Orange module Term list II Flashcards
Diabetes Mellitus type 2
A disease in which the body is unable to use glucose for energy as a result of either inadequate production of insulin in the pancreas or resistance to insulin at the cellular level.
the presence of pouch-like hernitations through the muscular layers of the colon.
A fatty acid and glycerol compound that combines with a protein molecule to form high or low-density lipoproteins
A term referring to normal skin tension, it is the resistance of the skin to being grasped between two fingers and released.
Loss of bone density. Lack of calcium is a major factor in its development.
an abnormal collection of fluid containing high levels of protein and electrolytes in the peritoneal cavity.
abnormal enlargement of the liver.
the treatment of hemorrhoids, varicose veins, esophageal varices, or esophageal varices by means of injection of sclerosing solutions
the death of body tissue as a result of loss of nutritive supply, followed by bacteria invasion and putrefaction.
Cancer causing
tumors found in the mucosal lining of the colon
Bands of scar tissue that bind together two anatomic surfaces that are normally seperate
the surgical formation of an opening of the ileum onto the surface of the abdomen through which fecal material is emptied
yellowing of the skin; disorder of the liver
neural tube defects
group of congenital anomalies involving the brain and spinal cord that are caused due to the failure of closure of neural tube in the womb.