Order Rodentia Flashcards
So Sciuromorpha, f aplodontidae
mountain beaver, protrogomorphous, sciurognathous, flat triangle skull, flask shaped bullae, nearctic, herbivorous
So Sciuromorpha, f sciuridae
sciuromorphous, sciurognathous, post orbital process present, (na, nt, p, o, e)
Tamias striatus
eastern chipmunk, black and white stripes on back
Sciurus carolinensis
eastern gray squirrel
Tamiasciuris hudsonicus
red squirrel
Glaucomys sabrinus
northern flying squirrel, reddish yellowish cast to fur, gray under
Glaucomys volans
southern flying squirrel, gray, white under
Marmota monax
So Castorimorpha, f castoridae
beavers, sciuromorphous, sciurognathous, flat back skull, bony ear tube, spatulate tail, (na, p)
Castor canadensis
american beaver, largest skin, flat tail
So Castorimorpha, f geomyidae
gopher, sciuromorphous, sciurognathous, two holes in palate between last molars, premolar figure 8 shaped (na, nt), fossorial
So castorimorpha, f heteromyidae
kangaroo rat, sciuromorphous, sciurognathous, infraorbital foramen pierces rostrum, inflated bullae (na, nt), bipedal
So myomorpha, f dipodidae
histricomorphous, sciurognathous, inflated bullae, tail longer than head and body (na, p, o)
Zapus hudsonius
jumping mouse, no white tip on tail, olive pelage
Napaeozapus insignis
jumping mouse, white tip on tail, red pelage
So myomorpha, f muridae
myomorphous, sciurognathous, v shaped infraorbital foramen, bunodont molars, (p, o, e)
Mus musculus
belly fur gray, tail as long as head and body
Rattus norvegicus
light brown, scaly tail
So myomorpha, f cricetidae
myomorphous, sciurignathous, v shaped infraorbital foramen, lophodont, molars with series of angular cusps, triangle, (na, nt)
Peromyscus spp.
belly fur white, tail as long as head and body
Myodes gapperi
red fur, tail about twice as long as feet
Microtus pennsylvanicus
dark brown to black fur, tail about twice as long as feet
Microtus pinetorum
orange fur, tail reaches toes or just past
Synaptomys cooperi
gray black, tail shorter than hind feet
Ondatra zibethicus
dark, fat, hair tail
So Anomaluromorpha, f pedetidae
histricomorphous, sciurognathous, large infraorbital foramen, large dent on rostrum (e) , bipedal
So hystricomorpha, f bathyergidae
protagomorphous but technically histricomorphus, hystricognathous, robust skull with strong lower incisors, flattened bullae, (e)
So hystricomorpha, f hystricidae
both histri, skull elongate, round, flat cheek teeth, big, (e, O)
So histricomorpha, f erethizontidae
both histri, lophodont, short paroccipital process, enlarged bullae (na, nt) herbivorous
Erethizon dorsatum
So histricomorpha, f echimyidae
both histri, paroccipital process curve under bullae, small (nt)
So histricomorpha, f octodontidae
both histri, firgure 8 shaped molars, upper molars distinct, large bullae (nt)
So histricomorpha, f chichillidae
both histri, enlarged bullae, molars are rows of transverse plates (nt)
So histricomorpha, f myocastoridae
both histri, long paroccipital process, large flange on dentary (nt)
So histromorpha, f caviidae
both histri, prominent lateral groove in dentary, upper tooth rows converge in to v and pushed to side, long paroccipital processes (nt)
So histrocomorpha, f dasyproctidae
both histri, smooth elongate skull, lacrimal canal with large opening on side of rostrum, (nt) burrowing, seed dispersers
So histricomorpha, f cuniculidae
both histri, heavily ridged skull, large dent on underside of zygomatic arch which is enlarged with large sinuses in adults, (nt)