Ordination Flash Cards
What is your object for wanting to be ordained?
To make full proof of my ministry.
2 Timothy 4:5
What is the duty of an ordained minister?
The duties of an ordained minister are to preach the Word and to carry out the sacraments and ordiances of the church.
What is the Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God od the Americas concept of God?
We believe that there is but one God revealing himself in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. These three are one God equal in power, glory, and dominion.
What are the commissions of the gospel?
We are commanded through the commissions to go, teach, preach, and baptize.
Matt 28:19-20
Mark 15:15, 16
Luke 10:1-4
How many commissions are there and where are they found?
There are three places where the commissions are found:
St. Matthew 28:19-20
Mark 15:15, 16
Luke 10:1-5
What is salvation and how is it obtained?
Salvation is deliverance from sin. It is obtained through repentance and faith in Christ. Romans 8:8-11
How many ordinances and sacraments are there? Name them.
There are two sacraments recognized by the Fire Baptized Holiness Church of God of the Americas. They are baptism and the Lord’s Supper. All other decrees of God are ordinances because they were not instituted by Christ.
What is atonement?
Atonement is the satisfaction offered through divine justice by Jesus Christ who by his suffering and death took our place. Isaiah 53:4-6, Gal. 3:13, Gal 4:4, 5
What is the fundamental doctrine of the gospel?
The fundamental doctrine of the gospel is Jesus Christ, Son of God, born of a virgin Mary, waked upon the earth, suffered under Pontius Pilate, crucified, buried, raised from the dead, ascended into heaven, is seated at the right hand of the Father making intercession and will return in great power and glory.
Are you willing to keep the charge committed to your care until otherwise advised?
I am so willing
Have you been called to preach the Gospel and can you say as the Apostle Paul said:
“Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel?” I have so been called.
Will you “preach the word” without fear or favor, seeking the honor that comes from God only, reproving, and exhorting with all long-suffering, and Doctrine, contending earnestly for the faith once delivered to the Saints?
I am so willing.
Will you take the Word of God as your charge and rule of conduct, and strive to regulate your life and manner of living by its sacred teachings?
I will live according to God’s word.
Having a dispensation committed unto you, will you undertake to preach the Gospel, not as a hireling, nor by constraint, neither as being Lords over God’s heritage, not for filthy lucre, but willingly and of a ready mind, doing all you can for the glory of God and the salvation of lost men?
Having this dispensation, I will so willingly preach.
Tell how many “ISMS” you know of and scriptures to condemn the same, or tell where they get their scripture and prove by their scripture that they are imposters true to the knowledge of Christ.
Christian Scientist: Deny a personal trinity. The theory of three persons in one God. Suggest heathen gods. Life, truth, and love constitute the triune God. These statements are taken from The Science and Health p. 277, 152. They do not believe in the atonement, Holy Ghost, heaven, hell, prayer nor angels.
Spiritualists: Deny the foundation of the Christian faith. It makes a gross parody of heaven, denies the resurrection either of Christ, or man and the judgment to come. Spiritualists believe in contacting dead spirits and receiving messages. Scriptures to condemn. (Lev. 20:6, 27; Isa. 8:19-20 and Deut 18:10, 12, 14).
Unitarians: Deny the Deity of Christ. They teach to worship Christ is idolatry. Christ's seven times questioned and seven times affirmed. Matt 4:3 Matt. 3:17 John 10:24 John 10:36 Matt 27:40 Matt. 27:54 Matt. 27:42 John 1:16 Luke 23:35 Matt. 16:16 Luke 23:37 Luke 23:38 Luke 23:39 Luke 23:40
Universalists: Believe and teach that Christ died for all sins of all men and for that reason all will be saved, but F.B.H. we believe that Christ died for the sins of all men, but to be saved one must repent and believe on the Lord Jesus. (Please read Mark 16:15, Acts 16:31)
Seventh-Day Adventism: We indict Seventh-Day Adventism on four main counts.
1. They deny the bible doctrine of the atoning sacrifice of Christ as the only means of man’s salvation. (Heb. 9:22, Lev. 17:11, 1 Peter 2:24).
- They teach that the Lord Jesus inherited a sinful nature. (Heb 7:26, Heb 4:15)
- Seventh-Day Adventism believes in soul-sleep after death and conditional immortality.
- They try to force the believer back under the law and away from grace by their Sabbath teachings.
Mormons: They Teach that God is only an exalted man and that He was once on earth as we are now. They deny that Jesus was begotten by the Holy Ghost. They believe in polygamy- many husbands and wives. The Word condemns the Mormons on all three accounts. (Gen 1:1, John 1:1, Matt. 1:18, 20, Matt. 5:27)
Jehovah’s Witnesses: (1) They believe that while the Lord was on earth He was nothing more than a perfect human being. This statement conflicts with the Word of God. (Matt. 1:23, John 1:1-3 and Heb. 1:7-10). (2) They also believe that Christ in any sense or degree will come again as a human being. The Word says (Luke 24:39, Acts 1:11)
(3) They believe in the sleep of the soul (Eph. 2:1, Luke 16:23, Matt 10:20).