Orbit Flashcards
List the key components found in the orbit
Bones and foramina Extrinsic eye muscles Nerves Blood vessels Lacrimal system
What are the orbits
The orbits are bilateral structures in the upper half of the face below the anterior cranial fossa and anterior to the middle cranial fossa that contain the eyeball, the optic nerve, the extra-ocular muscles, the lacrimal apparatus, adipose tissue, fascia, and the nerves and vessels that supply these structures.
How many bones contribute to the framework of each orbit and what are they
Seven bones contribute to the framework of each orbit (Fig. 8.73). They are the maxilla, zygomatic, frontal, ethmoid, lacrimal, sphenoid, and palatine bones.
Describe the shape of the bony orbit
Together they give the bony orbit the shape of a pyramid, with its wide base opening anteriorly onto the face and its apex extending in a posteromedial direction. Completing the pyramid configuration are medial, lateral, superior, and inferior walls.
What is the apex of the bony orbit
The optic foramen
What is the base of the orbital rim formed by
superiorly by the frontal bone,
medially by the frontal process of the maxilla,
inferiorly by the zygomatic process of the maxilla and the zygomatic bone, and
laterally by the zygomatic bone, the frontal process of the zygomatic bone, and the zygomatic process of the frontal bone.
Summarise the bones that form the roof, floor and lateral walls of the orbit
Roof orbital plate of frontal bone Floor orbital plate of maxilla Lateral wall zygoma greater wing of sphenoid
Summarise the bones that form the medial part of the orbit
Frontal process of maxilla
Lacrimal bone
Orbital plate of ethmoid
Lesser wing of sphenoid
Describe the musculature of the eye as a confounder
Its anatomy confounds the clinical investigation
Describe the importance of the lacrimal system
Keeps the eye moist and therefore functional
How can we open up the contents of the orbit
Remove the orbital plate of the frontal bone.
Describe the roof of the orbit
The roof (superior wall) of the bony orbit is made up of the orbital part of the frontal bone with a small contribution from the sphenoid bone (Fig. 8.73). This thin plate of bone separates the contents of the orbit from the brain in the anterior cranial fossa. Posteriorly, the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone completes the roof.
Describe two unique features of the roof of the orbit
anteromedially, the possible intrusion of part of the frontal sinus and the trochlear fovea, for the attachment of a pulley through which the superior oblique muscle passes;
anterolaterally, a depression (the lacrimal fossa) for the orbital part of the lacrimal gland.
Describe the medial walls of the bony orbit
The medial walls of the paired bony orbits are parallel to each other and each consists of four bones—the maxilla, lacrimal, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones (Fig. 8.73).
The largest contributor to the medial wall is the orbital plate of the ethmoid bone. This part of the ethmoid bone contains collections of ethmoidal cells, which are clearly visible in a dried skull.
Describe the anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina
Also visible, at the junction between the roof and the medial wall, usually associated with the frontoethmoidal suture, are the anterior and posterior ethmoidal foramina. The anterior and posterior ethmoidal nerves and vessels leave the orbit through these openings.
Describe the lacrimal bone
Anterior to the ethmoid bone is the small lacrimal bone, and completing the anterior part of the medial wall is the frontal process of the maxilla. These two bones participate in the formation of the lacrimal groove, which contains the lacrimal sac and is bound by the posterior lacrimal crest (part of the lacrimal bone) and the anterior lacrimal crest (part of the maxilla).
Describe the floor of the orbit
The floor (inferior wall) of the bony orbit, which is also the roof of the maxillary sinus, consists primarily of the orbital surface of the maxilla (Fig. 8.73), with small contributions from the zygomatic and palatine bones. Posteriorly, the orbital process of the palatine bone makes a small contribution to the floor of the bony orbit near the junction of the maxilla, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones.
Describe the inferior orbital fissure in the floor of the orbit
Beginning posteriorly and continuing along the lateral boundary of the floor of the bony orbit is the inferior orbital fissure. Beyond the anterior end of the fissure the zygomatic bone completes the floor of the bony orbit
Describe the lateral wall of the orbit
The lateral wall of the bony orbit consists of contributions from two bones—anteriorly, the zygomatic bone and posteriorly, the greater wing of the sphenoid bone (Fig. 8.73). The superior orbital fissure is between the greater wing of the sphenoid and the lesser wing of the sphenoid that forms part of the roof
Summarise orbital fractures
Fractures of the orbit are not uncommon and may involve the orbital margins with extension into the maxilla, frontal, and zygomatic bones. These fractures are often part of complex facial fractures. Fractures within the orbit frequently occur within the floor and the medial wall; however, superior and lateral wall fractures also occur. Inferior orbital floor fractures are one of the commonest types of injuries. These fractures may drag the inferior rectus muscle and associated tissues into the fracture line. In these instances, patients may have upward gaze failure (upward gaze diplopia) in the affected eye. Medial wall fractures characteristically show air within the orbit in radiographs. This is due to fracture of the ethmoidal labyrinth, permitting direct continuity between the orbit and the ethmoidal paranasal sinuses. Occasionally, patients feel a full sensation within the orbit when blowing the nose.
Where is the optic canal found and which structures pass through it
When the bony orbit is viewed from an anterolateral position, the round opening at the apex of the pyramidal-shaped orbit is the optic canal, which opens into the middle cranial fossa and is bounded medially by the body of the sphenoid and laterally by the lesser wing of the sphenoid. Passing through the optic canal are the optic nerve and the ophthalmic artery
Where is the superior orbital fissure found
Just lateral to the optic canal is a triangular-shaped gap between the roof and lateral wall of the bony orbit.
Which structures pass through the superior orbital fissure
Passing through the superior orbital fissure are the superior and inferior branches of the oculomotor nerve [III], the trochlear nerve [IV], the abducent nerve [VI], the lacrimal, frontal, and nasociliary branches of the ophthalmic nerve [V1], and the superior ophthalmic vein
Sympathetic fibres also pass through the superior orbital fissure
Where is the inferior orbital fissure found
Separating the lateral wall of the orbit from the floor of the orbit is a longitudinal opening, the inferior orbital fissure (Fig. 8.85). Its borders are the greater wing of the sphenoid and the maxilla, palatine, and zygomatic bones.
What does the inferior orbital fissure allow communication between
This long fissure allows communication between:
the orbit and the pterygopalatine fossa posteriorly,
the orbit and the infratemporal fossa in the middle, and
the orbit and the temporal fossa posterolaterally.
Which structures pass through the inferior orbital fissure
Passing through the inferior orbital fissure are the maxillary nerve [V2] and its zygomatic branch, the infra-orbital vessels, and a vein communicating with the pterygoid plexus of veins.
Distinguish between the general functions of the extrinsic and intrinsic muscles
extrinsic muscles of eyeball (extra-ocular muscles) involved in movements of the eyeball or raising upper eyelids, and
intrinsic muscles within the eyeball, which control the shape of the lens and size of the pupil.
List the extrinsic muscles
The extrinsic muscles include the levator palpebrae superioris, superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, lateral rectus, superior oblique, and inferior oblique.
List the intrinsic muscles
The intrinsic muscles include the ciliary muscle, the sphincter pupillae, and the dilator pupillae.
List the ranges of movement possible by the pupil
▪ elevation—moving the pupil superiorly, ▪ depression—moving the pupil inferiorly, ▪ abduction—moving the pupil laterally, ▪ adduction—moving the pupil medially, ▪ internal rotation (intorsion)—rotating the upper part of the pupil medially (or toward the nose), and ▪ external rotation (extorsion)—rotating the upper part of the pupil laterally (or toward the temple).
Why does the action of some ocular muscles differ to others
The axis of each orbit is directed slightly laterally from back to front, but each eyeball is directed anteriorly (Fig. 8.91). Therefore the pull of some muscles has multiple effects on the movement of the eyeball, whereas that of others has a single effect.
Summarise the elevator palpable superioris
Muscle of upper eyelid Origin Lesser wing of sphenoid Insertion Superior tarsal plate and skin of eyelid Nerve supply III + sympathetic to smooth muscle
Describe the function and location of the LPS
Levator palpebrae superioris raises the upper eyelid (Table 8.8). It is the most superior muscle in the orbit, originating from the roof, just anterior to the optic canal on the inferior surface of the lesser wing of the sphenoid (Fig. 8.92B). Its primary point of insertion is into the anterior surface of the superior tarsus, but a few fibers also attach to the skin of the upper eyelid and the superior conjunctival fornix.
What is the LPS innervated by
Innervation is by the superior branch of the oculomotor nerve [III].
What is a unique feature of the LPS
A unique feature of the levator palpebrae superioris is that a collection of smooth muscle fibers passes from its inferior surface to the upper edge of the superior tarsus (see Fig. 8.74). This group of smooth muscle fibers (the superior tarsal muscle) help maintain eyelid elevation and are innervated by postganglionic sympathetic fibers from the superior cervical ganglion.
Describe the consequence of a loss of oculomotor innervation to the LPS
Loss of oculomotor nerve [III] function results in complete ptosis or drooping of the superior eyelid, whereas loss of sympathetic innervation (Horner’s syndrome) to the superior tarsal muscle results in partial ptosis.
Summarise the rectus muscles
recti muscles Inferior, superior, medial and lateral Origin Common tendinous ring Insertion Sclera, 5mm behind corneal margin Nerve supply Inferior, superior and medial (III) Lateral (VI)
What is key to remember about the rectus muscles
The lateral has a different nerve supply (the abducens)
Generally, where do the rectus muscles originate and insert
Four rectus muscles occupy medial, lateral, inferior, and superior positions as they pass from their origins posteriorly to their points of attachment on the anterior half of the eyeball (Fig. 8.92 and Table 8.8). They originate as a group from a common tendinous ring at the apex of the orbit and form a cone of muscles as they pass forward to their attachment on the eyeball (sclera- 5mm behind corneal margin)
Where do the superior and inferior rectus muscles originate from and insert, and why is their action so complicated
The superior and inferior rectus muscles have complicated actions because the apex of the orbit, where the muscles originate, is medial to the central axis of the eyeball when looking directly forward:
The superior rectus originates from the superior part of the common tendinous ring above the optic canal.
The inferior rectus originates from the inferior part of the common tendinous ring below the optic canal
Describe the functions of the superior and inferior rectus muscles
As these muscles pass forward in the orbit to attach to the anterior half of the eyeball, they are also directed laterally (Fig. 8.92). Because of these orientations:
Contraction of the superior rectus elevates, adducts, and internally rotates the eyeball (Fig. 8.94A).
Contraction of the inferior rectus depresses, adducts, and externally rotates the eyeball
Describe the innervation of the superior and inferior rectus muscles
The superior branch of the oculomotor nerve [III] innervates the superior rectus, and the inferior branch of the oculomotor nerve [III] innervates the inferior rectus.
Describe the origin and insertion of the medial and lateral rectus muscles
The orientation and actions of the medial and lateral rectus muscles are more straightforward than those of the superior and inferior rectus muscles.
The medial rectus originates from the medial part of the common tendinous ring medial to and below the optic canal, whereas the lateral rectus originates from the lateral part of the common tendinous ring as the common tendinous ring bridges the superior orbital fissure (Fig. 8.93).
The medial and lateral rectus muscles pass forward and attach to the anterior half of the eyeball (Fig. 8.92).
Compare the functions of the medial and lateral rectus muscles
Contraction of medial rectus adducts the eyeball, whereas contraction of lateral rectus abducts the eyeball
Describe the innervation of the medial and lateral rectus muscles
The inferior branch of the oculomotor nerve [III] innervates the medial rectus, and the abducent nerve [VI] innervates the lateral rectus
Summarise the oblique muscles
2 oblique muscles Inferior and superior Origin Inferior: orbital surface of maxilla Superior: body of sphenoid Insertion Inferior: post/inferior quadrant Superior: posterior/superior quadrant, via trochlea Nerve supply Inferior (III), superior (IV)
What is key to remember about the insertion of the oblique muscles
they insert directly onto the globe of the eye
The oblique muscles are in the superior and inferior parts of the orbit, do not originate from the common tendinous ring, are angular in their approaches to the eyeball, and, unlike the rectus muscles, attach to the posterior half of the eyeball
Relate the structure of the superior oblique muscle to its function
The superior oblique arises from the body of the sphenoid, superior and medial to the optic canal and medial to the origin of the levator palpebrae superioris (Figs. 8.92 and 8.93). It passes forward, along the medial border of the roof of the orbit, until it reaches a fibrocartilaginous pulley (the trochlea), which is attached to the trochlear fovea of the frontal bone.
The tendon of the superior oblique passes through the trochlea and turns laterally to cross the eyeball in a posterolateral direction. It continues deep to the superior rectus muscle and inserts into the outer posterior quadrant of the eyeball.
Contraction of the superior oblique therefore directs the pupil down and out
Describe the innervation of the superior oblique muscle
The trochlear nerve [IV] innervates the superior oblique along its superior surface
Relate the structure of the inferior oblique muscle to its function
The inferior oblique is the only extrinsic muscle that does not take origin from the posterior part of the orbit. It arises from the medial side of the floor of the orbit, just posterior to the orbital rim, and is attached to the orbital surface of the maxilla just lateral to the nasolacrimal groove (Fig. 8.92).
The inferior oblique crosses the floor of the orbit in a posterolateral direction between the inferior rectus and the floor of the orbit, before inserting into the outer posterior quadrant just under the lateral rectus.
Contraction of the inferior oblique directs the pupil up and out
Describe the innervation of the inferior oblique muscle
The inferior branch of the oculomotor nerve innervates the inferior oblique.
What is important to remember about extrinsic muscles and eyeball movements
Six of the seven extrinsic muscles of the orbit are directly involved in movements of the eyeball.
For each of the rectus muscles, the medial, lateral, inferior, and superior, and the superior and inferior obliques, a specific action or group of actions can be described (Table 8.8). However, these muscles do not act in isolation. They work as teams of muscles in the coordinated movement of the eyeball to position the pupil as needed.
For example, although the lateral rectus is the muscle primarily responsible for moving the eyeball laterally, it is assisted in this action by the superior and inferior oblique muscles.