ORDER'S Flashcards
The ? must approve accessories added or any modifications to to dept or personal firearms
Range aster
? magazines for an auto pistol and ? speed loaders for revolvers are required for the shoot for record
3 magazines or 2 speed loaders
Drivers license inspections are conducted in the months of ? and ?
March and September
Elder abuse reports MUST be cross reported to ?
Aging and Independent Services
FTO refresher training is conducted ?
Random drug testing will take place twice in an ? month period. Retained by command
18 month period
H& S 11364.1 makes the possession of less than ? Hypodermic syringes no longer a crime
The random drug test will be completed within a ? hour period. Supervisor will send results by?
4 hour
Next business day
A new type code, 415 W will indicate a person with an unconcealed weapon involving suspicious circumstances, and signifies a ? is involved
WEAPON is involved
If money is discovered during a search of a prisoner prior to placing in police car, then officers SHALL ?
Cunt the $ in front of the prisoner prior to moving or transporting from the scene and the name of witness officers SHALL be documented and if search involves handling $ , weapons or jewelry, the nature and content of the property SHALl be documented.
Inspection reports shall now be completed by the ?
Last day of the month
No longer a 10 day grace period
All FTO’s ,FTO’S Sgts and FTO’S Lieutenants are required to attend mandatory refresher training how often?
Each shift change
Investigators should review evidence every ? months to determine if property can be released or disposed of.
Found property should be reviewed every ? days to determine if can be released or disposed
6 months
90 days
The ? must improve accessories added or alterations made any firearm to be carried on or off duty
Range master
Drivers license inspections are completed in ? and ? of each year
March and September??.
once a year!
The code section to be used in recording elder abuse crimes is
368 pc
All requests for outside employment expire on
Mandatory FTO refresher training is held?
Central Division Community Room
A new code to be used in instances where person is displaying concealed weapon such as a gun or knife and no crime is being committed will be dispatch with new type code?
If they search of a wallet or purse of a suspect is conducted a ? should be present
Witness officer
Whenever a department member records a citizens contact, traffic stop, if, etc., . with any type of meeting media that recording wall
Be treated as evidence. Copied onto a disk and impounded
Citations placed in the appropriate bin shall not be removed from the bins except by the
Issuing officer for correction or by personnel designated by the commanding officer
There is no longer a ? day grace period to complete inspection reports
10 day grace period. Inspections shall be completed by the last day of the month
Evidence should be reviewed every ? months to determine the property can be released . found property should be reviewed every ? days to determine if it can be released or dispose
6 months
90 days
Personnel will be required to give the ? code word, there name, and there department ID when requesting criminal history by telephone
County criminal history code word
Teaching at the Academy, in-service training or private enterprise is considered ? employment
The ? Sgt shall be notified prior of testing up police equipment from a vendor or manufacture
Operational support administration Sgt.
Use of toll road . Must notify
Communications, then pop support within 4 days
Want to buy LE equipment for dept via donation, grant etc, must notify
Op support Sgt
X-26 and X-26P Tasers shall have ? test prior to shift and a ? second test once a week. If does not work take to ? as soon as possible.
5 second
Operational Support.
All outside employment requests finally approval rests on the ?
Chief of Police
A DNA Mouth Consent form is required with the subject is not being arrested for a ?, is not a ? and who is not a victim of a ?.
4th Waiver
Sex Crime
DNA Mouth Swab Consent. The paragraph referring to ? should be crossed out for all ?reference samples and ? partners samples
Local Database
? Officers are exempt from Mandatory Carbine Training.
Department training-Qualification:
? Will schedule their personnel and track their attendance.
Immediate supervisors
X-26 and X-26P Tasers have an expiration date of ? years.
Transporting Females:
? Officers per car
? Are responsible for conducting Drivers License inspections.
Commanding Officers
Duty to Report Misconduct:
Reporting misconduct shall be reported ? to any ?
Duty to Report Misconduct:
If founded the supervisor will go through their ? or the ?
Chain of command
Watch Commanders Office
SB 719 ensure all pursuits are turned into CHP within ? days after the pursuit
SB 719:
Immediate supervisors will assure video is viewed and signatures turned into ?
In-Service Training
Cell phones:
Get a warrant unless individual is ?, individual gives ? or ? circumstances.
A fourth waiver
Public Inebriates:
Any deviations from procedure must be approved by ? or ?
Field Lt.
Public Inebriates:
? must be shown to ? prior to taking an inebriate to jail
Rejection slip