Oral Prep Flashcards
The ability of a vessel to return to the upright position when inclined from upright by external force.
Light Displacement
Weight at light draught. Water in engine, cooling system and fuel in engine tank, but no fuel or water in tanks, no cargo, no crew or stores onboard.
Weight of vessel at any given draught, including everything onboard.
Load Displacement
Displacement at load draught.
The weight of everything onboard that is not part of the light displacement. (Cargo, fish, fuel, water, stores and crew).
The weight of everything onboard that is not part of the light displacement. (Cargo, fish, fuel, water, stores and crew).
Vertical distance from the waterline to the bottom of keel.
Distance from the waterline to the lowest watertight deck. Top of deck line.
Law of Floatation
When a vessel floats, the weight of the vessel is supported by the buoyancy of the water. It displaces a weight of water equal to the weight of the vessel.
Freshwater Allowance
Difference between draught in fresh vs salt water.
Unstable but not capsized.
MTC Moment to change trim
Moment to change trim. The number of metric tonnes it takes to change trim by 1cm. Found in the hydrostatic table.
Angles of Flooding
The angle the sill or coamings of opening, in or above the freeboard deck first reach the water level.
Archimedes Principle
A body which is wholly or partially immersed in a fluid will experience an up thrust or loss of weight equal to the mass of the fluid displaced.
1 Radian
57.3 degrees
Min GM for MV and Fishing
MV 0.15m Fishing 0.35m
Min GZ
Angle at max GZ
30 degrees or more
Area to 30 degrees stability curve
min 0.055 mRads
Area to 40 degrees stability curve
min 0.090 mRads
Area 30-40 degrees stability curve
min 0.030 mRads
6 Stability criteria of GZ curve.
Must meet 1.
GM MV0.15m FV0.35m
Min GZ 0.2m
Angle at max GZ 30 degrees or more
Area to 30 degrees min 0.055mRads
Area to 40 degrees min 0.090mRads
Area 30-40 degrees min 0.030mRads
Righting lever
Stiff Ship
Big righting lever.
Tender Vessel
Small positive GM.
6 Degrees of Freedom
Ship Stresses
Bending - Hogging and Sagging
Parametric rolling
Advantages of Passage Planning
-OOW less likely to overlook data
-Contingencies identified
-Rest periods can be planned
-Problem areas identified
References for Passage Planning
ICS Bridge Procedures Guide
IMO Resolution A.893
United nations convention on law of the sea.
<12 all laws
12-24 Contiguous zone - customs/imm
200+ EEZ - Fishing/oil etc
8 Position fixes
Radar range and bearing
3 radar ranges
radar range and contour (HoT)
Vert sextant angle
Horiz sextant angle
Running Fix
Required bridge equipment. SOLAS ch__
Magnetic compass, echo sounder, gnss receiver, speed/distance log, gyro, rudder angle/thruster/prop rpm indicator, x band radar
Azimuth mirror goes over
compass bowl
Azimuth circle goes over
Pre dep compass checks
Gimbal free to move
card floating freely
no air bubbles
card legible
no leaks
light working if it has
no tools nearby
4 GPS errors
Atomic clock
4 Echo sounder errors
Multiple echoes
Second trace echoes
Speed of propergation error
Incorrect stylus speed
Doppler effect
Frequency changes when transmitter is moving. Towards us, increases. Away, decreases.
Janus config
Doppler log facing forward and one back. Reduces vertical movement error.
AIS data transmition
Static every single one 6min
MMSI, IMO, Call sign, name, dimensions, type of ship.
Dynamic 2-10sec or 3min at anchor
Position (and accuracy), nav status, ROT, SOG, COG, T heading, time stamp UTC.
ECDIS required by SOLAS for:
Passenger ships >500gt
Cargo ships >3000gt
Safety depth
Soundings less are black, more are grey.
Draught + UKC-HoT. Consider CATZOC
Safety contour
Difference between safe and shallow water. Extra wide isobar
Deep contour
Indicates where a ship may experience squat. Depth around <2x draught
Shallow contour
Highlights gradient of seabed
Charts on ECDIS
ENC (vector) or RNC. RNC needs risk assessment. Must use ENC if available. ENC converts to SENC on ECDIS before showing on screen (system ENC)
Zone of confidence category
A1 +- 5m pos acc 0.5+1% depth
A2 +- 20m pos acc 1m+2% depth
B +- 50m pos acc 1m+2% depth
C +- 500m pos acc 2m+5% depth
D worse than c
U un-assessed
General nav. Rhumb lines cut all meridians at same angle. Ships head doesn’t change from A-B. Land distorts further N or S from equator.
Transverse Mercator
Mercator rotated 90. Axis of cylinder is now equatorial. Used for harbour plans, large scale.
Ocean great circle nav. Straight lines are GC
Distribution of magnetic elements
Autopilot, steering and manual steering checks
test manually once a watch
test manual steering once a day
steering gear checked within 12hrs departure
Official log book
Info Masters guide to UK flag
Draughts, drills, LSA, Cabin inspections. All about crew safety.
GMDSS areas
A1 coast station 20-30
A2 MF coast station <150
A3 Geostationary INMARSAT 76N-76S
A4 Polar 76N+ 76S+
Navtex can’t turn off
A nav warnings
B met warnings
D S&R/piracy
L Additional nav warnings
Distress Channels
VHF 16
HF 2182
HF DSC 2187.5khz
MF DSC 8414.5khz
VHF MF HF frequencies
MF 0.3-3mhz (300-3000khz)
HF 3-30mhz
VHF 30-300mhz
X and S band size/freq
X 3cm 8-12ghz
S 10cm 2-4ghz
10 Radar errors
Shadow sectors
Blind arc
Multiple echoes
Indirect echoes
Side lobes
Radar horizon
Range discrimination
Bearing discrimination
Second trace echoes
Radar pre dep checks
Performance monitor with rings on
VRM against rings
EBL against visual compass bearing
Gyro head matches radar input
International convention of load lines.
To prevent overloading of ships.
Freeboards/watertight integrity
Upthrust of P
When the stern touches the blocks, part of the buoyancy of the water is transferred to the blocks. For a moment G rises and GM gets smaller. B lowers with M.
most at <2x draught
Lose manoeuvrability
Fixed by lowering speed
LSA Code
LSA - what it is
SOLAS - do we need it
LYC - how many do we need
Primary & secondary life raft actions
assist others oboard
cut painter
manoeuvre clear
stream sea anchor
close flap
inflate floor
sea sickness tablets
no water 24hrs
treat injuries
keep raft dry/warm
join rafts together
read handbook
homing 121.5mhz
48hr battery serviced 5 years
COSPAS SARSAt to Local user terminal to MRCC
x band 3cm
96hr standby
8hr continuous interogation
vis 5nm from ships, 30nm aircraft
12 dots >1nm, arcs <1nm, circles at location
Williamson turn
hard over to casualty
at 60deg hard over to other side
20deg from reciprocal, midships and steady
Fire classes
A combustable
B Liquids
C Gas
D Metal
E Electrical
F Cooking oil
FIRE acronym
IAMSAR search patterns
Expanding square - small
Sector - small
Parallel track - large, casualty location unknown
Track line - missing following known track
June 21, Dec 21
March 21, Sep 21
Signs of TRS
Long distant swell
Very good vis and high cloud, decreasing
Pressure falling
Wind increasing (veering N hem, backing S hem)
Weather warning
High pressure characteristics
Cool, calm, clear
Low pressure characteristics
Warm, wet, windy. Unstable air, poor vis.
Coriolis effect
Deflection of air as earth rotates. Air flows from an area rotating faster (equator) to an area moving slower N or S.
Radiation fog
low lying land, clear still night. Air cools over land until reaching saturation. Can move out to sea. Burns off as sun rises.
Advection fog
Warner moist air over cool sea. Cools to dew point. Disperses when wind brings drier air. Sea temp meets dew point = fog
International convention on standards of training certification and watchkeeping.
ch8 standards in watchkeeping
STCW ch8 alcohol
0.05% or less in blood
0.25mg/l breath
STCW ch 8 contains…
ch8 standards in watchkeeping
hours of rest
alcohol limit
OOW responsibility
STCW ch 5
International convention on standards of training certification and watchkeeping.
ch5 special training requirements for personnel on certain types of ships
establishes minimum working and living standards for ships with a flag under the agreement.
Hours of Rest
min 10 in 24. no more than 2 blocks and no more than 14 between. 77 in 7 days. records kept for 12 months.
ARLS Vol 1
Coast/maritime radio stations
Global Maritime Communications
Coastguard Communications
Maritime TeleMedical Assistance Service
Satellite Communication Services
Code flags
ALRS Vol 2
Radio aids to navigation
Direction finding stations
DGPS stations
Radar Beacons
Aids to Navigation
ARLS Vol 3
Maritime safety info
Maritime Weather Services
Navtex stations
ARLS Vol 4
Meteorological observation stations
met station list
ARLS Vol 5
info on GMDSS
Distress and SAR
Code flags
ARLS Vol 6
Pilot services, VTS, Port operations
Comms for each
Sailing directions
Intended for vessels >150gt.
They amplify charted detail and carry info needed for safe navigation which is not available on charts. general nav info, regs for countries/ports, info on anchorages/ports, routeing info
SOLAS ch 5
Safety of navigation
-Govt responsibilities for weather/hydrographic data
-safe manning
-bridge design
-carriage requirements for nav equipment
SOLAS ch 9
Management for safe operation of ships
SOLAS ch 11
Red Ensign Group LYC
> 24m commercial activities no cargo and <12 passengers
Provides criteria and standards to minimise risk to yachts, persons onboard and marine environment
International ship and port facility security code
-Aim to reduce vulnerability of industry to attack.
-passenger, cargo and charter ships
-ship: SSP, SSAS, SSO, ISSC (valid 5 years)
-Company: CSO
-3 levels
> 500gt
-Company/owner: DOC (5 years), appoints DPA
-Ship: SMC (5 years), follow SMS, record
> 500gt
Flag state: Issues DOC, Issues SMS, inspects 5 years and between 2 and 3
-Company/owner: DOC (5 years), appoints DPA
-Ship: SMC (5 years), follow SMS, record objective evidence
Special area
Oceanographic and ecological condition, and traffic, area requires higher level of protection.
MARPOL annex 1
Prevention of pollution by oil
All ships
>400gt must have: oil pollution prevention cert, oil record book, SOPEP.
discharge enroute, 15 parts per million
guidance on steps to take if oil pollution has or is likely to occur
MARPOL annex 2
Control of pollution by noxious substances.
only comply if we are carrying them
MARPOL annex 3
Prevention of pollution by harmful substances in packaged form
only comply if we carry them
MARPOL annex 4
Prevention of pollution by sewage
-All ships
-full compliance >400gt and/or >15pax
-International sewage pollution prevention cert after servey
-discharge only enroute on passage
-treated sewage not less than 3nm
-untreated not less than 12nm
MARPOL annex 5
Prevention of pollution by garbage
-All vessels
-full compliance >400gt and/or >15pax
-garbage mgmt plan
-garbage record book
-must have signs and notify people of requirements
MARPOL annex 6
Prevention of air pollution from ships
-all vessels
-full compliance >400gt
-international air pollution cert
-retain fuel samples and sulphur content
-log ozone depleting substances held onboard
-sulphur content not to exceed 0.5% m/m outside ECA, 0.1% m/m inside ECA
Code of safe working practices for merchant seafarers
- manages occupational health and safety
-33 chapters incl: PPE, PTW, Anchoring/mooring, working at height, risk assessment.
- 5 or more crew need SO
- elect 1 safety rep <16, 16+ 2
-safety rep must have 2 years sea service and over 18
-cabin inspections not less than 7 days
-working area h&s checks <3 months
nature of work
person(s) doing work
safety equipment checklist
signature of worker and authorising person and on deck supervisor
Risk assessment
identify - potential harm
analyse - risks and level of risk
evaluate - eliminate or minimise
implement - decisions
Fire and abandon ship drills
monthly or 25% crew change
Enclosed space drill
2 months
Emergency steering drill
3 months
MOB drill
3 months. Rescue boat lowered monthly
Davit launched life raft drill
4 months
Security drill
3 months or as per SMS
SOPEP drill
as per SOPEP/SMS
ICS bridge procedures guide contains…
-bridge organisation
-passage planning
-duties of oow
-operation & maint of bridge equipment
-recommended publications
1 shackle
Point with no tide due to coriolis.
Places surrounded by amphridome points experience counter rotating circulation like NZ (counter clockwise)
Apparent movement of objects when viewed from different positions
Audible range of sound signals
200+ 2nm
75-200 1.5
20-75 1
<20 0.5
Directed straight ahead as high as practicable
Adjustable sextant errors
Side error
Index error
Sound signal rules
34 manoeuvring and warning
35 ss in rv
Where to find list of required publications for british flagged ship
Masters guide to uk flag
What caused creation of ISM?
Herald of free enterprise 1987
-193 died
-car ferry door left open
-capsised 1nm from port
Maritime mobile service identity
9 digits
Where do we find flags if we don’t know their meaning?
International code of signals
How do we report suspected or new dangers to navigation?
Report to UKHO form H.102 found in weekly NTM
(or NZM)
What is a rhumb line?
A line which cuts all meridians at the same angle
Where do you find masters overriding authority?
SMS as per IMO
SSP as per ISPS
What should a voyage plan identify? SOLAS ch5
Routeing systems
sufficient sea room for safe passage
anticipated nav hazards and weather
marine environmental protection measures
Where do we find guidelines on voyage planning?
IMO resolution A.893 guidelines for voyage planning
Bridge Procedures Guide
Interntational association of marine aids to navigation and lighthouse authorities