Oral Study Flashcards
What are required items you should bring to work
Certificate, passport, medical, radio operators permit, company ID, flashlight, headset,
Line captain, flying with SIC who has less than 100 hours
what are the limitations
PIC must make all takeoffs and landings when at special airports prevailing visibility is @ or below 3/4 mile RVR for runway is @ or below 4000 Contaminated runway braking action less than good crosswind <15 kts windshear in area PIC discretion
what makes an airport special
FAA administrator or SkyWest make designate an airport special if it has surrounding terrain, obstructions, or complex approaches,
Basically if it has a briefing pictures in the Jepp Charts
labeled as airport qualification
When do we need an alternate
if within 1 hour before to 1 hour after estimated arrival time, the wx reports, forecasts, or any combo indicate the ceiling will be less than 2000’ above elevation, and or visibility less than 3 miles
When does a Metar report with ceiling lower than 2000 or 3 miles require an alternate, even if the forecast does not require an alternate
on flights with less than 1 hour enroute time
when do we need a second alternate
you can depart to a destination reporting less than req’d min’s using exemption 3585, conditional language must indicate the forecast wx conditions at the destination will not be less than 1/2 the lowest wx min’s visibility established for the instrument approach procedure expected to be used
you must add a 2nd alternate airport.
The first alternate can have conditional wx as well, in ceiling and visibility, but the 2nd alt must be reporting in the main body and condition wx above min’s
Cold dark cockpit, what items should you look for
Crash Axe, fire extinguisher, PBE, flashlights, escape rope, life jackets
When you turn the batteries on, what do you look for
Voltage of 22.5 volts or better
if voltage is between 21.0-22.5, charge the batteries referencing chart in SOPM
if voltage is below 21 volts call mx
Describe the electrical PBIT
It is performed anytime ac power is established on the aircraft. It takes 3 minutes to complete and is good for 50 hours.
It can be interrupted 3 ways.
By interrupting AC power,
pushing any one of the 3 flight control mode switches,
by turning on a hydraulic pump
Describe the Hydraulic PBIT
It is performed when all 3 hydraulic systems are first pressurized. It takes 1 minute to complete and it is good for 50 hours
It can be interrupted by moving a flight control
how long does the evacuation slide light battery last
10 mins
in an electrical emergency do the flaps still work
yes, at a slower speed, and they will only go to a max of 3 in order to provide adequate airspeed for the RAT
What are the 4 things you get back when the RAT powers the AC ESS BUS
AC fuel pump 2
ACMP hyd pump 3A
1 channel of slats
1 channel of flaps
When will the APU Auto shutdown in flight
F……..Fadec Fault
When will the APU auto shutdown on the ground
F……..Fadec Fault
S........loss of signal H........high oil temp E....... high egt L......... low oil pressure f.......... Fire
How do you get a green light on the nose gear
Parking brake off and main brakes not applied
steering switch in ext power panel must be in disengaged–
This will also disengage the steering inside (steer off)
With an inop APU, why do we start the #2 engine first
The ground connections for the ext power and high pressure air, are on the left side of the plane
Which engine do we normally single engine taxi on and why
#1, because system logic will turn on the #2 hyd pump with only the #1 engine running, whenever the parking brake is released, and the pump knob is in auto. this will give us pressure to the INBD brakes which are on sys 2.
The pump will turn off 6 mins after the parking brake is set. it will come back on when the brake is released again
Can we single engine taxi on the #2 engine
YES, by following a QRH procedure which will have us turn on the #1 hyd pump to provide pressure to the outboard brakes
Do you need to reference the QRH for a crossbleed start
No, it is an SOP procedure
when do we select ENG ON for Taxi/Takeoff
temps between 5-10C and there is any possibility of encountering visible moisture up to 1700 AFE
or operating on contaminated ramps or taxiways
When do we select A/I All for takeoff
Temps below 5 degrees C and
any possibility of encountering visible moisture up to 1700’ AFE
operating on contaminated ramps or taxiways
what is SkyWest min speeds in icing conditions
maximum endurance speed or 210kts whichever is higher
If the Wings are set to on for takeoff, when will they turn on
40 kts
If Eng anti ice selected on, when will it turn on, on the ground
after engine start
When will the ice protection turn on in flight
automatically when ice is detected above 1700 agl or 2 minutes after t/o
you see a “Wing A/I Valve open msg after T/O, why might that be
It is a normal test upon reaching 10,000’ agl or 10 minutes after takeoff. It will run for 1 minute or until all slat temp sensors increase by 10 degrees C
Who arms the autothrottles and when
the captain will after runway verification and lined up on the runway
What should be on your FMA before Takeoff
White (To) Autothrottles
Green Roll in later mode
Green TO in Vnav
Remember “To roll To”
What color is ATTCS before Takeoff
When does ATTCS turn Green
when the thrust levers reach TOGA
When will ATTCS command RSV
Thrust levers at TOGA and one of following
Difference between both engine N1 value is greater than 15%
one engine failure during takeoff or go around
Windshear detection
Or when ATTCS is engaged and thrust levers are put into MAX
How do you know that ATTCS worked
The green ATTCS will disappear and the cyan thrust mode will be displayed with a RSV indication
Describe “HOLD” mode
it deactivates the autothrottle servos between 60 kts and 400’. this is to “lock” in the takeoff thrust setting and also to prevent the autothottles from increasing thrust during a rejected takeoff
What is Track mode
Track mode is used to intercept and maintain an inertial derived airplane track from the IRS during Takeoff and Go around
It activates at 100kt and with bank less than 3 degrees on takeoff
on a go around it activates when Toga button is pushed
What are the recommended climb, cruise and descent speeds
250 kts below 10,000’
290 to .74 above 10,000
cruise .74 or .78 per dispatch
descent .78 to 290 to 250 below 10,000’
These numbers are still changing but this is the latest
Describe driftdown procedure
allow autothottles to advance to TOGA
disconnect A/T verify “CON”
adjust Alt selector to appropriate alt, (approx. 20,000’) according to QRH
Set driftdown speed (green dot)
when reaching green dot select FLCH
notify ATC, run appropriate checklist and monitor descent
Why are we disarming the auto throttles on a driftdown procedure
We are getting the thrust to CON (max continuous) we disconnect them to allow us to descend in FLCH in Speed on Elevator and maintaining green dot
i.e. a slow descent rate at max power, stay as high as possible for as long as possible
What system powers the nose wheel steering
What happens when you push and illuminated cargo fire switch in flight
the high rate bottle will discharge followed by the low rate bottle 1 minute later unless you push it earlier
Will the low rate cargo bottle discharge automatically on the ground
no, you must push the button again
Can you discharge the cargo bottles in flight without a fire msg
yes, push the button once to arm it, a second time to blow the bottles according to logic
Can you discharge the cargo bottles on the ground without a fire msg
yes, push the button once to arm it, a second time to blow the high rate bottle and a 3rd time to blow the low rate bottle
what happens when you push the dump button in auto mode
packs and recirc fans turn off
outflow valve climbs the cabin to 12,400’ at 2000fpm
at 12,400 the outflow valve closes and the cabin rises by natural leak
What happens if you push the dump button in manual mode
The packs and recirc fans turn off only
When do we adjust for icing speeds
when Advisory msg Ice conditions is announced. or Stall prot ice speeds
found in QRH or Acars
How do you calculate Vap speed
non-ice conditions
vref +5 min or take 1/2 steady state headwinds plus the full gust factor up to max of vref + 20
ex. landing rwy 36
vref is 130
winds are 360@10 gusting to 20
Vap would be 145kts
icing conditions
vap would be min of vref new +0 up to vref new +20
How long for engine cool down
2 mins
How many batteries for the emergency lights
how long will they last
4, 10 minutes
Can you put out an engine fire with the airplane depowered
yes, the fire bottles are located on the hot battery buses