Oral Surgery and Orthodontics Flashcards
What types of soft tissue surgical procedures could be requested from an orthodontist?
Frenectomy (V-Y, Z-plasty)Impacted canine exposure with buccal apical flap or palatal open exposure.Impacted premolar exposure
What types of hard tissue surgical procedures could be requested from an orthodontist?
Orthodontic extractionManagement submerged retained primary teethImplantsMini-implantsOrthognathic surgery
What management options are there for dealing with impacted canines?
Leave and monitor Remove the canineSurgical exposure and orthodontic alignmentTransplant
When might you consider canine transplant?
Cannot reasonably get result from tractionPotential for damage of other teethSpace is available with premolar extraction.
What complication can arise if cutting a flap from 4-4 along the gingival margin?
Permanent anaesthesia of the anterior hard palate due to destruction of neurovascular bundle (incisive papilla).
What does the light pink mucosa represent?
Attached mucosa. Darker/red mucosa indicates unattached mucosa.
What is the implication of exposing an impacted tooth and cutting attached mucosa?
The mucosa will be delicate and likely to recede.
What is the difference between a open or closed exposure when attempting to align an impacted 3?
Open means the tooth is left uncovered by mucosa, closed means the mucosa is left over the top, but gold chain wire has been attached to the tooth surface for orthodontic traction.
What is the implication of taking a buccal approach to expose a buccal placed canine?
You may loose some of the attached mucosa, leading to a weakened gingival margin when the tooth erupts and recession.
Using the parralax technique, identify whether the canines are buccally or lingually placed?
Buccal## FootnotePick a reference pointIdentify which way the tube has movedSLOB - Same lingual opposite buccal
What steps can be done to maintain the attached mucosa when exposing a tooth?
Apically reposition the flap, by cutting a three sided flap, folding it, and suturing the mucosa further down.
Which radiographs can be used for parallax?
Horizontal parallax – this could either be 2 periapical radiographs, or a periapical and an upper standard occlusalVertical parallax – an upper standard occlusal and OPT or a periapical and an OPT
Why might an orthodontist requrire a surgical implant for their treatment?
Mini/provisional implants may be one of the only ways to get proper anchorage without headgear. Typically will use mini-implant.