Oral test 2 Flashcards
左右为难(Zuǒ yòu wéi nán)
左思右想(Zuǒ sī yòu xiǎng)
to turn over in one’s mind; to think through from different angles/to ponder
欢天喜地(Huān tiān xǐ dì)
早出晚归(Zǎo chū wǎn guī)
Leave early and come back late
满载而归(Mǎn zài ‘ér guī)
Return with a full load
空手而回(Kōng shǒu ér huí)
Return empty-handed
口是心非(Kǒu shì xīn fēi)
Say something and mean another
Creating something out of nothing
last forever
忽冷忽热(Hū lěng hū rè)
Hot and Cold
忽胖忽瘦(Hū pàng hū shòu)
Weight is constantly changing
没大没小(Méi dà méi xiǎo)
凹凸不平(Āo tú bù píng)
uneven surface
阴晴不定(Yīn qíng bù dìng)
Uncertain weather/someone is in a uncertain mood/moody
对错不分(Duì cuò bù fēn)
是非不分(Shì fēi bù fēn)
黑白不分(Hēi bái bu fēn)
cannot tell what’s right or wrong
生离死别(Shēng lí sǐ bié)
Separated in life and death
冰天雪地(Bīng tiān xuě dì)
A world of ice and snow/freezing/very cold
忐忑不安(Tǎn tè bù ‘ān)