody by police, court or LIHP. 426.072
- LIHP is MD, nurse practitioner or naturalpaths, who make all decisions for care and reports to court.
- No ECT or unusual or dangerous tx
- LIHP shall be notified of seclusion or mechanical restraint.
- LIHP shall give further 426.123 warnings.
MI Commitment: Investigation procedure timelines. Part 1 of 2 for 426.074
- If MI person is held in custody before hearing, investigation shall be completed 24 hrs before hearing, otherwise,
- Investigator shall contact MI person within 3 judicial days after notice given to community mental health program director (CMHPD)
- Within 15 days of notice to CMHPD, 1 of these occur:
- completed investigation given to court, or extensions granted because better options than commitment or person can’t be located
- Investigation report given to MI person or counsel no later than 24 before hearing.
MI Commitment: Investigation Content. Part 2 of 2 for 426.074
- MI person should be interviewed in home or familiar place.
- Whether or no MI person consents, interviews with those with pertinent info shall be conducted.
- Records from pre-hearing detention period will be inspected.
- Investigator can have access to patient-therapist records, therefore no privilege.
Notice and Records of Treatments Prior to Hearing and Procedures, for MI Commitments. 426.075
- Court advised of any drug tx that may affect hearing.
- Court shall appoint examiners to inspect report, records and interview medical officers involved.
MI Commitment: Citation, service. 426.090
Judge shall issue the citation if person thought to be MI.
MI person is given time and place, right of counsel, etc.
Commitment hearing; postponement; right to cross-examine; admissability of investigation report. 429.095
- Hearing to be held 5 judicial days (JDs) from citation issuance or 5 JDs from detention.
- May be postponed for not more than 5 JDs.
- Medical records and earlier therapy records are no longer privileged when subpoena issued.
- The investigation report can not be submitted if investigator is either not available for cross-examination; unless that right waived.
Appointment of examiners; qualifications; costs. 426.110
- Judge will appoint 1 examiner, or 2 if requested by MI person or their counsel.
- Examiner must be a licensed psychiatrist, certified by Psychiatric Security Review Board as a qualified examiner.
- Costs stipulated by ORS 426.250
Qualified Examiner’s Examination Reports and Rules. 426.120
- Examine MI person prior to hearing.
- Separate report in writing, under oath, to court.
- If finds MI, must recommend type of tx facility to help.
- Should advise the court if the MI person would cooperate with and benefit from voluntary commitment.
- Examiner gets all records.
Observation of person in custody; warning; evidence. 426.123
Both oral and written warning that will be observed in detention, and that evidence can be used against in court.
Qualifications and requirements for conditional release of MI person. 426.125
If conditional release is requested by relative or guardian and judge grants it for commitment period.
Judge must be assured that all needs of MI person will be met.
Outpatient commitment of MI person. 426.127
OHA may order this if a facility exists.
CMHPD may change things along the way and must report such changes to anyone receiving original commitment orders.
Court determination of MI; discharge; release for voluntary tx; conditional release; commitment; assisted outpatient tx; prohibition of firearms; period of commitment. 426.130
- Court may find not MI and release or order assisted outpatient tx for no more than 12 mths
- If court finds MI, then may:
- Order release and dismiss if MI person will benefit and go to voluntary tx, or…
- Order conditional release to requestor, and length of commitment <180, with any conditions.
- Order commitment and length <180 days of commitment to OHA who may order outpatient.
- May order restrictions to firearms if a danger.
Assisted outpatient release. 426.133
- Is NOT commitment, custody or forced meds.
- >=18 yrs old, has a mental disorder.
- will not voluntarily seek care and will deteriorate to MI.
- The CMHPD may recomment Tx and Court may adopt the recommendation.
- Court may restrict firearms and report to county.
- Court retains jurisdiction until assisted outpt. ends.
Release of information of MI commited person or in custody to Family Member requesting info. 426.155
- If released authorized by commited person or LIHP, then can release info about meds, tx, progress, diagnosis, any info about commitment process.
- Attempts should be made to inform family of MI person commitment.
Duty following emergency admission. 426.200
CMHPD should initiate an investigation with 72 hours.
Limit of detention after emergency admission. 426.210
Five judicial days unless officially postponed.
Change of status to voluntary. 426.217
Official may change status to voluntary.
Then must release if requested within 72 hours.
Emergency custody by Police; transport; examination; reports. 426.228
- Police with probable cause can take into custody.
- Upon direction of CMHPD, can transport to hospital.
- At hospital should be immediately examined by LIHP.
- Police should write report to LIHP about date, time, where taken, etc.
- Can be hospitalized or delivered to another caregiver elsewhere.
Hold by LIHP. 426.231
- May hold a person in a tx facility for up to 12 hours awaiting transport and transfer to an OHA facility.
- The awaiting facility must OK they can receive patient.
- LIHP must have staff privileges at receiving facility.
Prehearing detention; Duties of CMHPD; certification for Tx; Court proceedings. 426.237
- May release, or no later than 3 days in detention may certify the pt for 14 days of intensive tx.
- LIHP conducts the tx and can discharge at any time.
- Family shall be informed.
- Circuit court continually informed of changes.
- Patient can request hearing.
Trial visits. 426.273
Failure to adhere. 426.275
- Trial visit for outpatient care while hospitalized.
- Court can modify or remove trial if not adhered to.
Commitment to state hospital and competency. 426.295
Admission alone does not automatically confer incompetency.
Court shall hold hearing to determine competency if declared incompetent during hospital commitment.
Release of committed person. 426.301
- Shall be released after 180 days unless recertified.
- Person can request counsel and hearing.
- After another 180 days, repeat of either release or recertification.
Rights of committed person and restraint rules. 426.385
- Mechanical restraints must be approved by chief medical officer and written in notes and reported to family or guardian or counsel.
- has many normal simple rights, civil rights, right to be paid for work, receive mail, make calls, have visitors, go outside
- any right can be removed if dangerous to self or others.
Licensing by OHA of person to give mechanical restraint to MI persons under 21. 426.415
- must be trained in emergency services.
- license given and annual training.
Chronic Mental Illness (CMI) definition and who diagnoses. 426.495
- >=18 years old.
- Diagnosed by clinical psychologist, LHP, psychiatrist.
- Chronic Schizophrenia, Chronic major affective disorder, chronic paranoia, or other chronic psychotic disorder, other than caused by substance abuse.
Powers, duties and rules of OHA for chronic mental illness. 426.500
- prepare written discharge plan
- assign case worker
- provide funds for care
Determination of Sexually dangerous person; custody; hearing; rules. 426.675
- Court can decide to put on probation and commit to tx program or sentence imprisonment to a program.
Commitment of extremely dangerous person with MI. 426.701
- Can be committed to Psychiatric Security Review Board for a maximum of 24 months.
- Can have hearing and counsel, etc.
- The court shall appoint an examiner.
- Must have mental disorder, and not just be dangerous.
- Board shall hold a hearing 6 mths after initial commitment.
- Can be conditionally committed or reassigned for 24 more mths.